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1、山西大学硕士学位论文银行国际化的路径及效率比较分析姓名:郝怡申请学位级别:硕士专业:企业管理导教师:高湘一20070601ABSTRACTWith rtie quick development of global economy, trend of globalization gradually strengthens, flow of capital becomes more frequently, scale becomes larger, cross-border phenomenon becomes more universal and influence of multination

2、al bank on economy becomes larger. Commercial banks build branches in other countiies and achieve mutual communication in die aspect of organization structure. In the meantime, business relations of them have formed a kind of multinational bank network, so globalization has become tfie trend of deve

3、lopment at present and in the future. Since the 1980s, speed of financial globalization is obviously accelerating due to deregulation of Uie financial system control and financial liberalization policy. Development of bank internationalization has become wi important performwice and content, also fo

4、cus of attention at home and abroad. Domestic banks entering into world market is unavoidable after entrance to WTO, which has strategic meaning to tiie economy development in the future. Cross-border business of bank industry is important to its development and competitiveness improving. In other w

5、ords, bank internationalization has become the first problem. So, it is necessary to research deeply on approach analysis and efficiency comparison of bank internationalization.Bank internationalization accomplishes through Greenfield and cross M&A, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. Gr

6、eenfield owns advantages as follows: on one hand, bank can own initiative and flexibility can choose investment scale and location with less interference and grasp investment risk in deep degree; on the other hand, Greenfield is advantageous for the choice of production scale and investment location

7、 suitable for global strategy goals. Bank enters target country by means of cross-border M&A, which can avoid financial restriction of target country, achieve expansion with low cost and quick speed. However, choice ofGreenfield and cross-border M&A is a weighing process that is affected by many fac

8、tors, mainly efficiency comparison of both.The paper analyzes approach selection process of bank international by use of transaction cost theory and game theory, and comes into a conclusion that bank should choose approach with high efficiency considering features of target counUy and bank and other

9、 external factors. The paper has five parts: the first part introduce definition relative with bank internationalization, illustrate relations between multinational bank and bank internationalization ; the second part analyzes reasons leading to bank internationalization from theoretical and empiric

10、al views; the third part illustrates two approaches of bank internationalization and their advantages and disadvantages; the fourth part uses model to compare Greenfield with M&A; the fifth part summarizes the paper and gives advice to domestic banks so as to achieve international development.Key wo

11、rds: Bank internationalization; Multinational bank; Approach;Efficiency承诺书本人郎重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是在导师指导 下独立完成的,学位论文的知i只产权属子山西大学。如 果今后以其他单位名义发表与在读期间学位论文相关 的内容,将承担法律责任。除文中已经注明引用的文献 资料外,本学位论文不包括任何其他个人或集体已经发 表或撰写过的成果。学位论文作者(签章): 200?年It月,曰1跨国银行与银行国际化引言当前世界经济形势飞速发展,生产的社会化和国际化趋势日益增强,国际资金 流动越来越频繁,规模越来越大,银行业跨国经营现象

12、越来越普遍,同时跨国银行 对世界经济的影响也越来越大。各国商业银行相互在对方国家设立分支机构,实现 组织机构上的国际渗透,各国商业银行之间业务联系横向发展,形成一个跨国的银 行业网络,全球化经营已是当前和今后国际银行业发展的必然趋势,金融全球化前景下,银行客户经营行为的国际化趋势大大加强,从而对银行服 务的要求也将向全球化、多元化、标准化方向不断发展。随着生产与销售国际化的 迅速发展,无论是生产者、销售者还是消费者都希望和要求获得全球化的服务。这 在客观上促使金融市场国际化和银行业务全球化的进程日益加快。中国加入WTO,意味着我国经济与世界经济将更加紧密地融合,将推动以银行 为主体的金融活动跨

13、越国界,由局部地医性的传统业务活动发展为全球性的、创新 性的业务活动。另一方面,根据世贸组织对等互惠、政策信息透明度原则,今后我 国银行、企业到有关国家投资、建立分支机构将享受当地的国民待遇,这也无疑将 为我国银行企业发展跨国经营创造良好的外部环境。中国发展跨国银行是金融全球 化的时代潮流和社会经济发展规律的内在要求,也是中国加入世贸组织后国内银行 无法回避的重大课题,对中国未来的经济发展具有战略性意义。对于跨国银行的研究,历来是把跨国银行作为跨国公司的一部分来研究。但是 跨国银行作为金融类企业有不同于生产性跨国公司的不同之处,它经营的是资本、 货币.基于这种背景,本文对跨国银行国际化的路径选

14、择作一定的研究,为中国发 展自己的跨国银行提供一些有益的探索。关于并购的文献可谓浩如烟海,但有关国际投资理论中对跨国并购或新设投资 这两种不同进入方式的比较与选择的研究,则相对少得多。关于银行国际化中跨国 并购与新设投资选择的文献,更是少之又少。就笔者视野范围所及,国内银行领域 对这一问题的研究尚未形成比较完善的理论。国外关于市场进入方式的研究也主要 集中在国外跨国公司直接投资领域,研究的内容主要是何种因素导致了并购或新设 的不同选择。结果表明,有两大类因素影响进入方式的选择:市场因素和公司因素 影响公司扩张方式的市场因素包括市场力量、市场规模和市场增长率。Gilbert ftNewbery研

15、究了市场力量(又称市场集中度)对进入方式的影响。在一个高度集中 的行业中,一般倾向于采用并购而非新设的方式进入,其原因可能是当市场增长时,原有的市场在位者往往会做出激烈反应,以维护他们的市场影响力, Mehra、Yip和Hennart&Park也都发现了市场集中度与并购投资的正向关系。关于 市场规模的影响,Gilbert & Newbery认为市场规模增长往往伴随新设投资的增加; 而Baldwin and Gorecki的结论则刚好相反。公司因素主要包括公司规模和公司多元性。Yip认为,公司规模对进入方式的 影响是模棱两可的:一方面,大公司有更强的实力克服直接进入的障碍;另一方面, 大公司更容

16、易获得并购所需要的融资。Caves&Mehra的研究结果则表明,公司规模 与并购投资具有正向关系;此外,他们还发现公司多元性也与并购呈正向关系。Amit, Livnat&Zarowin, Yip和Hennart&Park也都认为,公司多元性与并购投资有密切 联系。对于跨国银行国际化路径选择的研究,国内研究还处于起步阶段,现有文献还 不是很多。早在1985年,中国人民银行金融研究所的胡玉在他的硕士学位论文(论 银行国际化中提到过跨国银行的进入方式中国人民银行金融研究所的范洵1997 年在他的博士论文(跨国银行发展论中对跨国银行进入东道国的方式作了简要论 述。复旦大学的世界经济系的张纪康在他2001年的博士论文论中国开放进程中 的跨国银行进入中对跨国银行进入东道国的方式选择作了较为全面的阐述。江西 財经大学的邱晓东在2004年的硕士论文 跨国银行在中国新设投资和并购比较研 究中对跨国银行在新设投资和并购这两种方式之间的选择进行比较分析。文中运用博奔论的研


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