高中英语必修2人教版精品导学案:Unit 3 Computers学案

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1、Unit3 Computers第一课时 Warming up & vocabulary预习导学一.本单元重点单词:calculate_ universal_ simplify_ sum_ operator_ logically_ technology_ technological_ revolution_ artificial_ intelligent_ intelligence_ solve_ reality_ personal_ personally_ application _ total _ totally_ network_ finance_ web_ tube_ mobile_ r

2、ocket_ explore_ anyhow_ mop_ goal_ happiness_ download_ virus_ signal_ appearance_ electronic_ type _ coach_ character_ arise_ niece _ 二.本单元重点短语: 1.从现在起_ 2.因此_ 3.如此-以致于_ 4.人类_ 5.在某种程度上_ 6.在-的帮助下_7.处理,对待_ 8.监视,看守_ 三本单元语法:现在完成时的被动语态的结构和用法实战演练一单词拼写1. We should e_new ways to solve the problems that we a

3、re facing.2. P_speaking, I prefer English to maths.3. We should try to s_this difficult problem to make it easier to be understood by others.4. Dont judge a person by his a_.5. They are twins, so they have something in c_6. After years of hard work, his dream has become a r_.7. Computers are used to

4、 c_with each other around the world by the internet.8. In the past 20 years, my hometown has t_changed.9. If any problem a_,please tell me.10. Has Edward_(计算)the result?二根据句子意思,从下表所给出的词汇中选出合适的单词或词组,并用其正确形式填空.goal, watch over, as a result, deal with, after all, total, with the help of1._ his friends,

5、 he overcame his difficulties successfully.2.If you dont set yourself _, you will often find yourself wasting time.3.The _ cost of these things is 100 dollars.4.As an elder brother, you have the responsibility to _-_your sister.5.The cold weather has frozen the river._,he cant go boating as he usual

6、ly would.6.Dont scold the boy._,he is only 5 years old.7.She is used to _all kinds of people.反馈检测一单项选择1. Although they are twins, they have little_.A. the same as B. in common C. in commons D. much like2. _ the teacher, we finally understand the meaning of the passage.A. With the help of B. Under th

7、e help of C. After the help of D. By the help of3. He _her role in the play, which made others unhappy.A. had a good idea of B. thought highly of C. took pride of D. made fun of4. As time_ my memory seems to get worse.A. goes along B. goes away C. goes by D. goes through5. Although he didnt want to

8、go to the ball, he accepted the invitation. _the ball was important to him.A. After all B. In all C. First of all D. Above all6. Trees of this kind are so _ that they can been seen everywhere.A. usual B. ordinary C. normal D. common7.Weve missed the bus. Im afraid we have no_ but to wait.A. way B. c

9、hoice C. possibility D. selection8. _are you going to_ the book? Keep it, of course.A. What , deal with B. How, deal with C. How, do with D. What, use9. While he was_ about in the street, he met an old friend by chance.A. wandering B. wondering C. wondered D. wandered10. Problems_ because they were

10、lack of communication.A. raised B. added C. showed D. arose11. You may not agree, but_ I think she is a very good student.A. personally B. truly C. generally D. commonly12. She made such a silly mistake because she hadnt kept her _ on her work.A. head B. heart C. brain D. mind13. Why do you ask me t

11、o take that early bus? Because that bus_ the 9:00 am train at London.A. join in B. joins up C. unites with D. connects with14.I cant go to bed early again tonight.-Are you really _busy as to stay up every day?A. much B. very C. too D. so15.The tiger was made _in the cage, but it was so strong that i

12、t nearly made the cage_.A. stay; break B. stay; broken C. to stay; broken D. to stay; broke第二课时 Reading预习导学Whats the robot like?An inventor has created his perfect woman, a robot who can do the cleaning, remember his favourite drink and read him the newspaper headlines.LeTrung, 33, has spent14,000 creating Aiko, who he describes as in her 20s with a 32, 23, 33 figure, shiny hair and delicate features. She can speak English and Japanese.MrTrung said he has never had time to find a real partner so he designed an



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