《Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》同步训练

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1、Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?同步训练Unit 3Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?单元知识背记手册Section A重点单词1. restroom (美)洗手间;公共厕所2. stamp 邮票;印章3. beside 在旁边;在附近4. postcard 明信片5. pardon 原谅;请再说一遍6. bathroom 浴室;洗手间7. rush 仓促;急促8. suggest 建议;提议9. grape 葡萄10. central 中心的;中央的

2、11. mail 邮寄;发电子邮件;邮件;信件12. east 东方的;东部的;向东;朝东;东;东方Section A重点短语1. get some information得到一些信息2. get to 到达3. turn left 左转4. no problem 没问题5. come on 加油6. at first 开始;起初7. on ones way to往去的路上8. pass by 路过;经过9. pardon me 抱歉;对不起;什么;请再说一遍Section B重点单词1. convenient 便利的;方便的2. corner 拐角;角落3. politely 礼貌地;客气地

3、4. request 要求;请求5. direction 方向;方位6. correct 正确的;恰当的7. polite有礼貌的;客气的8. direct 直接的;直率的9. speaker 讲(某种语言)的人;发言者10. whom 谁;什么人11. impolite 不礼貌的;粗鲁的12. address住址;地址;通讯处13. underground 地下的; 地铁14. course 课程;学科Section B重点短语1. ask for help 寻求帮助2. depend on 依靠;依赖3. such as 例如4. parking lot停车场;停车区5. look for

4、ward to 盼望;期望6. on time 按时;准时词形变换1. suggest (名词)suggestion2. central (名词)center3. east (形容词)eastern4. polite (副词)politely5. direct (名词)direction6. whom (主格)who7. speak (名词)speaker8. correct (副词)correctly重点句型1. Excuse me,could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?劳驾,您能告诉我怎么去这个书店吗?2. You don

5、t need to rush! 你不必太仓促!3. If youre scared,just shout or hold my hand.如果你害怕,就大声喊出来或抓住我的手。4. I was scared at first,but shouting did help.我开始很恐惧,但是大声叫喊的确有帮助。5. You never know until you try something.不尝试一下,你永远不会知道。6. Why dont we come back here for dinner later?我们为什么不过会儿回到这里吃晚餐呢?7. The restaurant is alwa

6、ys busy at that time,so come a little earlier to get a table.那个时候饭店总是很忙,所以要早点来占座位。8. Pardon me,do you know if theres a restaurant around here?打扰了,你知道这儿附近是否有一家饭店?第一课时Section A(1a2d)01基础过关 .根据句意及汉语或图片提示填写单词。1. Weve got lots of time. You dont need to _(仓促).2. Mikes favorite hobby is collecting _.3. Luc

7、ia is taking a shower in the _(浴室).4. Im going to send my pen pal a _(明信片) as his birthday present.5. Are there any _(洗手间)in the neighborhood?.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。beside,normal,bookstore,past,two6. The reading room for children is on the _ floor.7. Go _ the library and then you can see the supermarket.8

8、. Sally chose a room _ mine.9. We can find a lot of _ in our city.10. I _ go to bed early,but I stayed up last night.单项选择。( ) 11. I wonder _ there is a bank _ the store.A. if;cross B. if;between C. whether;beside D. how;near( ) 12. Could you please tell me where the nearest hotel is?_.Go straight an

9、d turn left. You can find one on your right.A. Sorry,I cant B. Yes,I could C. Sure D. I can tell you( ) 13. Go _ the museum,and _ the second turning to the right. Youll find the post office.A. pass;take B. past;take C. pass;get D. past;get( ) 14. Excuse me,could you tell me where the bookstore is? _

10、?I didnt hear clearly.A. Pardon B. How are you C. How do you do D. Yes,please( ) 15. Excuse me,could you tell me _?A. wheres the teachers office B. wheres the bus stopC. whats she doing D. where the post office is02能力提升.配对阅读。请仔细阅读第1620题中五项关于遵循指令的活动,从AG中选择出相应的活动名称, 其中有两项为多余选项。Children need to learn t

11、o follow directions. Its useful in many areas. Many activities teach kids to follow directions in an entertaining way.( )16.The activity works well in a group. Each kid needs the same blank picture and a box of crayons. Give directions for coloring each part of the picture. For example, the kids are

12、 asked to color the flower red, the sun yellow and the grass green. If they follow the directions, each picture should look similar.( )17.Picture or word cards can help kids finish a task easily. Write or draw each step in a process. The kids look at each card and finish the corresponding step in or

13、der. If they follow the steps exactly, they will be able to finish the whole task.( )18.Create a set of directions for kids to follow to find treasure. These directions lead kids to the end of the treasure hunt. If the kids follow the directions correctly, they will be rewarded with the treasure in

14、the end.( )19.Line the kids up. The first person is the leader. The teacher gives an instruction (指令) to the leader. If the teacher says, “Raise your right foot,” the leader must raise the right foot. The rest of the kids follow the leader. If the leader fails to lead the line, he or she will go to

15、the end of the line and a new leader takes over.( )20.In the activity, the teacher gives instructions with or without “Simon says”. For example, the teacher says, “Simon says touch your nose.” Then the kids must touch their noses. However, if the teacher says, “Touch your nose,” the kids shouldnt touch their noses, or theyll


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