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1、2012届高考英语必考词汇90天复习案:第13天I.重点词汇1. naughty adj. 顽皮的;淘气的2. network n. 网络;网状物3. overnight adv. 在晚上;在夜里;(口)很快;一夜之间4. perform vt.&vi. 表演;履行;执行5. personal adj. 私人的;个人的;亲自的6. physical adj. 物理的;身体的7. pretend vt. 假装;假扮8. protest v. 抗议,反对 n. 抗议9. rare adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的II. 重点短语1.one another (两者或多者之间)相互;彼此2.or so

2、 大约,放在数词后3.take pains 尽力;费苦心;耐心4.spare no pains 不遗余力,全力以赴5.at pains 尽力;用心;下苦功6.in pains 痛苦的7.stand to attention 立正8.direct/ turn ones attention to 将注意力转向9.perform an operation on sb. 给某人做手术10.perform ones promise 履行承诺11.pretend to do sth. 假装做某事III. 佳句赏析1.People are increasingly using the internet to

3、 talk to one another.人类已越来越多地用互联网来相互交流。2.The general said all means will be used to end the protest.这位将军说要用尽一切方法来结束这场抗议活动。IV. 词汇练习1. He _(假装) to be ill when I came to see him.2. She _ an important role in our organization.3. She said she didnt like it, but _(就个人而言)I thought it was very good.4. While

4、 we are paying too much attention to our students _(身体健康)health, we often neglect their mental health.V. 短语练习1. He pretended _ when his mother stepped into his room. A. to study B. studying C. to be studying D. to have studied2. Why, Jack, you look so tired! Well, I _ the house and I must finish the work tomorrow. A. was painting B. will be painting C. have painted D. have been painting3. In my opinion, the girl _ to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school. A. expects B. hopes C. wishes D. promises第13天IV1. pretended 2. played 3. personally 4. physicalV.1. C 2. D 3. D


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