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1、Text comprehensionI. B.II. 1. T;2. T;3. T;4. F;5. F.III.1. Paragraph 2. It is our society, which overemphasizes winning, considers failure a sin, and sees prosperity in the present as a sure sign of salvation in the future.2. Paragraph 4. Because the students may have acquired more or less knowledge

2、 out of the course than the grade indicates.3. Paragraph 5. His attitude is critical. He complains the exclusion of such important characteristics as courage, kindness, wisdom and good humor.4. Paragraph 8. It was to make a clear distinction between the student as classroom performer and the student

3、 as human being. So a low grade, at best, indicates an incompetent classroom performer, not an incompetent human being.5. Paragraph 9. He thinks social labels, including grades, are basically irrelevant and misleading, though necessary. But its not self-contradictory because social labels are necess

4、ary as ways of distinction for job choice, not as reasons for attitude toward others or ourselves in human terms.IV.1. Being unsuccessful and disadvantaged is regarded as sinful because in this word people tend to think todays success can save one from evil in the future.2. It is important to see th

5、e fact that although they differ in their class status and educational background, human beings are essentially the same. Biologically they are constructed in the same way, and they share the common feelings of fear and joy and the common experience of suffering and achieving. This commonality has b

6、ound them together. All of them will regard wars, diseases, and disasters both private and public as unfortunate big events in their life time.Structural analysis of the text1. Paragraph 25. Key words: Disappointment. Main idea: Grades do not mean everything.2. Paragraph 68. Key words: The student a

7、s performer; the student as human being. Main idea: Getting a B in class does not mean one will always be a B performer in life.3. Paragraph 910. Key words: Perspective. Main idea: In a complex society like ours, labels are necessary but they should be kept in perspective.Section Four Consolidation

8、ActivitiesPart one. Vocabulary AnalysisI.Phrase practice1. essence: inner nature; indispensable quality; the most important part本质,实质,精髓e.g. His works reflect the essence of fascism.他的作品反映出法西斯的本质。2. deadly sins: sins leading to damnation. (pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth,

9、in Christianity)3. misleading: making you think or act wrongly误导,误入歧途e.g. He deliberately misled us about the nature of their relationship.关于他们究竟是什么关系,他故意给我们留下错误印象。This sentence has misled us into thinking that the answer was wrong.这句话误使我们认为那个答案是错误的。4. conventional task: task traditionally required

10、of students传统任务e.g. This conventional task is so easy that even a pupil can finish it.这个传统任务是如此简单,甚至小学生都能完成。5. in short supply: far from enough供给不足,缺乏e.g. The water and food for disaster area is in short supply.这些水和食物给灾区是远远不够的。Potatoes are in short supply because of the bad harvest.由于收成不好,现在马铃薯供应不足。

11、II.1. define;2. irrelevant;3. correspond to;4. flunked;5. rather;6. makes a point of;7. apt to;8. go round.III.Word derivation. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. His vision was nearly restored to normal after the removal (remove) of the tumor in his brain.2. The maj

12、or issue of the conference was how to cope with the severe consequences resulting from the climatic (climate) changes on our planet.3. This company is in trouble and the latest plan for its salvation (salvage) has few supporters.4. It is said in the job ad that those who apply for the vacancy should

13、 have proficiency (proficient) in at least two languages.5. Dont rely on the information she gave you its pure assumption (assume) on her part.6. The age of college students normally (norm) ranges from 18 to 22.7. The governments inaction to curb inflation and unemployment caused strong resentment (

14、resent) among the public.8. The Sichuan earthquake turned out to be the most disastrous (disaster) one the country has witnessed in the past one hundred years.1. remove v.消除,除去;脱掉removable a.可除去的,可移动的removal n.移动,移居;除去e.g.我们的家已从北京迁到上海。Our home has removed from Beijing to Shanghai.他脱下帽子表示敬意。He remove

15、d his hat as a sign of reverence.2. climate n.气候;风气climatic a.气候上的e.g.她很快就适应了这种多变的气候。She adapted herself quickly to the changeable climate.3. salvage v.打捞,抢救salvageable a.可抢救的,可打捞的salvation n.得救,拯救;赎罪e.g.房子里没有什么东西可救的了。There is nothing that is salvageable in the building.天气干旱了这么久,这场雨成了农民的救星。After so much dry weather, the rain has been the farmers salvation.4. proficient a.熟练的,精通的proficiency n.熟练,精通e.g.我可以说对唱歌很在行。Id say I am quite proficient at singing.5. assume v.假定,设想;承担;认为assuming conj.假定,假如assumption n.假定,设想e.g.



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