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1、高考备考:高考英语作文书信如何写?书信格式英文书信的构成可分为7个部分:信头(Heading)日期(Date)收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address)称呼(Salutation)信文(Body of the letter)结束语(Complimentary close )署名(Signature)(1)信头(Heading)信头是指发信人的单位名称或地址。一般情况下发信人只需把自己的地址写(打字,手写均可)在信的右上角,离开信纸的顶头约1英寸,占二三行或四行均可,格式如下:注意:写地址的次序与中文不同,应先写门牌号码街道,然后城市和国名。写地址时间采用齐头或缩进式,以

2、及每行后要不要加标点符号,都没有固定的规定,如写给经常往来的亲友,这项地址也可以省略。(2) 日期(Date)写日期注意下列各点: 年份应写全。例如不能用“99”来代替“1999”; 月份应写英文名称,除May, July外,可用缩写,如:Sep., Oct.。但不要用数字来代替,如7/4/99或7,4,99,因为在英国此日期代表7th April, 1999, 而美国则代表4th July, 1999。日期可用1,2,3,411,1221,2231等,也可用1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 11th, 21st22 nd, 31 st等。日期的几种写法:a: July 7, 1998b.

3、 1st October, 1998c. 30 Nov., 1997d. Sep. 3 rd, 1999 特别注意英文书信日期应紧着写信人地址下一行,不能像写中文书信那样写在书信签名之后,这是很多学生的常见错误。例一(3) 收信人姓名及地址(inside Name and Address)写信人的地址和日期写好以后,接着就要写收信人的姓名和地址,一般的事务信件或给较生疏的朋友的信件要写,而在给较熟的朋友的信中则可省去。这一项写在日期下一行的左上角。收信人姓名写一行,收信人地址可分两行或三行写,和写信人的地址一样,上下可取齐,也可向右缩进。在姓名前一般要加上称号,称号因人而异。 对普通男子用Mr

4、.;对未婚女子用Miss;对已婚女子用Mrs., 对婚姻状况不明确的通常用Ms (后跟本人姓);对教授或博士(医生)用Prof. 或Dr.(4) 称呼(Salutation)称呼指的是信文开头的那种称呼,如Dear, Mr., uncle, 各种称呼因人而异。在称呼后面一般是用逗号,但也有用冒号的。现归纳如下:对父母、兄弟、姐妹等;a. Dear Father,b. My dear Mother,c. Dear Sister,d. Dear Tom, 对亲戚:a. My dear Auntie.b. Dear Cousin,c. My dear Cousin, 对朋友、同学a. My dear

5、 friend,b. Dear Mr. Jackson,c. My dear Mr. Jackson, 对未婚女子:a. Dear Miss Luce,b. My dear Miss Luce, 对一般妇女,不论是否结婚:a. Ms.b. Dear Madame, 对已婚生子:a. Dear Mrs. Helen Jackson,b. My dear Mrs. Helen Jackson, 对公司、工厂、学校等:a. Dear Sirs,b. Sirs,c. Gentlemen,(5) 信文(Body of the letter)信文是信件的主体部分,也就是信的内容。正文应在称呼下两行开始。信

6、的开头第一个字母通常和称呼开头第一个词平齐。也有往后退四个或八字个字的。下面介绍一些开头语和结尾语。开头语 相当于中文的“敬启者”。a. I beg to inform you that b. I beg to take this opportunity to inform you that c. I have the honor to address you that d. I write in a hurry to inform you that e. I have the pleasure to tell you that f. Im very much delighted to inf

7、orm you that 相当于中文的“接读某月某日来信,一切知悉”。a. I thank you very much for your letter of May 20th b. Your letter of May 20th has been received with thanks.c. It gives me great pleasure to receive your kind letter of May 20th.d. In answer to your kind letter of May 20th, deeply regret that e. I have received y

8、our kind letter of May 20th.f. Words cant express my delight on finding your favor of yesterday on my desk thismorning.g. Your letter dated May 20th has been received结尾语采用三种方法: 采用分词短语:句末用逗号,不用句号。例如:a. Waiting for your good news,b. Looking forward to your early reply,c. Hoping to hear from you soon,d

9、. Hoping you are enjoying good health,e. Regretting that I cant give you a more favorite reply,f. Regretting the trouble Im causing you,g. Wishing you every success,h. Wishing you a pleasant journey,i. Wishing you a happy New Year,采用介词短语,句末用逗号,不用句号。例如:a. With best regards,b. With kind regards to you

10、r family,c. With best wishes to you and yours,d. With best wishes for your success and happiness,e. With best wishes for your success in your new field of work,f. With best regards and wishing you all success,g. With warmest regards,h, With best regards to you and your family,i. With the seasons gre

11、etings, 采用完整句子:句末用句号。例如:a. We are waiting for your good news.b. I hope to receive your early reply.c. We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.d. I thank you very much for your services, and wish your continued success.(6)结束语(Complimentary Close)结束语的一般写法如下:Yours faithfully,Faithful

12、ly yours,Yours truly,Truly yours,Sincerely yours,公函常用:Yours respectfully,Respectfully yours,Yours sincerely,私人书信常用:Sincerely yours,Yours very sincerely,Yours affectionately,Yours ever,给亲戚朋友的信常用:Love,All my love,Your(ever) loving son/daughter/cousin, etc.Your affectionate nephew,Yours lovingly,Loving

13、ly yours,(7)署名(Signature)下面是署名的例子:个人署名:Yours truly,W. J. Watson公司署名:Yours faithfully,LegendComputer CompanyWang LinSales Manager精选范文 生日贺信Dear Bob,Tomorrow is your birthday. I imagine your family is planning a celebration for you. I write this letter to offer you my heartiest congratulations and best

14、 wishes for many returns of the day.With my sincere wishes for your success, 圣诞节及新年贺信Dear Mary and Helen,A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! Allow me to offer you Season Greetings. May the New Year will bring you a bright and prosperous (繁荣) future.My families who are well and happy, join me in my good wishes.Yours very sincerely,Barbara感谢信Dear Sir,With feelings of deep gratitude I address you to give my thanks for your noble and gene



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