旅游英语 高职语言文化类Unit 7 Sightseeing

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1、Tourism English Unit Seven Sightseeing,主编:孙南南 2013.12,Unit Three Arrival and Departure,Warm-up,Passage Reading,Text A,Text B,Task-based Activities,Special Terms,Assignment,Warm-up,Many of us choose to travel for the reason that we are attracted by so many different beautiful sceneries in different p

2、laces. Therefore, before we go to a different place, we will always plan to visit the local famous scenes.,Discussion: From your own experience of traveling, what is your favorite scene? Can you describe this place? Which kinds of sceneries do you like better, the natural ones or the historical ones

3、? Why?,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,Background Information: The History of Mt. Huangshan Huangshan was formed approximately 100 million years ago and gained its unique rock formations in the Quaternary Glaciation. During the Qin Dynasty, Huangshan was known as Yishan (Mount Yi). In 747 AD, i

4、ts name was changed to Huangshan (Mount Huang) by imperial decree, the name is commonly thought to have been coined in honor of Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor), a legendary Chinese emperor and the mythological ancestor of the Han Chinese.,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,

5、Background Information: The History of Mt. Huangshan (Continued) In 1982, Huangshan was declared a “site of scenic beauty and historic interest“ by the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China.It was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990 for its scenery and for its role as a habitat for r

6、are and threatened species. In 2002, Huangshan was named the “sister mountain“ of Jungfrau in the Swiss Alps.,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,Background Information: 2. 黄山地理位置 黄山位于安徽省南部,北纬30度10分,东经118度10分,处在歙县、黟县、太平县、休宁县之间,属于传统意义上的徽州地区,方圆950平方公里,风景名胜区面积954平方公里。东邻浙江,南连江

7、西,北与宣城、池州两市接壤。是长江与钱塘江两大水系的分水岭。 3. 黄山气候 黄山处于亚热带季风气候区,地处中亚热带北缘、常绿阔叶林、红壤黄壤地带。由于山高谷深,气候呈垂直变化。同时由于北坡和南坡受阳光的辐射差大,局部地形对其气候起主导作用,形成云雾多、湿度大、降水多的气候特点,接近于海洋性气候,夏无酷暑,冬少严寒,四季平均温度差仅20度左右。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,Background Information: 4. 黄山三大主峰 黄山1000米以上的山峰共有77个,其中命名的有72个山峰

8、(36大峰,36小峰)。黄山三大主峰都在1800米以上:瑰丽高峰莲花峰,海拔1864米。 平旷高峰光明顶,海拔1860米。险峻高峰天都峰,海拔1810米。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,Background Information: 5. 世界文化遗产 中国有二十九处世界文化遗产,分别为:明清故宫、颐和园、天坛、长城、周口店“北京人“遗址、承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙、平遥古城、曲阜孔庙孔林孔府、敦煌莫高窟、大足石刻、秦始皇陵、苏州古曲园林、武当山古建筑群、拉萨布达拉宫、丽江古城、泰山、黄山、峨眉山乐山大

9、佛风景名胜区、九寨沟风景名胜区、黄龙风景名胜区、武陵源风景名胜区、庐山风景名胜区和武夷山风景名胜区。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,New Word: remarkable rim:kbl adj. 卓越的,非凡的 pine pain n. 松树 jagged dgid adj. 锯齿状的,参差不齐的 respective rispektiv adj. 分别的,各自的 thanks to 由于 emphasis emfsis n. 重点,强调 thoroughly rli adv. 完全地,彻底地,

10、Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,New Word: maiden meidn n.少女 seedling si:dli n. 秧苗,幼苗 fascinatefsineit v. 使着迷,使入迷 precipitation pri,sipitein n. 沉淀,沉淀物 lush l adj. 繁茂的,丰富的 splendid splendid adj. 辉煌的,灿烂的,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,New W

11、ord: bud bd n. 萌芽,蓓蕾 privilege privilid n. 特权,优待 magnificent mnifisnt adj. 高尚的,壮丽的 zoological ,zuldik adj. 动物的,动物学的 heritage heritid n. 遗产,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,Language Points: It is said that you wont want to visit any other mountains after seeing Wu Yue, b

12、ut you wont wish to see even Wu Yue after returning from Mt. Huangshan. 据说“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看五岳”。 The rare strange pines, jagged peaks, the sea of clouds and hot springs are the four wonders of Mt. Huangshan. 奇松、险峰、云海和温泉是黄山的四大奇景。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,Language Po

13、ints: 3. Together with the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Great Wall, Mt. Huangshan has become one of the greatest symbols of China. 和黄河、长江、长城一起,黄山已经称为了中国的伟大标志。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Four Seasons in Mt. Huangshan,Language Points: 4. Mt. Huangshan is blessed with not only magnific

14、ent scenery but also rich resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site. 黄山不仅有壮丽的风景还有丰富的资源和多样的物种,黄山已经被列为世界自然与文化遗产。,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Phuket,Background Information: 1. The meaning of symbol of Phuket The sy

15、mbol began being used in 1985 AD. The symbol is a picture of Thao thep kasatri and Thao sri sunthon Heroines Monument. The reason for the use of the pictures of these heroines is because they protected the province from the Burmese in 1785 AD. In 1785 Burmese troops were preparing to attack Phuket b

16、ecause the military governor had just died so the island could be easily seized. But Khun Jan who was the widow of the deceased governor and her sister Khun Mook ordered the women to dress as men and take positions on the Thalang city walls.,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Phuket,Background Information: 1. The meaning of symbol of Phuket (Continued) The Burmese were afraid to attack Phuket becaus


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