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1、 cassette n.C 盒式磁带 an audio cassette录音带 a cassette player放音机;放像机 edition n.C the copies of a book, newspaper, etc. that are published and printed at the same time (书、报等的)版次;版本 Ive ordered the paperback edition of the dictionary.我已订购了这本词典的平装本。 Electronic editions of the novel can be found online. 那本小

2、说的电子版可以在网上找到。 tutor n.C a college or private teacher 导师;家庭教师 His parents employed a tutor for him instead of sending him to school.他父母没送他去上学,而是给他请了一位家庭教师。 His tutor encouraged him to read widely.他的导师鼓励他广泛阅读。 feedback n.U advice, criticism, etc. about how successful or useful sth. is 反映;反馈 We are wai

3、ting for feedback from the students parents on the new scheme for buying schoolbooks.我们正在等待学生家长对购买教材新计划的反馈信息。 The feedback from the customers is very positive.从客户那里收到的反馈信息是令人乐观的。 via prep.1. by means of 通过;凭借 The news program came to us via satellite.新闻节目是经卫星传送到我们这儿的。 The news reached me via my aunt

4、.这消息是通过我姑妈传到我这里的2. through a place 途经;经由 He went to New York via Rome.他经由罗马到纽约。 We flew home via Shanghai.我们经上海飞回家。 semiconductor n.C 半导体 Semiconductors are used for making integrated circuits and computers.半导体用于制造集成电路和计算机。 transmit vt.1. send out an electronic signal such as a radio or television s

5、ignal 播送;传送 Fiber-optic cables will transmit electronic signals.光纤电缆能传送电子信号。 The survivors of the shipwreck transmitted a distress signal every hour.失事船只的幸存者每小时发出一次求救信号。2. spread a disease from one person to another 传染;传播 It is a sexually transmitted disease.它是一种性传播疾病。 fiber-optic a.(BrE fibre-optic

6、) 光学纤维的 A superhighway uses digital and fiber-optic technology to provide new telecommunications links.信息高速公路使用数字和光纤技术提供新的远程通信连接。 carrier n.1. C a thing that carries sth. 运送工具,载体 This kind of cable is not an efficient carrier of information.这种电缆不是一种很高效的信息载体。 Carrier-based planes refer to those that

7、can take off and land on an aircraft carrier.舰载机指的是那些可以在航空母舰上起飞和降落的飞机。2. C sb. who passes a disease to other people, esp. without being affected by it themselves (病毒)携带者,带菌者 Over 12,000 people have died of AIDS in San Francisco alone, and right now there are more than 28,000 HIV carriers.仅旧金山就有12,00

8、0多人死于艾滋病,现在还有28,000多名艾滋病病毒携带者。 The doctor estimates that as many as 1 in every 7 of the community is a carrier of the defective gene.这位医生估计该社区每七人中有一人是缺陷基因携带者。 laser n.C 激光 a laser printer激光打印机 Lasers are used for cutting hard substances such as metal and for performing delicate surgical operations.激

9、光被用来切割金属类的坚硬物质和进行高难度的精细手术。 hence ad.for this reason; therefore 因此,所以 A better working environment improves peoples performance, and hence productivity.好的工作环境能改善人的表现,从而提高生产率。 Microwaves have got cheaper and hence more people can afford them.微波炉已降了价,因此更多的人能买得起了。 format n.1. C the way in which data is

10、stored or held for processing by a computer 格式 electronic format 电子版式2. C a pattern, plan or arrangement 样式;计划;安排 Well produce the leaflet in large and small formats. 我们将把传单印成大小两种样式。 There is no set format for these weekly meetings. 这些每周举行的会议没有固定的模式。 audio a.relating to sound that is recorded and fo

11、r broadcast 声音的;音频的 She recorded audio tapes of books for blind people.她为盲人把书的内容录成录音磁带。 He demonstrated how audio signals could be transmitted without distortion.他演示了如何能不失真地转送音频信号。 file n.1. C a set of information stored in a computer (计算机)文件;文档 Every file on the same disk must have a different name

12、.同一磁盘上的每一个文件必须有一个不同的文件名。 Im going to save this file.我准备把这文件保存起来2. C written records that are kept about a particular person or subject 档案 Your application will be kept on file.您的申请将会存档。 We keep a file on each students progress.我们对每个学生的进展都存档。 dose n.C a measured amount of a medicine (药的)一剂;一服 He was

13、not able to sleep without heavy doses of sleeping pills.他不服大剂量的安眠药就无法入睡。 The label on the bottle says the dose is three of the pills with every meal.瓶子上的标签说,用量是每餐服用3粒药丸。 blade n.C the cutting part of a knife 刀片;刀刃 This blade needs sharpening.这个刀片需要磨一下。 wield vt.hold a weapon or tool and use it 挥动;使用

14、 She was confronted by a man wielding a handgun.她被一个挥舞着手枪的男子拦住了。 They rushed at him, wielding their knives.他们挥着小刀向他冲过来。 keyboard n.C the set of keys on a computer or typewriter 键盘 The new model of word processor has a smaller keyboard.新型的文字处理机键盘更小。 The pianist sat down at the keyboard and began to play.钢琴家坐在钢琴前开始演奏。 correspondent n.C sb. who writes reports for a newspaper, TV, etc. 记者;通讯员 a war correspondent战地记者 He is our cor


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