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1、高考备考:2013年高考英语应用文日记写法指导日记是用来叙述一天生活中发生的有意义事件的文体,特别是那些具有教育意义或值得今后回忆、查阅或参考的事情。日记的素材应是最有趣或最有感受的一些事情。通常用用记叙文或简单的议论文体裁。字数不宜过多。格式:一般是在左上角记上当天的日期(年、月、日),星期;右上角写上当天的天气情况。下面一行可以写上日记小标题,也可以不写标题。时态:日记记叙的时间,通常是在当天的下午或是晚上,特殊情况下也可以第二天补记。 因此,所用的时态多为过去时态。但应灵活掌握;如记叙天气、描写景色,或为了描写生动,议论某事、对话引语等,也可使用现在时。类型:日记可分记事、议论、描写及抒

2、情等。记事型是用英语记述当天自己生活、学习中发生的事情。议论型是对生活中的某一事情或情况、现象谈自己的看法,发表议论。描写型、抒情型,则是对某人物、事物的特征做细致的描述,或针对某事物抒发自己的感情。顺序:日记一般按事情发生的先后顺序记述,所以有时需要借助一些表示先后顺序的词语。如:at first, then, later on,afterwards, soon, finally, at last 等。请看下面的例子:例1范文 April 9th, Sunday FineIt is Sunday today. I didnt get up as early as usual. In the

3、morning after I finished my homework, I did some washing. Then I called Wu Gang and invited him to see the film “Lion King”. But unfortunately when we got to the cinema at two oclock in the afternoon, we found all the tickets had been sold out. Then we went back to school to play table tennis. After

4、 this when we were about to go home, we saw our English teacher Ms Liu at the school gate. She told us that we had made great progress in English this term. She suggested that we should do more reading and listening. We promised her that we would take her advice.例2.请根据下面所提供的情景,写一篇100字左右的日记。8月6日 星期天

5、晴上午10点钟,你正在一家商店东西,这时进来一对美国夫妇。他们要买一件衬衫。由于售货员不懂英语,他们显得很着急。你帮了他们的忙,他们对你很感激。你对自己能与外国人交谈感到很高兴。范文August 6, Sunday FineI was doing some shopping at ten oclock this morning when an American couple entered the shop. They told the shop assistant that they wanted to buy a shirt. The assistant, however, did not

6、 understand what they said. He made an apology to them. The couple did not understand what the assistant said, either. They all seemed to be very anxious. I went over and acted as their interpreter. The couple bought a nice shirt. They thanked me again and again.I am glad that I have made some progress in my English study, for I can talk with foreign guests in English!- 2 -


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