汽车专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 彭小红Part Seven Automobile Care Unit 26 How to Clean Automobile Interior and Avoid Corrosion

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1、Unit 1 History of the Automobile,Contents,I. New Words,II. Phrases and Expressions,III. Text Explanation,I. New Words,vacuum vkjum v. 用真空吸尘器清扫(某物) interior intiri n. 内部,内部的 upholstery phulstri n. 家具装饰业,装饰材料 carpet k:pit n. 地毯 v. 用地毯铺(房间的)地 dashboard db:d n. 仪表板 accessory ksesri n. 附件 spray sprei n.

2、喷雾,喷剂,喷雾的液体v. 喷,喷洒,向喷洒 rustproof rstpru:f adj. 抗锈的,防锈的,防锈处理的 oxidation ,ksidein n. 氧化,氧化作用 maintenance meintinns n. 维护,维持,日常(技术)维护,II. Phrases and Expressions,aside from 除了外 wipe off 擦去,去除 keep free of 保持免于 floor mat 地垫 central console 中控台 door upholstery 车门内衬 cleaning agent 清洗剂 odor treatment 除臭(法)

3、,III. Text Explanation,Even if we clean ourselves everyday, if our surroundings are unclean, it will impose a risk on our health. impose on 强加于;利用, 欺骗;硬要(某人)帮忙, 打扰 译文:即使每天自己动手清理,但是如果周围环境很脏,还是会影响我们的健康。 even if 即使, 纵然 I wouldnt lose courage even if I should fail ten times. 即使要失败十次, 我也绝不灰心。,III. Text E

4、xplanation,Although there are cleaning agents that make a lot of promises, your best bet is to go with a trusted brand that the majority uses. cleaning agents 清洗剂 译文:尽管各种清洗剂标注了各种承诺,最好购买经常使用的可以信赖的品牌。 although 尽管, 虽然;但是, 然而 Although my car is very old, it still runs very well. 我的汽车虽然很旧, 但仍然跑得很快。 The h

5、igh tax policy is certainly unpopular, although its unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures. 高赋税政策肯定是不受欢迎的,但也未必能满足飞涨的军备,III. Text Explanation,Similar to the method you used on cleaning your upholstery and seats, you can clean your carpets the same way. upholstery 内饰 similar to 近似的, 同样的, 类

6、似的 the same way 同样的方法 译文:与清理内饰与座椅相似,可以用同样的方法清理地毯。,III. Text Explanation,Periodically, you can just use a soft duster, ensuring that your dashboard will look brand new for a very long time. soft duster 软抹布 dashboard 仪表板 译文:定期使用软抹布清理仪表板会使汽车长期看上去像是一台新车。 periodically 周期性地;定期地;偶尔 Economic crises recur pe

7、riodically. 经济危机周期性地发生。 The geyser erupts periodically. 间歇泉周期性地喷发。,III. Text Explanation,That means that the gas oxygen, which we need to live and breathe, that oxygen mixes with the metal of your treasured possession that is your vehicle, combines with that metal and creates, in the case of your ve

8、hicle, damaging rust. gas oxygen 氧气 译文:锈是由于大气中的氧气,即我们生存、呼吸依赖的氧气,当与汽车金属表面相接触时,与金属表面发生反应而产生的,对汽车而言,就是破坏性的锈蚀。 combine with 与结合;兼具 If your talent combines with diligence, you can excel in your pursuit. 如果你把天赋与勤奋结合起来, 你所追求的事业便会出类拔萃。 in the case of 至于, 就来说 Its the kind of story we think of as myth. But in

9、 the case of Lincoln, the story is true. 我们把这类故事视为神话, 但就林肯来说, 这故事却是真实的。,III. Text Explanation,In the case of your vehicle the auto body professional cuts out all the damaged corroded metal the rust on your vehicle, and then replaces or fills in the area with new, clean, rust free metal. 译文:对于汽车而言,先应

10、该切除掉所有受到腐蚀金属(车上的锈蚀),然后在这个区域更换和补上新的、干净的、没有生锈的金属。 cut out剪下, 切去;裁剪; 劈开;停止, 戒除, 放弃;删掉, 省掉 He cut out the picture from the newspaper. 他从报上剪下这张图片。 She cut out a new dress. 她裁剪了一件新连衣裙。 They cut out a path through the jungle. 他们在密林中开出了一条小路。 You can cut out what you like. 你可以随意删减。,III. Text Explanation,Keep

11、ing your car dry, clean and repair paint and metal damage spots promptly so that rust itself will not have as fast as chance to grow, spread and disfigure your vehicle. 译文:保持汽车干燥,及时清洗和修补车漆及金属损伤部位,这样锈蚀本身不会那么快地生长、扩散,以至毁坏汽车亮丽的外表。 so that 以便;结果, 以致 I will give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself. 我会给你所有的事实以便你可以自己判断。 Everyone lent a hand, so that the work was finished ahead of schedule. 每个人都帮了忙, 所以工作提前完成了。 disfigure 损毁的外形, 使变丑 He was disfigured for life by the burns he received in the accident. 他在事故中被烧伤, 致使终身毁容。,


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