新人教版 高中英语 必修5 Unit 1 Great seientists Learning about Language学案人教版(必修5)

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1、Period TwoLearning about LanguageGrammar:The Past Participle (1) as the Attribute and Predicative过去分词作表语和定语1过去分词作定语(1)单个的过去分词作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前,有时也放在被修饰的名词之后。My friend is a returned student.我的朋友是个归国的留学生。The excited people rushed into the hall.激动的人们冲进大厅。There is no time left.没有多少时间了。(2)过去分词短语作定语要放在被修饰的名

2、词后面,作后置定语,其作用相当于一个定语从句。The student dressed in white is my daughter.The student who is dressed in white is my daughter.穿白色衣服的学生是我的女儿。Is there anything planned for tonight?Is there anything that has been planned for tonight?今晚安排了什么活动没有?The book,written in 1957,tells the struggle of the miners.The book

3、,which was written in 1957,tells the struggle of the miners.这本书是1957年写的,讲的是关于矿工斗争的故事。过去分词作定语与所修饰词之间存在两种意义关系:一是及物动词表被动意义(或已完成的被动动作);二是不及物动词表示完成意义。an organized trip有组织的旅行(被动)The question discussed was very important.被讨论的问题非常重要。(即表被动又表完成)boiled water开水(完成)fallen leaves落叶(完成)2过去分词作表语过去分词作表语,表示主语所处的状态(用作

4、表语的过去分词大多已形容词化)。这种结构从形式上看与被动语态相同,但后者表示主语所承受的动作。He is very tired after a long walk.走了很长的路,他感到很累。(系表结构)This window is broken.这个窗户破了。(系表结构)This window was broken by the naughty boy there.这个窗户是被那边那个顽皮的男孩打破的。(被动语态)3现在分词和过去分词作定语的区别:现在分词作定语表示主动意义,过去分词作定语一般表示被动含义。现在分词作定语表示动作正在进行,过去分词作定语表示状态或动作已完成。The child

5、standing over there is my brother.站在那儿的男孩是我弟弟。The room facing south is our classroom.朝南的房间是我们的教室。He is an advanced teacher.他是位高级教师。4现在分词和过去分词作表语的区别:ving形式表示“令人的”,多用来修饰物;v.ed形式表示“某人感到的”,多用来修饰人。The book is very interesting.这本书很有趣。He is very interested in the book.他对这本书很感兴趣。This is a moving story.这是一个感

6、人的故事。We were deeply moved by the story.我们被这个故事深深地打动了。The news is very exciting.这消息太激动人心了。I was excited at the news.听到这个消息我很激动。注意:(1)v.ing形式也可以修饰人,v.ed形式也可以修饰物,要根据句意选择适当的形式。the worried expression忧虑的表情the disappointing boy令人失望的孩子(2)英语中一些表示心理变化的动词,其中v.ing和v.ed形式通常起形容词作用,在句中作定语或表语,常用的这类词有:.单项填空1Can thos

7、e_at the back of the classroom hear me?No problem.Aseat Bsit Cseated Dsat答案C解析“_at the back of the classroom”为分词短语作定语。sit为不及物动词,可用sitting.作定语;seat为及物动词,常与反身代词连用或用be seated形式。这里seat 与those构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用其过去分词作定语。2We finished the run in less than half the time _.Aallowing Bto allowCallowed Dallows答案C解析句

8、意为:我们用了不到被允许的时间的一半就跑完了。time后缺少定语,“时间”与“允许”之间是被动关系,因此用过去分词形式。3Please remain _;the winner of the prize will be announced soon.Aseating BseatedCto seat Dto be seated答案B解析句意为:请在座位上坐着;很快就会宣布获奖者。seat是及物动词,remain/be seated保持坐着的状态,坐着。4The trees _ in the storm have been moved off the road.Abeing blown down B

9、blown downCblowing down Dto blow down答案B解析句意为:在暴风雨中被吹倒的树已经被从道路上移走了。“树木”的后面缺少定语,因为blow down与trees之间是动宾关系,且是已经完成的动作,故用过去分词短语blown down。5It is one of the funniest things_on the Internet so far this year.Afinding Bbeing foundCto find Dfound答案D解析found此处为过去分词作后置定语,用来修饰things,与things构成被动关系。句意为:这是今年到目前为止在因特

10、网上发现的最滑稽的事情之一。6The Town Hall_in the 1880s was the most distinguished building at that time.Ato be completed Bhaving been completedC completed Dbeing completed答案C解析completed in the 1880s为过去分词短语作定语修饰the Town Hall,二者之间为被动关系;D项表示动作正在发生,不合题意;B项不能作限制性的定语。7At the beginning of class,the noise of desks_could

11、 be heard outside the classroom.Aopened and closed Bto be opened and closedCbeing opened and closed Dto open and close答案C解析本题考查非谓语动词作定语。过去分词作定语表完成、被动;不定式作定语表将来;现在分词作定语表示正在进行。句意为:开始上课时,在教室外面就能听到开关课桌的声音。此处表示开关课桌的动作正在进行,因此用现在分词作定语。8The_dishes lay on the floor.Abreaking BbrokenCbroke Dbreak答案B解析本题考查非谓语动

12、词作定语。句意为:那些打碎了的盘子在地上。9It was such a_job that I really felt_.Atiring;tiring Btired;tiredCtiring;tired Dtired;tiring答案C解析tiring使人疲劳的,令人厌倦的;tired疲劳的,累的。10Theres a big dog_to a fence outside the house.Atying Btied Cto tie Dties答案B解析本题考查分词作定语,tie“拴,系”和修饰的词dog之间有被动关系,故选tied。句意为:有一条狗拴在房子外面的篱笆上。11His abilit

13、y_in those years was praised by all of us.Ashowing Bbe showingCshown Dwas shown答案C解析句意为:这几年他表现出来的能力让所有的人赞叹。因为show和his ability之间是动宾关系,故用shown。12He seemed quite_at the idea.Apleasing BpleasedCplease Dpleasant答案B解析pleased感到高兴的;pleasing令人高兴的;pleasant令人愉快的,舒适的,合意的,故选B项。13The boy_by the police has no pare

14、nts.Aquestioned Bhas been questionedChaving been questioned Dquestioning答案A解析句意为:被警察盘问的那个孩子没有父母。question与the boy是动宾关系,故选A项。14From the date_on the gold coin,we decided it was made 600 years ago.Amarking BmarkedCto be marked Dbeing marked答案B解析句意为:从金币上所标的日期看,我们断定它是600年前制造的。the date和mark之间是动宾关系,故选B项。15The girl_down by a car was dying.Aknock BknockingCknocked Dto knock答案C解析句意为:被车撞的那个女孩快要死了。the girl和knock之间动宾关系,故选C项。16The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remai



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