高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty 写作园地 北师大版选修61

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1、写作园地影评感悟范文 请根据下面的描述写一篇电影评论。英雄是由张艺谋导演的,这部电影属于动作片。四个主要人物是:残剑粱朝伟扮演;飞雪张曼玉扮演;长空甄子丹扮演;大侠无名李连杰扮演。故事取材于中国的秦代。秦王想成为中国第一个皇帝,但他有三个很强的对手残剑、飞雪和长空。秦王提出对能杀死这三个人的给予重奖,最后一个叫无名的大侠打败了他们。但是秦王不相信无名说的话,情况变得很危险。英雄不仅是一部动作片,而且是一部艺术片。它是中国历史上耗资最多的影片之一。许多人把它比作卧虎藏龙,但我认为它的主题更有意义我们需要和平,而不是战争。这部电影非常值得一看。范文Hero is a film which was

2、directed by Zhang Yimou. The film belongs to martial films. The main characters are Broken Sword, played by Liang Chaowei, Flying Snow, played by Zhang Manyu, Sky, played by Zhen Zidan, and Nameless, played by Jet Li.The story is set in the Chinese dynasty of Qin. The King of Qin wanted to become th

3、e first emperor of China, but he had three powerful enemiesthe assassins(刺客) Broken Sword, Flying Snow and Sky. The King offered a high reward to the person killing the three people. At last, a person called Nameless defeated them. But the King didnt believe what Nameless said and the situation beca

4、me dangerous.Hero is more than just an action film and is a work of art. It was one of the most expensive Chinese movies in history. Many people have compared it to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. But I think the subject is more instructivewe need peace and we dont want war. It is well worth seeing.


6、。第二段:对电影故事情节作一个简要介绍。第三段:用一般现在时态,给出你的意见,评价某部电影的优劣。第四段:给出结论和建议。黄金表达1. A truly wonderful film can leave you thinking and feeling for hours after walking out of the cinema.2. I will recommend you a quite good movie called “.”. Its really enjoyable.3. I like the film “.” very much!. is brave and funny.4.

7、 I will be a person like.He is warmhearted. Most importantly, he is a real hero! He is my idol!5. The movie has also sent such a message to us.6. The movie is intended to tell people that.by this character.亮点分析:亮点一:文章内容涵盖了影评四个基本方面的内容,条理清晰。亮点二:恰当短语,如,be set in, more than, be worth doing等的运用提升了文章的档次。亮

8、点三:长短句、简单句与复杂从句的结合使用,使得文章如行云流水,一气呵成。类文演练好莱坞(Hollywood)电影阿凡达(Avatar)已经在中国大陆上映,超过泰坦尼克号(Titanic)创票房新纪录。据报道该片拍摄历时5年多,是最昂贵的电影之一。该片赢得了金球奖(Golden Globe Award), 同时获得9项奥斯卡提名(Oscar nominations)。该电影以2154年为背景,讲述了一个残疾(disabled)军人被派往潘多拉星球(Pandora)去说服那里的人们让地球人在他们的星球开采自然资源的故事。观看后,它的音响效果给人留下了深刻印象。它告诫人们不同种族间应该相互尊重,和谐

9、共处,而不应该处于战争状态。请根据这些信息,写一篇影评。提示:票房boxoffice联想词汇1. 上映_答案:be on show2. 创新纪录 _答案:set a new record3. 获奖 _答案:win an award4. 以为背景 _答案:be set in5. 说服某人做 _答案:persuade sb. to do6. 留下深刻印象 _答案:be deeply impressed by/with7. 和谐共处 _答案:live in harmony 8. 处于战争状态 _答案:be at war连词成句1. 它超过泰坦尼克号(Titanic)创票房新纪录。It has bro

10、ken _Titanic to become the highest boxoffice film so far.It has _ Titanic and _new boxoffice record.答案:the record set by; beaten; set a2. 该片赢得了金球奖(Golden Globe Award),同时获得9项奥斯卡提名(Oscar nominations)。It has _a Golden Globe Award. _, it has got nine Oscar nominations._ winning a Golden Globe Award, it

11、has got nine Oscar nominations.答案:been awarded; Besides; In addition to3. 它讲述了一个残疾军人被派往潘多拉星球的故事。It _ a disabled soldier, who is sent to Pandora. In the film, a disabled soldier _Pandora.答案:tells a story of; is sent to连句成章Avatar, a Hollywood film, has been showed on the Chinese mainland. It has broke

12、n the record set by Titanic to become the highest boxoffice film so far. It is reported that it takes more than five years to make the film and is perhaps one of the most expensive ones in the film history. Recently it has been awarded a Golden Globe Award. Besides, it has got nine Oscar nominations

13、. The film is set in 2154 and tells a story of a disabled soldier, who is sent to Pandora to persuade the inhabitants to let his mates mine their homeland for natural resources.In my eyes, it is one of the favourite films, and the audience are especially impressed by its sound effects. From it we learn that different races should respect each other and live in harmony, instead of being at war.4


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