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1、I 设计总说明 本设计按设计任务书要求,遵循技术上先进,工艺上可靠,经济上合理,系 统最优的原则完成。本设计采用苯与氯气在 FeCl3催化下连续氯化得氯化液,再经 水洗、中和、粗馏、精馏除去过量苯和多氯苯而得到成品氯化苯。反应放出的氯化 氢用水吸收制成盐酸;多氯苯回收为邻,对位二氯苯。本设计说明书的主要内容包 括:生产方法的论证、能量衡算、主体设备设计、主 要设备的选型和工艺尺寸的 计算、车间的设备布置,以及技术经济指标分析。 氯苯是化学工业,尤其是石油化学工业中重要的有机原料和产品之一,它被广 泛用于医药中间体、食品添加剂、化妆品及化工产品(如苯酚、硝基氯苯)的工业生 产中。目前,氯苯在国内

2、外的需求都比较大,我国氯化苯的快速发展实际上是与下 游产品硝基氯苯的不断扩建和新建有关系,目前国内氯化苯消费量的80%用于合成 硝基氯苯,所有硝基氯苯生产企业都要配套建设氯化苯装置,可以说硝基氯苯市场 及变化与氯化苯休戚相关。加上环境保护、可持续发展的倡导,对工艺生产提出了 更高的要求。 氯苯的工业生产主要有两种,工艺上主要有苯液相氯化法和苯气相氯化法。苯 液相氯化法以脱水后的干苯和电解氯为原料,在路易斯型催化剂(如 FeCl3、MnCl2 或 SnCl4)存在下,经催化而得。本设计采用苯液相空气氯化法的原因:其工艺生 产环境友好,是一种绿色环保工艺,三废少,而且反应条件温和,从经济可行性上

3、面分析,生产工艺简单,生产成本较低,价格更便宜,成本低,收率高,安全性好 等优点,在国外内应用比较广泛,已经实现了大规模的工业生产,是目前生产氯苯 的主要方法。所以,综合考虑,采用苯液相氯化法作为本设计的最终设计方案。 通过物料衡算计算出反应器各物质的流速,通过物料衡算计算出气液分离器、 精馏塔等塔釜各物质的流速。通过热量衡算计算出各相阶段的热负荷以及产生的蒸 汽量。通过热量衡算计算出废热锅炉取出的热量和产生的蒸汽的量。通过热量衡算 计算出各物质的进出塔的热量以及进出塔温度。通过热量衡算计算出各换热器的热 负荷以及冷冻水或者蒸汽的流速。最后对主要设备进行详细地设计以及电子绘图。 本项目符合国家

4、产业政策,符合地区发展规划和环境规划,符合清洁生产及 循环经济要求。工程建设可采取有效的污染控制措施,建成后三废可以实现达标 排放,可以满足总量控制要求,实现地区环境质量不变,经济上属于附加值较高 的经济性产业。从环境保护的角度看,本项目的建设是可行的。 在设计过程中,我们查阅了大量的资料,对氯苯的生产工艺有了一定的了解, 掌握工艺设计的方法和设备设计的要求并对其阶段进行的一系列的详细的设计,使 自己的理论知识得到更深刻的理解和更广泛的应用,由于整个设计比较复杂,不但 可以培养我们自己动手的能力,还可以养成做事细心的好习惯,同时,养成了吃苦 II 耐劳的精神,对以后的工作和学习打下了一定的基础

5、。在设计过程中,使自己的各 项指示和能力都得到了培养和提高, 为以后独立的承担类似的工作做准备打下了一 定的基础。 关键词:氯苯;苯液相空气氯化法;氯化器;精馏塔;设备设计 III DESIGN INSTRUCTION The design always explained this design according to design project description request, in deference technology advanced, in craft reliable, in economy reasonable, the principles of system

6、optimization. This design uses benzene and chlorine in FeCl3 catalysis under continuous chloride chloride liquid, water-washing, neutralization, distillation, distillation, removing excess benzene and chlorobenzene and refined benzene chloride. Reaction to release hydrogen chloride water absorption

7、into hydrochloric acid; multiple chlorobenzene recovery for ortho-two chlorobenzene and para-two chlorobenzene. This design instruction booklet primary coverage includes: The production method proof, the energy graduated arm calculate, the main body equipment design, the main equipment shaping and t

8、he craft size computation, the workshop arrangement of equipment, as well as technical economic indicator analysis. Chlorobenzene is an important organic raw material and also one of the products in the chemical industry, especially in the petrochemical industry, it is widely used in pharmaceutical

9、intermediates, food additives, cosmetics and chemical products (such as phenol, Nitrochlorobenzene) industrial production. At present, the chlorobenzene is greatly demanded at home and abroad, China s rapid development of chlorinated benzene is actually and downstream products of nitrochlorobenzene

10、continues to extend and build a relationship, the current domestic chlorinated benzene consumption 80% used in the synthesis of nitrochlorobenzene, all nitrochlorobenzene production enterprises will be supporting the construction of chlorinated benzene device, can say nitrochlorobenzene market and c

11、hange and benzene chloride be bound together in a common cause.Coupled with environmental protection, advocacy for sustainable development, a higher requirement on the production process is proposed. There are mostly four ways to produce chlorobenzene in industry, The process mainly benzene liquid p

12、hase chlorination of benzene gas chlorination. Benzene liquid chloride in dry benzene dehydration and electrolytic chlorine as raw materials, Lewis catalyst (such as the presence of FeCl3, MnCl2, SnCl4), catalyticderived. This design uses benzene liquid-phase air chlorination method to produce chlor

13、obenzene, because the production process environment is good, and is green technology. Also it wastes less and it has mild reaction conditions; analyze from the economic feasibility, for instance, simple production technology, low production cost, high yield, good safety and so on, and it is widely

14、used in domestic and overseas and benzene liquid-phase air chlorination method is current main method of producing chlorobenzene. So, after full considering, we select benzene liquid-phase air chlorination method as the final design scheme of the design. IV Calculate the material flow velocity in th

15、e reactor by material balance calculation, and calculate the material flow velocity in the gas-liquid separator, in the distillation column reactor, as well as in other towers. Calculate the heat load and the quantity of generated steam in various phases by heat balance calculation. Calculate the re

16、moved heat from the waste heat boiler and the quantity of generated steam by heat balance calculation. Calculate the heat and the temperature in and out of the tower by heat balance calculation. Calculate the heat load of the heat exchanger and flow rate of chilled water or steam. Finally, we should design in detail for the major equipment and do the electronic drawing. This project conforms to the country industrial policy, conforms to the local development plan and the environment plan, and a


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