电子与通信工程专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 徐存善 Unit 5

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1、Unit 5,Operational Amplifier,Operational Amplifier,电子与通信工程专业英语,Operational Amplifier,电子与通信工程专业英语,The operational amplifier is the most important basic building block of all linear circuits. It has a wide range of applications in such fields as analogue signal operations, amplification, filtering wav

2、eforms, producing linear and non-linear signals handling, etc.,第5单元 运算放大器 运算放大器是所有线性电路中最重要的基本器件。其应用十分广泛,包括模拟信号的运算、放大、滤波、产生或进行各种线性或非线性的处理等等。,电子与通信工程专业英语,The term “operational amplifier” was originally applied to high gain amplifiers operating down to zero frequency which were used in analogue compute

3、rs to perform certain mathematical operations. These high gain amplifiers are now used for a wide variety of applications, but the name “operational amplifiers” or “opamp” is normally used even though no mathematical operations are involved.,运算放大器这一术语最早适用于下限频率可低到零赫兹的高增益放大器。它可用于模拟计算机中执行某些数学运算。高增益的放大器

4、现在己广泛应用于各个方面,早就远远超出了数值运算的范围,但通常仍称之为运算放大器或OP-AMP。,电子与通信工程专业英语,The early operational amplifiers employed discrete components, but it is now much more convenient to employ an integrated circuit. The circuit designers are not generally interested in the internal components of an integrated circuit,but o

5、nly in the performance of the unit as a whole. Therefore, the symbol in Fig.5-1 is used to denote the amplifier. It can be seen that there are two inputs, one output and connections to the positive and negative supply lines.,早期的运算放大器采用分立元件,但现在使用集成电路就更加方便了。电路设计者通常对集成电路的内部元件不感兴趣,只关心作为一个整体的单元性能。所以图2所示的

6、符号用来表示运算放大器。由图可以看出,运算放大器有两个输入端,一个输出端以及正、负电源端子。,电子与通信工程专业英语,If the inverting input is made slightly more positive,the output will become more negative,this is why the name “inverting” is given to this input. If, however, the non-inverting input is made more positive,the output will also become more p

7、ositive.,假如反向输入端正电压略微增加一点,那么输出负电压将变得更强,这就是之所以称这个输入端为“反向输入端”的原因。然而,假如同相输入端电压正向增大,输出端正电压也将变得更强。,电子与通信工程专业英语,Type 741 device is one of the best known general purpose operational amplifiers and is also one of the cheapest of all linear integrated circuits. The device is actually available in a number of

8、 different packages. Readers will usually find the type of 741 shown in Fig 5-2. This type of package is known as the 8 pin dual-in-line.,741型器件是众所周知的通用运算放大器之一,也是所有的线性集成电路中最廉价的一种。这种器件实际上具有很多不同的封装形式。图5-2所示的741型器件是最常见的,这种封装形式为8管脚双列直插式。,电子与通信工程专业英语,A basic circuit of a 741 inverting amplifier is shown

9、in Fig 5-3. The input signal is fed to the inverting input of the 741 via R1 and therefore the output is inverted in phase with respect to the input. Operational amplifiers are designed to have a very high input impedance. The input currents of the 741 circuit are therefore very small. As the invert

10、ing input is virtually at ground potential,the current which flows through R1 is equal to the input voltage ui divided by R3. Similarly,the current flowing through R3 is u0 / R3. where u。is the output voltage. These two currents are almost equal,thus the voltage gain of circuit is equal to the resis

11、tor values G =,用示波器的水平标尺可以测量时间值,时间测量包括测量信号的周期、脉冲宽度和频率。频率是周期的倒数,所以一旦知道了周期,频率就是用1除以周期即可得到。 一个波形的频率可以通过在水平方向数出该波形一个周期的厘米值来确定,将这厘米值乘上时间/厘米控制钮的设定值就得到它的一个周期所需的时间。例如,假定一个波形长4cm,控制钮设在1ms/cm,那么,周期是4ms,则频率可以用下面的公式算出:,New words and phrases,operational ,preinl adj. 操作的;运作的经营的 variety vraiti n. 种类;多样;杂耍变化;多种 dis

12、crete diskri:t adj. 离散的,不连续的n. 分立元件;独立部件 filter filt vi. 慢慢传开;滤过 n. 滤波器;筛选vt. 过滤;渗透 filtering filtri v. 过滤,滤除(filter的ing形式) integrate intireit vt. 使成整体vi. 求积分;成为一体adj. 整合的 denote dinut vt. 表示;指示;意指 gain ein n. 收获;增益;利润vt. 获得;赚到 vi. 获利;增加 respect rispekt n. 尊敬;方面;vt. 尊敬,尊重;遵守,电子与通信工程专业英语,virtually v:

13、tuli adv. 事实上,几乎;实质上 invert inv:t a. 转化的 v. 反转,颠倒 计算机 反置 package pkid n. 程序包管壳;套装软件vt. 将包装;打包 pin pin n. 大头针;钉;管脚;琐碎物vt. 钉住;将用针别住 impedance impi:dns n. 电 全电阻;阻抗 be known as 被称为 in line adv. 成一直线;有秩序;协调 adj. 联机的,电子与通信工程专业英语,Technical Terms,operational amplifier 运算放大器 inverting input 反向输入端 non-inverti

14、ng input 同向输入端 8 pin dual-in line 8管脚双列直插式,电子与通信工程专业英语,Language points,1. The term“operational amplifier”was originally applied to high gain amplifiers operating down to zero frequency which were used in analogue computers to perform certain mathematical operations. 运算放大器这一术语最早适用于下限频率可低到零赫兹的高增益放大器,它

15、可用于模拟计算机中执行某些数学运算。 句中which引导定语从句,修饰前面的high gain amplifiers,因定语从句并未直接跟在所修饰的先行词后,语法上叫作分隔定语。而定语从句中的to perform certain mathematical operations为动词不定式短语,作目的状语。perform 表示“执行;完成;演奏”,又如: A series of microcomputer instruction which perform a specific limited task. 执行某一特定有限任务的一系列微机指令。,电子与通信工程专业英语,2a variety of

16、 种种;各种各样的;不同种类 1)Here is the network to collect a variety of tools to publish does not limit what type of release can be here. 版块介绍:这里主要是网络搜集来的各种工具公布不限制,什么类型的都可以在这里发布。 2)She offered a variety of excuses. 她提出了各种各样的借口。 3)Accordingly, the Company can provide a variety of products and cheaper prices. 因此,本公司能够提供的产品多种多样,价格便宜。 4)Specifications complete, is the piston ring manufacturing industries in a variety of more comp



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