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1、18(IV)2-0003 1 1 The autumn air felt_so she went to fetch a coat.AcoolBshillCchillyDshiveryC 42 _wins the civil war, there will be little rejoicing at the victory.AWhateverBWhoeverCWhicheverDWhereverB 43 If I_you, I would go there.AwereBamCwasDbeA 44 She felt very_when her husband forgot her birthda

2、y.AdeceivedBdesertedCdesperateDdisappointedD 45 He had_exciting experience last night.AtheBaCanDxC 46 Every means_tried but all in vain.AhaveBhasChave beenDhas beenD 47 _the candidate failed to win the election. Look at his scandal.ABecauseBNo wonderCSoDThereforeB 48 _you may go, he will not forget

3、you.AWhateverBWhoeverCWhicheverDWhereverD 49 If you see him, please give him my_wishes.AhonestBdeepestChighestDbestD 410 _did her husband go shopping.ACertainlyBSometimesCSeldomDOnceC 411 Some of the older villagers prefer_tobacco rather than to smoke it.Ato chewBchewCchewedDchewingA 412 The water i

4、snt warm enough for us_.Agoing swimming eitherBto be going swimmingCgo swimmingDto go swimmingD 413 _arrival was good news to us.AHimBHeCHimselfDHisD 414 The old man was very worried about his sons safety, and he walked_in his room.Aby and byBto and froCagain and againDfoot by footB 415 They have be

5、en on good_with each other since they met.ArelationsBfriendshipCtermDtermsD 416 What the Professor talked about was too difficult; its really_my head.AinBoverCaboveDoffB 417 Last week the teacher, as well as a number of students,_to attend the party.Awas askedBhad been askedCbe askedDwere askedA 418

6、 You should take only one at_time.AoneBtheCxDaD 419 You must remember to_all your belongings out of this room today.AfetchBtake awayCbringDtakeD 420 Because of his hard-working, he_through at last.AwentBmadeCcameDsucceededC 421 This problem is not difficult_.Aand neither is that oneBneither that one

7、 isCeither is not that oneDneither isnt that oneA 422 The movie was so exciting that it took my_away.AlifeBheartCbreathDbreadC 423 The excited girl quickly_down.AcalmedBcomeCrunDwentA 424 Under no circumstances _leave the house.Ais he allowed toBhe is allowed toCwill allow him toDhe will be allowed toA 425 Ive written ten pages_youve only written eight.AwhereasBwhenCwhileDasC 4



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