国际贸易实务 教学课件 ppt 作者 徐春祥 chapter 9 Business__ Negotiation

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1、Chapter 9 Business negotiation for sales contract,International Trade Practice 国际贸易实务,Prof. Chunxiang XU E-mail: ,All rights reserved 版权所有 禁止用于任何商业目的,2,Reading Tips,交易磋商是买卖双方为买卖货物,对各项交易条件进行协商以期达成交易的过程。交易磋商又称商务谈判(business negotiation),其目的在于促成交易的达成。商务谈判通常分为两部分,一是谈什么?即谈判内容;二是怎么谈?即谈判程序。谈判内容也是国际贸易合同的主要内容

2、,包括所交易的货物的名称(以及规格、型号)、品质、数量、包装;价格(单价、总价)、货物运输、货物运输保险、货款结算、出入境检验检疫、争议与索赔、不可抗力和仲裁等内容。谈判程序即交易磋商(商务谈判)的步骤,通常分为询价、发价、还价以及接受四个环节。,3,Business negotiation include 交易磋商包括,Contents of negotiation / 交易磋商的内容 Description of Commodity, Quality, Quantity, Packing, Price, Term of shipment, Insurance, Payment, Inspe

3、ction, Disputes and Claim Procedures of negotiation/ 交易磋商的程序 (1) Enquiry / Inquiry (2) Offer (3) Counter-offer (4) Acceptance,4,Key points 本章重难点内容,本章内容包括:交易磋商的重要性以及磋商前的准备工作,这是一项交易磋商的基础,供读者了解;第二节,交易磋商的基本原则,同样属于了解内容;第三节,交易磋商的程序,是本章重点内容。,5,Contents,9.1 Roles of business negotiation and preparation 磋商的重

4、要性及磋商前的准备工作 9.2 Cardinal principles 交易磋商的基本原则 9.3 Procedures 交易磋商的程序,6,9.1 Roles of business negotiation and preparation 磋商的重要性及磋商前的准备工作,交易磋商绝非是两家或几家企业之间的谈判,其实质是不同国家或地区之间的经济交往。磋商的失败或失误,轻则失去有利的贸易机会,造成经济利益的损失,重则影响到交易各方的友好关系,造成一定程度的政治影响。,7,Preparations 磋商前的准备工作,(1)选配一支优秀的谈判队伍 (2)目标市场的调研 (3)选择适宜的交易对象 (4

5、)制订周密、完善、操作性强的交易磋商方案,8,9.2 Cardinal principles of business negotiation 交易磋商的基本原则,Mutual benefits, Harmonious win-win 互惠互利、和谐共赢是交易磋商的基本原则。,9,Notes 交易磋商应注意事项,1)加强沟通和交流并以诚相待。 2)要善于运用商务谈判的各种技巧。 3)精力集中,正确判断对方的真实意图。,10,9.3 Procedures of business negotiation 交易磋商的程序,Business negotiation is an important par

6、t of conducting a deal. It plays a very important role in the conclusion and implementation of a sales contract. Business negotiation can be carried out by: Writing (such as communications by letter, cable or telex, etc.) or verbally (e.g. Face-to-face negotiation, negotiation by phone) In general,

7、a business negotiation consists of following links: Enquiry(询价) Offer (发价) Counter-offer (还价) Acceptance (接受) However, only offer and acceptance are necessary links to conclude a deal.,11,9.3.1 Enquiry 询价,An enquiry is a request for a supply of products, services or information. Two types of enquiri

8、es (1) Status enquiry (2) Action enquiry,12,(1)Status enquiry 信用咨询,Status enquiry is a written request for information concerning the financial position, credit, reputation, business methods as well as management capacities. Status enquires are made usually by applying to banks, chambers of commerce

9、, or enquiry agencies for information needed. 信用咨询是一种书面请求,请求交易双方以外的第三方提供交易对方企业的资信状况(financial position)、信誉(credit)、声誉(reputation)以及一些交易做法(business methods)等,这种资信调查通常向银行(可以通过自己的开户行向其国外代理行或分支机构)、商会以及一些资信调查机构进行,因为这些部门提供的信息相对是可靠的。,13,Example of status enquiry,The Tokyo Trading Co., Ltd. Marunouchi, Toky

10、o Japan 11 January, 2010 The East Japan Bank, Ltd. Tokyo Japan Gentlemen, Enquiry about the Firms Status Will you please be kind enough to obtain for us confidence all the information possible respecting the financial standing, modes of business, etc., of the following firm: Messrs. R. A. Prince & C

11、o., London, E.C.3, whose London Bankers are the Westminster Bank. Needless to say, any information you kindly give us will be treated as strictly confidential, and without responsibility on your Bank. Thank you in advance for your kind trouble in this matter, we are. Yours faithfully, The Tokyo Trad

12、ing Co., Ltd. H. Hara, Manager,14,(2)Action enquiry 商务咨询,Action enquiry is to seek a catalogue, price list, samples, etc., or ask for an offer. Action enquiry can be made directly to the firms with which the trader tends to do business. 商务咨询是请求对方提供产品的说明书(catalogue)、价目表(pricelist)、样品(sample)以及请求对方发价(

13、offer),这种enquiry可直接向交易对方索取; Notes: Letters of enquiries must be brief, specific, courteous and reasonable.,15,Example of action enquiry,Dear Sirs, RE: Enquiry for Textile Machines We learn from your embassy that you are manufacturing and exporting a variety of textile machines. As there is a demand

14、here for high-quality knitting machines, we will appreciate your sending us a copy of your illustrated catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. It would be most helpful if you could also supply information concerning the types of fabric to be processed and the type of yarn. Since

15、rely yours,16,Enquiry in international trade 国际货物贸易中的询价,国际货物贸易中的询价是指交易的一方欲购买或出售某种货物,向另一方询问买卖该项货物的各种交易条件。 询价的内容可涉及交易货物的价格、品质、数量、包装、装运条件以及索取样品等,而多数询价只是想探询一下欲交易货物的市场价格。 询价可以口头或书面两种方式来表达。 询价可以由买方发出,也可以由卖方发出。其中,买方询价又称邀请发价(invitation to make an offer),就是买方邀请卖方就自己欲出售的货物给出价格;卖方询价又称邀请递价(invitation to make a

16、bid),即卖方给出自己的价格后,邀请买方回应,要么讨价还价,要么接受。,17,Notes,An enquiry has no legal binding forces on both parties.,18,9.3.2 Offer 发价, Definition of offer 发价的含义 An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated. According to CISG, an offer is “a proposal for concluding a contract address to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound i


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