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1、Party branch Secretary of a party lecture of two speeches: tutoring covers all of the new party Constitution two education has kicked off. Study of the Constitution of this practice is a very important part. Today Ill give you a new section of the Constitution on the counselling of learning lessons,

2、 hope, through todays tutorial, further consolidation of all the party members of the new party Constitution study results to help you better understand and grasp the important knowledge in the new Constitution. This tutorial has the following three components: one is the importance of studying and

3、implementing of the new party Constitution; second, compared with the 17 adopted by the party Constitution, the main changes in the content and interpretation of the new Constitution; the third is at this stage how to make full use of the new essence of the content of the Constitution to guide party

4、 building. Two thematic education in party lecture notes, and study and carry out the significance of the new Constitution (a) studying and implementing the party Constitution is the most basic obligations of each party member. We party party yilai, has been put learning implement Constitution as a

5、items regular of work one of implement Yu always, and in different history background and the different reality need of situation Xia, also will as a items important sex work, concentrated to, and highlight to, and separate to be arrangements, only on reform more than 30 years to, most important of

6、concentrated learning implement Constitution on has four times: (ii) learning implement Constitution, is maintenance party of solidarity unified, and completed party of the task of strong guarantee. Both history and reality show that only determined to uphold the supremacy of the Constitution, accor

7、ding to the educational management of party members and cadres at the request of the party Constitution to ensure the party strictly implement the partys policy and discipline, to maintain party unity, completed the partys various tasks to provide a strong guarantee. (C) studying and implementing th

8、e party Constitution, consolidating the partys ruling status, and the inevitable requirement of maintaining the advanced nature of the party. Comrade XI pointed out: the Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, the party must follow the General rules. In all the activities of the party orga

9、nization at all levels, will continue to guide the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, conscientiously study the party Constitution, abide by the party Constitution, the implementation of the party Constitution and maintaining party Constitution, should strengthen pa

10、rty spirit, enhance the consciousness, purpose awareness, power awareness, situation awareness, sense of responsibility, earnestly sharing sorrow for the party, responsible for the country, for the people and dedication. (D) studying and implementing the party Constitution, is to solve the problems

11、the partys actual needs. Comrade XI said all party members must achieve, leading cadres should first do whatever the湖北警官学院本科毕业论文一、治安案件查处概述 查处治安案件,是公安机关规范、引导社会成员的行为,教育、处罚违反治安管理行为人,预防和减少违法犯罪的重要手段,是公安机关治安管理部门的一项主要业务工作。治安案件查处对于维护社会治安秩序和公共安全,保护公民的合法权益,保障改革开放和社会主义市场经济具有重要作用。(一)治安案件的概念治安案件查处是公安机关治安管理部门的一项主




15、要的意义。3有利于分析治安形势,提出治安对策 公安机关估计和分析一个地区一定时期的治安形势,评估标准的内容相当广泛,其中包括治安案件的发案率和查处率。治安案件的个案危害性虽不及刑事案件,但它的发案率大大超过了刑事案件,不仅量大而且面广,影响也比较大。因此,认真查处治安案件,及时掌握治安案件的情况,研究作案对象的特点和发案规律,就为公安机关分析治安形势、采取相应对策管理社会治安,提供了重要的客观依据。4 有利于加强社会主义民主与法制建设 公安机关在查处治安案件中,既要严格依法办事,又要充分保障社会主义的民主;既要严肃处理违法治安管理行为的人,又要保障其合法权益不受侵犯,切实做到不枉不纵。而且,只

16、有对少数违反治安管理的人予以处罚,才能有效地保护多数公民的合法权益。这一切,不仅说明了社会主义民主和法制相统一的关系,而且也是加强民主与法制的一条重要途径。5 有利于预防、减少犯罪,教育挽救违法青少年查处治安案件,处罚不是目的而是一种手段,通过处罚达到教育的目的。通过治安管理处罚,是违反治安管理行为人受到一定的痛苦与损失,让他认识到违法犯罪的危害性,从而接受教训并及时改正,以免走上犯罪的道路。尤其是一些违法青少年,由于他们的世界观尚处于形成之中,通过查处他们的案件对其及时进行教育挽救,往往能够立竿见影,使其改邪归正,以此促进社会治安秩序的良性循环。6 有利于密切警民关系,维护社会稳定不少违反治安管理行为直接侵害公民的人身、财产等合法权益。在新形势下,这一类治安案件大量发生。如果公安机关不能及时查处,必然在群众中产生误解和不满。因此公安机关要认真查处治安案件,真诚的为被侵害人追偿损失,为群众排忧解难,从而密切警民关系,在广大人民


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