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1、2010年奥巴马美国国情咨文演说全文英文原稿The White HouseOffice of the Press SecretaryFor Immediate ReleaseJanuary 27, 2010Remarks by the President in State of the Union Address9:11 P.M. ESTTHE PRESIDENT: Madam Speaker, Vice President Biden, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:Our Constituti

2、on declares that from time to time, the President shall give to Congress information about the state of our union. For 220 years, our leaders have fulfilled this duty. Theyve done so during periods of prosperity and tranquility. And theyve done so in the midst of war and depression; at moments of gr

3、eat strife and great struggle.Its tempting to look back on these moments and assume that our progress was inevitable - that America was always destined to succeed. But when the Union was turned back at Bull Run, and the Allies first landed at Omaha Beach, victory was very much in doubt. When the mar

4、ket crashed on Black Tuesday, and civil rights marchers were beaten on Bloody Sunday, the future was anything but certain. These were the times that tested the courage of our convictions, and the strength of our union. And despite all our divisions and disagreements, our hesitations and our fears, A

5、merica prevailed because we chose to move forward as one nation, as one people. Again, we are tested. And again, we must answer historys call.One year ago, I took office amid two wars, an economy rocked by a severe recession, a financial system on the verge of collapse, and a government deeply in de

6、bt. Experts from across the political spectrum warned that if we did not act, we might face a second depression. So we acted - immediately and aggressively. And one year later, the worst of the storm has passed.But the devastation remains. One in 10 Americans still cannot find work. Many businesses

7、have shuttered. Home values have declined. Small towns and rural communities have been hit especially hard. And for those whod already known poverty, life has become that much harder.This recession has also compounded the burdens that Americas families have been dealing with for decades - the burden

8、 of working harder and longer for less; of being unable to save enough to retire or help kids with college. So I know the anxieties that are out there right now. Theyre not new. These struggles are the reason I ran for President. These struggles are what Ive witnessed for years in places like Elkhar

9、t, Indiana; Galesburg, Illinois. I hear about them in the letters that I read each night. The toughest to read are those written by children - asking why they have to move from their home, asking when their mom or dad will be able to go back to work.For these Americans and so many others, change has

10、 not come fast enough. Some are frustrated; some are angry. They dont understand why it seems like bad behavior on Wall Street is rewarded, but hard work on Main Street isnt; or why Washington has been unable or unwilling to solve any of our problems. Theyre tired of the partisanship and the shoutin

11、g and the pettiness. They know we cant afford it. Not now. So we face big and difficult challenges. And what the American people hope - what they deserve - is for all of us, Democrats and Republicans, to work through our differences; to overcome the numbing weight of our politics. For while the peop

12、le who sent us here have different backgrounds, different stories, different beliefs, the anxieties they face are the same. The aspirations they hold are shared: a job that pays the bills; a chance to get ahead; most of all, the ability to give their children a better life. You know what else they s

13、hare? They share a stubborn resilience in the face of adversity. After one of the most difficult years in our history, they remain busy building cars and teaching kids, starting businesses and going back to school. Theyre coaching Little League and helping their neighbors. One woman wrote to me and

14、said, We are strained but hopeful, struggling but encouraged. Its because of this spirit - this great decency and great strength - that I have never been more hopeful about Americas future than I am tonight. (Applause.) Despite our hardships, our union is strong. We do not give up. We do not quit. W

15、e do not allow fear or division to break our spirit. In this new decade, its time the American people get a government that matches their decency; that embodies their strength. (Applause.) And tonight, tonight Id like to talk about how together we can deliver on that promise. It begins with our econ

16、omy. Our most urgent task upon taking office was to shore up the same banks that helped cause this crisis. It was not easy to do. And if theres one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between, its that we all hated the bank bailout. I hated it - (applause.) I hated it. You hated it. It was a


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