unit 3 alienation and the internet习题答案综合教程四

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1、Unit 3 Alienation and the Internet Key to the Exercises Text comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose of writing.BII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. T (Refer to Paragraph 1.) 2. F (Refer to Paragraph 2. When th

2、e author says this might sound like an apparent contradiction, he implies that this is in fact not a contradiction at all. Throughout the whole essay, the author explains the seemingly contradictory idea: on the one hand the Internet is responsible for global unification, and on the other it alienat

3、es the participants.) 3. F (Refer to Paragraph 3, where the author, by saying I have not known this fellow to be given to exaggeration? actually means that to the best of his knowledge, this friend of his has never exaggerated anything.)4. T (Refer to Paragraph 4. At the end of this paragraph, the a

4、uthor argues that when people spend much time developing on-line relationships with faraway folks, they will have no time to participate in communal activities, which undermines the sense of community.)5.T (Refer to Paragraph 6. In this paragraph, the author argues that when surfing the Web a person

5、 might be cognitively overloaded and that the cognitive overload might result in a distorted sense of reality.)III. Answer the following questions.1. Refer to Paragraph 1. As the author sees it, the Internet is most likely to make our global village a better place to live in. It provides a miraculou

6、s forum for the globalization of ideas, which contributes to the realization of human potential. Furthermore, it is a powerful tool for the acquisition and application of knowledge. The benefits of the Internet, however, may be darkened by its negative consequences. It may deprive the user of his ti

7、me for necessary interaction with other society members so that the whole world may be further fragmented. In addition, there is a reasonable likelihood that the Internet presents too much information, which gives the user a skewed sense of reality by making him cognitively overloaded. 2. Refer to P

8、aragraph 3. His friend was addicted to the Internet. He would spend even over twenty-four hours non-stop on the Internet so that he had to force himself to go off line. As he spent so much time in cyberspace, his sense of reality might have been crooked. Moreover, without any face-to-face verbal com

9、munication with other people, he felt lonely and depressed. 3. Refer to Paragraph 4. The alienation of society members had begun long before the Internet started to be used worldwide. After World War II, when the soldiers returned from the battlefields, they devoted themselves to progress. Large qua

10、ntities of cars were manufactured, which fed the creation of suburbs, and consequently people lived far apart from each. The Internet, however, has added to the problem and Internet addicts are far from rare. As illustrated by the example of the authors nephew, it seems to be an irreversible trend t

11、hat more and more people, old and young, are becoming addicted to the Internet. They will spend many hours non-stop in cyberspace rather than with their families or friends. For lack of communication, they are becoming strangers to other people. Therefore, there is a good reason to believe that soci

12、ety is being further alienated by the Internet.4. The cruel irony means that the Internet provides the user with a convenient means of communicating and making friends with people far apart on the one hand, but on the other, it estranges the user from the people around him by canceling his availabil

13、ity for face-to-face communication even with his families and close friends and for involvement in community activities. 5. Refer to Paragraphs 6 and 7. The potential of the Internet as a powerful tool for globalizing ideas and for acquiring and applying knowledge can only be realized when the user

14、strikes a balance between reality and the Internet. Although the Internet makes it possible for the user to debate, shop, travel and have romance in cyberspace without leaving home, the overuse of this tool probably results in a distorted sense of reality. The only way to avoid being penalized by th

15、e Internet is make moderate use of this tool without losing ones sense of place in the world.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1.As the Internet can be reached and used with relatively few restrictions, it plays a role in connecting people globally, which is comparable to travell

16、ing through international waterways.2.A lot of people talk about the new information age, but not so many people are acquainted with the idea that the Internet separates people from each other and fragments society further as a result. 3.I think that in our society top priority is given to the satisfaction of ones immediate needs. The Internet is the best means to achieve this purpose, for on the Internet one can d


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