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1、rapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier an

2、d approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants duty consumption further. Implementing an hone

3、st canteen, standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research village officials capitalization management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijin

4、g from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretar

5、y pointed out that Chinas reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas

6、, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the five in one the General layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a five in one and the improvement of ov

7、erall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the partys construction in the area of institutional reform. The five in one programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of ins

8、titutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 ple

9、nary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the partys Congress, on the theme person

10、nel, discussing election Centrals top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election

11、, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third诗歌鉴赏答题技巧一、诗歌的表达技巧 1、修辞方法:比喻、拟人、设问、反问、借代、对偶、夸张、衬托、用典、化用、互文、反复等。 2、表达方式:记叙、议论、描写、抒情。 抒情:可分为直接抒情,间接抒情(借景抒情、托物言志;情景交融)。 描写:可分为动静结合、虚实结合、点面结合、明暗结合、正侧结合、粗笔勾勒、白描工笔;乐景写哀、哀景写乐等。 3、表现手法:赋、比、兴;抑扬变化、铺陈描写、象征、联想、衬托、对比、想象、联想、照应、托物言志等。 4、篇章结构:开门见山、曲笔

12、入题、卒章显志、以景结情、总分得当、以小见大、层层深入、过渡照应、伏笔铺垫等。 5、思想感情有:迷恋、忧愁、惆怅、寂寞、伤感、孤独、烦闷、恬淡、闲适、欢乐、仰慕、激愤,坚守节操、忧国忧民等。 6、作用:深化意境、深化主旨、意境深远、意境优美、意味深长、耐人寻味、言近旨远等。二、诗歌鉴赏表达程式 这首诗采用了(表达方式、修辞手法、表现手法)技法,写出了(意象)的(某某)特点,表现(突出)了(某某)思想、感情,起到了(某某)作用。 鉴赏及答题 第一种模式 分析意境型 1.提问方式:这首诗营造了一种怎样的意境? 2.提问变体:这首诗描绘了一幅怎样的画面?表达了诗人怎样的思想感情? 3.解答分析:这是

13、一种最常见的题型。所谓意境,是指寄托诗人情感的物象(即意象)综合起来构建的让人产生想像的境界。它包括景、情、境三个方面。答题时三方面缺一不可。 4.答题步骤: 描绘诗中展现的图景画面。考生应抓住诗中的主要景物,用自己的语言再现画面。描述时一要忠实于原诗,二要用自己的联想和想像加以再创造,语言力求优美。 概括景物所营造的氛围特点。一般用两个双音节词即可,例如孤寂冷清、恬静优美、雄浑壮阔、萧瑟凄凉等,注意要能准确地体现景物的特点和情调 分析作者的思想感情。切忌空洞,要答具体。比如光答“表达了作者感伤的情怀”是不行的,应答出为什么而“感伤”。 5答题示例: 绝句二首(其一) 杜甫 迟日江山丽,春风花

14、草香。泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。 注此诗写于诗人经过“一岁四行役”的奔波流离之后,暂时定居成都草堂时。 此诗描绘了怎样的景物?表达了诗人怎样的感情?请简要分析。 答:此诗描绘了一派美丽的初春景象:春天阳光普照,四野青绿,江水映日,春风送来花草的馨香,泥融土湿,燕子正繁忙地衔泥筑巢,日丽沙暖,鸳鸯在沙洲上静睡不动(步骤一)。这是一幅明净绚丽的春景图(步骤二)。表现了诗人结束奔波流离生活安定后愉悦闲适的心境(步骤三)。 第二种模式 分析技巧型 1.提问方式:这首诗用了怎样的表现手法? 2.提问变体:请分析这首诗的表现技巧(或艺术手法,或手法)。诗人是怎样抒发自己的情感的?有何效果? 3.解答分析:表

15、现手法是诗人用以抒发感情的手段方法,要准确答题,必须熟悉常用的一些表现手法。表现手法分抒情手法、描写手法、修辞手法三大类。 抒情手法有直抒胸臆和间接抒情两种。 “安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜”就是直抒胸臆。间接抒情: 1.借景抒情,如“寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇”; 2.托物言志,如墨梅、石灰吟,一般是咏物诗; 3.托物寓理,如“半亩方塘一鉴开,天光云影共徘徊。问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”,一般是哲理诗。 描写手法主要有: (1)衬托,分正衬和反衬。正衬如“桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情”。反衬又有动静衬,如“明月松间照,清泉石上流”;声寂衬,如“日出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中”;以乐景衬

16、哀情,如“映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音”等。 (2)联想和想像,又叫虚实结合,如“野花留宝靥,碧草见罗裙”。 (3)对比。 (4)白描。如“春种一粒粟,秋收万颗籽。田野无闲田,农夫皆饿死”。 修辞手法在古诗中经常出现的有: (1)比兴。如“关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑”。先言它物引起所咏之物。(2)比喻。(3)拟人。(4)夸张。 (5)双关。如“东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴”,“晴”暗指感情的“情”。 (6)用典。如“商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花”。 此外还有设问、反问、反语等。4.答题步骤:(1)准确指出用了何种手法。(2)结合诗句阐释为什么是用了这种手法。(3)此手法有效传达出诗人怎样的感情。答题示例: 早行 陈与义 露侵驼褐晓寒轻,星斗阑干分外明。寂寞


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