人教版高中英语 必修 2 Unit 1 Cultural relics Period 4

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1、第四课时 词汇课一、教学内容Discovering useful words and expressions (p. 3); Using words and expressions (p. 42) 二、教学目标在本节课结束时,学生能够l 查字典确定词汇在具体语境中的含义。l 了解本单元重点词汇的用法并在语境中使用这些词汇。三、教学步骤步骤一 检查作业请学生在限定时间内根据括号内的英文注释从本单元找出适当的词汇填空,然后教师找几个学生分别说出答案。设计意图:打破常规枯燥的英英互译模式,采取空出课文句子中的重点词汇,请学生根据该词的英文释义填词的方式检测他们对重点词汇含义的理解;同时也使他们体会这

2、些词汇在语境中的应用。步骤二重点词汇学习1.查字典:教师和学生一起翻开词典,按照字母顺序在词典中查到belong所在页。找到belong to的词条,学习其用法。或者请学生看学生用书p. 3练习三关于belong to的解释和用法。2.用法连线:请学生独立将练习三例句中的用法与词典中相应的释义连线。然后教师请几个学生说出答案。如果答案有错误,请其他学生帮助改正。3. 选择填空:请学生在限定时间内独立完成以下选择填空。然后教师请几个学生说出答案,如果答案有错误,请其他学生帮助改正。4利用例句总结学习其他词汇。让学生观察例句,选择蓝色词在句中的确切含义;并用该词或词组造句或者翻译句子。每个句子请一

3、个学生做,其他学生可以发表自己的不同意见。有问题大家一起更正。设计意图:教授学生查字典确定词义的方法,提高学生利用工具书解决问题的能力。通过造句和翻译句子练习使用本单元重点词汇。步骤三 词汇练习 1.连词成句:请学生按照例子所示将PPT中的词连成句子。然后教师请几个学生说出答 案。如果答案有错误,请其他学生帮助改正。2.段落填空:让学生在限定时间内从所给词汇中选出符合句意的词汇填空。然后教师让几个学生说出答案,如果答案有错误,其他学生和教师帮助改正。3.编短文:请学生四人一组从本单元词汇表中选取词汇,编写一篇短文,所使用的本单元的词汇越多越好。用投影仪展示几组学生的短文(或者请两组学生在前面做

4、,将短文写在黑板上),标出用到的生词。其他学生和教师一起阅读短文,主要注意生词的使用是否正确。如果有问题大家一起更正。设计意图:针对本单元的核心词汇进行各种练习,检测学生对所学词汇在不同语境中的灵活应用能力。步骤四 作业 注:教师可以打印下列短文发给学生The Rescue of Abu Simbel(阿布神庙)Among the greatest man-made objects are the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Egypt and the Aswan High Dam(阿斯旺水坝), which is also in Egypt.Th

5、e Aswan High Dam was completed in 1970. It was built for several reasons. First, the River Nile used to flood large areas every year and destroyed houses and crops. The Aswan High Dam controls the waters of the Nile so that they now run regularly all through the year. Second, electricity can now be

6、made from the water which rushes through the base of the dam. About 20-50% of the electricity which Egypt needs is produced from this dam. Before they began to build the dam, people already knew there were going to be several problems. As a result of the dam, the water level of the lake was going to

7、 rise by 63 metres. It would be necessary to move 53,000 people from their villages. Also, around the areas of the Aswan there are a lot of important old temples, which date from about 1250 BC. These temples were in danger; when the dam was finished, many of them would be covered by the water of the

8、 new lake. One of the most important temples in danger was the one at Abu Simbel. It was carved in rock and had on the outside four large stone statues, each of which was 20 metres high. Engineers studied the problems and made several different plans for rescuing the temple. The engineers thought ab

9、out all the possible plans. At last, they decided to move the whole temple stone by stone and rebuild it over the water level of the new lake. The project lasted four years and cost one billion US dollars. In all, 1,700 workers and 200 other people worked on the project. First, each stone was marked

10、 with a number. The pieces of stone were then carried to the new place, 60 metres higher up the hills.The project was successfully completed in 1966. Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake. There, by the waters of the new lake, you can see the tall stone s

11、tatues and visit the temple of the gods. The place is quiet and very beautiful. All visitors who go there believe that it was right that the temple was rescued. Answer the following questions: 1. Where is the Aswan High Dam?_2. What problems did people meet in building the Aswan High Dam?_3. How did they solve the problem of Abu Simbel?_设计意图: 练习使用本单元的重点词汇,并通过阅读和回答问题为下一课时做准备。 6


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