1、西南政法大学教案首页课程名称法律英语授课专业法学各专业年级2005级课程编号课程类型必修课校级公共课();基础或专业基础课( );专业课( )选修课限选课( );任选课( )教学目标培养英语专业学生阅读和理解法学各专业文献及书籍的能力,要求学生掌握一定的法律语言翻译技巧,对中等难度的专业文献的翻译速度能够达到每小时1000单词总量,且准确率不得低于70%。根本目标在于培养学生综合应用英语获取法律专业所需专业信息的能力,为其工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力、提高文化素养。授课方式课堂讲授();实践课()考核方式考试();考查( )课程教学总学时数34
2、学分数2学时分配课堂讲授34学时;实践课34学时教材名称法律英语教程作 者李荣甫、宋雷出版社及出版时间法律出版社1999年11月指定参考书1 计算机犯罪相关中文书籍2 国际贸易法律与国际贸易发展相关中文书籍3 WTO法律发展相关中文书籍4 国际投资法律相关中文书籍5 国际仲裁法律相关中文书籍6 资源利用与法律相关中文书籍7 英美合同法律有关中文书籍授课教师郑达轩职 称副教授单 位外语学院授课时间2007年3月7月注:表中( )选项请打“”。范例:第一课西南政法大学教案周 次第1周,第1次课授课时间2007年3月9日章节名称Lesson 18 Is It Law授课方式课堂讲授(),实践课()教
3、学时数2时间分配授课要点教学内容的重点和难点ObjectivesStudents are able to_ . 1. have better commmand of the international law 2. translate certain sentences of the text3. have command over comicated syntaxes or discourse4. read and fcomplete the reading and trnslation exercises attached at the end of the text.Focus 1. P
4、PT presentation of the international law and its development in China as well as in the major western countries2. Reading Comprehension Students are to read some designated parts of the text to know the basics of the text discourse3. Translation Skills30 minutesDificulties1. Reading Comprehension: 2
5、. Basic syntactical structure of the language of law3. Leal jargons4. Translation skills50 minutes教学内容的深化和拓展1. Law and Culture2. Language and Law 3. Challenges of the economic globalization on international law development4. different persectives between Chinese scholars and wesern scholars in doing
6、 the research into international law10 minutes本单元的教学手段(采用启发式、讨论式、研究式等教学方法情况及教学仪器设备)A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approachSpecial attention to learners interaction Use the multi-media device where necessary师生活动设计(1) T introduces the topic by presenting the topic
7、 (2) Studnetsc understanding of thw computer crimes (bu asking questions (3) Tow to five students reporting to the class of the understanding of the coumputer crimes.(4) Teachers presentation of the international law in different parts of the world(5) Studnets feedback (questions raised)(6) Students
8、 individual understanding of the text(7) Teachers elaboration of the language points(8) Sudents doing translation思考题或作 业1. Do the exercises pp 2172192. Translate the sentences assigned by the teacher.3. find out research findings on international law in China.4. Compsition _ China and International Law