Unit 7 人教版七年级下英语第七单元课件

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《Unit 7 人教版七年级下英语第七单元课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 7 人教版七年级下英语第七单元课件(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7,Section 2a-3a,How much are these socks?,sweater,T-shirt,jacket,skirt,hat,socks,shoes,shorts,trousers,Say the color as you see! Whos fast?,green,Blue hat blue jacket yellow trousers red shoes,blue jacket red skirt yellow trousers blue shoes,Listen to the conversations and circle the things you

2、 hear,A : I like these shorts. How much are they? B:They re six dollars.,A : I like this purple hat. How much is it? B:Its five dollars.,Be 动词 发生变化 代词they 发生变化,Woman: Can I help you ? Mary : Yes, Please。I need a sweater for school. Woman: What color do you want ? Mary : Blue. Woman : How about this

3、one ? Mary: It looks nice. How much is it? Woman: Nine dollars Mary: Ill take it .How much are those yellow socks? Woman: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. Mary: Great ! Ill take two pairs. Woman : Here you are . Mary :Thank you. Woman : Youre welcome.,How much,the this that,

4、T-shirt sweater jacket ? bag skirt hat,Grammar focus,is,Its dollars,How much,are,These those,Shorts Trousers ? Socks shoes,Grammar focus,Theyre dollars,请用How much提问,注意单数复数的用法,A: Can I help you ? B: Yes, I need for school. A:We have and only for B:How much is /are A:It is 10 dollars./ They are eleven

5、 dollars. B: I will take it /them A: Here you are.,单数形式,the white skirt this yellow sweater this green bag that red hat,复数形式,green socks those black shoes these purple trousers the brown shorts,3b,Its five dollars Its ten dollars Its six dollars How much are these socks? How much is this sweater? How much is the skirt?,看图说话,Look at the picture and say the what clothes do they wear. 说出衣物名称、颜色。,Green T-shirt pink skirt blue socks red shoes,Red T-shirt red shoes blue shorts,Homework,Read the passage at page 41,Mr. Cools Clothes Store ,and complete the conversation in 2C.,


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