人教版七年级英语下册Unit 2 Section A课件

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1、Unit 2,What time do you go to school?,SectionA,2.1,Period 1,创设情境,Can you say the numbers?,-What time is it now? -Its oclock,整点钟读法: six oclock 顺读法: 6:05 six O five 6:15 six fifteen 6:30 six thirty 6:45 six forty-five 6:55 six fifty-five,启发思考,(1) 分钟数为30, .点半: 6:30 half past six 5:30 half past five (2)

2、 分钟数不到30, 点过分: 6:05 five past six 6:10 ten past six 6:15 a quarter past six (3)分钟数超过30, 差分点: 6:45 a quarter to seven 6:50 ten to seven 6:55 five to seven,逆读法:,Read the clock time as quickly as possible.,4:04 1:58 5:30 6:15 7:30 8:45 9:00 3:20,7:00 a.m. seven oclock in the morning 7:00 p.m. seven ocl

3、ock in the afternoon 21:30 half past nine p.m. 15:15 a quarter past three p.m.,The differences between 12-hour clock time and 24-hour clock time:,nine oclock,What time is it?,启发思考,twelve oclock,What time is it?,two oclock,What time is it?,nine thirty,half past nine,What time is it?,ten ten,ten past

4、ten,What time is it?,twelve fifteen,fifteen past twelve,a quarter past twelve,What time is it?,two fifty,ten to three,What time is it?,What time do you ? I at ,自主或小组探究,What time do you usually ?,Pair Work,usually: 通常、平常,A: What time do you usually? B: I at .,Task: Ask other students and fill in the

5、chart.,1a Match the activities with the pictures.,1. get up _ 2. go to school _ 3. get dressed _ 4. brush teeth _ 5. eat breakfast _ 6. take a shower _,c,d,b,f,e,a,协作交流,1b Listen and match the times with the actions. Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures.,1. get up _ 2. go to school _ 3. get dr

6、essed _ 4. brush teeth _ 5. eat breakfast _ 6. take a shower _,six thirty,seven thirty,seven twenty,six forty,seven,six forty,1c Student A is the interviewer. Student B is Rick. Ask and answer questions about Ricks day.,A: What time do you usually take a shower, Rick? B: I usually take a shower at s

7、ix forty.,two,two,one,2a Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences.,2b Listen again. Complete the shower schedule for Jims family.,5:50,6:15,6:30,6:45,2d Role-play the conversation.,总结提高,Drill: Make a similar dialogue with the person you like.,总结提高,1. Scott has an interesting job. 斯科特有一份

8、有趣的工作。 job 是可数名词意为“工作,职业” 例如: He is out of job. 他失业了。 I have many jobs for you to do. 我有很多工作让你做。,Language point,辨析:work / job job: 作“工作”解,特指“雇佣性质的工作,是可数名词。 work: “工作,劳动”,指一般的工作,是普通名词,且不可数。 例句: He is looking for work now and he wants to find a job suitable for him. 他现在正找工作并且想找一份适合自己的工作。,They have _ f

9、or Lucy as a cleaner. A. job B. works C. a job D. a work,C,2. Thats a funny time for breakfast! 那个时间吃早饭真有意思哟! 1) time 常常和介词for搭配,表示“做的时间”。 例如: We dont have too much time for sports. 我们没有太多时间开展体育活动。 Time for dinner, children. Go and wash your hands, please. 孩子们,饭好了。请去洗手吧。,2) funny adj. 奇怪的;滑稽好笑的 例如:

10、Mary is a funny girl. 玛丽是个有趣的女孩。 The monkey show is very funny. 这猴子的表演非常滑稽。,Homework,Remember the new words. Do the other exercises in this part.,Period 2,Review: Student A is the interviewer. Student B is Rick. Ask and answer questions about Ricks day.,A: What time do you usually take a shower, Ric

11、k? B: I usually take a shower at six forty.,创设情境,What time do you usually get up?,I usually get up at,What time do you usually run?,I usually run at ,He usually takes a shower at ,What time does he usually take a shower?,What time does she usually eat breakfast?,She usually eats breakfast at ,What t

12、ime do they usually go to school?,They usually go to school at ,run,get up,eat breakfast,go to school,协作交流,eat lunch,take a shower,go to bed,do homework, What time does she usually get up? She usually gets up at eight o clock am.,启发思考,Talk about Miss Lis Day,3a Write answers or questions. Use always

13、, usually or never.,What time do you get up on school days? _ 2. _? Rick always gets up at 6:20. 3. What time do you have breakfast? _ 4. _ Anna never eats breakfast. 5. What time does your best friend go to school? _,I usually get up at 6:30.,What time does Rick usually get up,I usually have breakf

14、ast at 6:45.,When/What time does Anna usually eat breakfast?,He/She always goes to school at 7:15.,自主或小组探究,3b Write about something you always do, something you usually do and something you never do.,always_ _ usually_ _ never_ _,I always go to school at 7:00.,I usually go to bed at 9:30.,I never exercise in the evenings.,3c Interview three of your classmates. Find out what time they do these activities. Then give a report to the class.,总结提高,Homew


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