高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty Section Ⅳ课时语法精讲 北师大版选修61

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1、Unit 18 Beauty Section 语法预备役根据所学内容完成下列句子,并归纳在下列句子中所填词的特点1. When I called on Sherlock Holmes on the second morning after Christmas, he was lying on the sofa next to some newspapers.()答案:序数词2. “I suppose,” I said, “that there is a story about that hat which will help you solve another mysterious crime

2、.”()答案:不定代词3. I kept the hat and Peterson had the goose for his Christmas dinner.()答案:冠词4. Beauty offers to replace her father and be trapped in the castle.()答案:物主代词5. Beautys father gets lost in the forest.()答案:名词所有格语法讲座限定词限定词(DETERMINER)是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、定量或不定量等限定作用的一类词。现代英语中,限定词包括冠词、形容词性物主代词、形容

3、词性指示代词、名词属格、基数词、序数词以及量词等。一、限定词按其词汇意义可分为特指限定词、泛指限定词、定量限定词、不定量限定词四大类。这四类限定词有的能与三类名词搭配,既可与单、复数可数名词搭配,也可与不可数名词搭配。能与三类名词搭配的限定词主要有:the, my, your, etc;Johns,the old mans,etc; some, any, no, all, other, such, what(ever), which(ever), whose等。例如:all day; all books; all money(1)有些限定词只能与单数可数名词搭配,它们是a(n),each,ev

4、ery,either,one等。例如:each worker every studenteither book neither sentencean apple one brother(2)有的只可与复数可数名词搭配,它们是both,(a) few,fewer,(the) fewest, several, these, those,a(great, good, etc) number of,two,three等。例如:both workers (a) few wordsseveral students these/those booksa number of essays two/three

5、visitors(3)有的既可与单数可数名词也可与复数可数名词搭配,它们是the first, the second, etc; the last,the next, the other, many等。例如:the first rose the first rosesthe last man the last menthe next meeting the next meetingsthe other boy the other boysmany a ship many ships (4)有些限定词只能与不可数名词搭配,它们是a bit of,a (great) amount of,a gre

6、at deal of,a little,much等。例如:a bit of water a great amount of laboura great deal of work (a)little spacemuch noise(5)但有的能与不可数名词及单数可数名词搭配,它们是(the) least,this,that等。例如:(the) least knowledge (the) least sign (of prejudice)this/that work this/that job(6)有的能与不可数名词以及复数可数名词搭配,它们是a lot of, lots of, plenty o

7、f, enough, more, most等。例如:a lot of money a lot of bookslots of food lots of chickensplenty of water plenty of chairsenough coal enough copiesmore time more articlesmost work most people注意:many与单数可数名词搭配只出现在many a.这样的结构中,例如:many a man(many men), many a time(many times)等;此外,用many a单数可数名词作主语,尽管是复数意义,但其后

8、的动词还是要用单数形式。二、关于much, many,(a)little, (a)few, less, least, fewer, fewest以及a lot of, lots of等限定词与三类名词的搭配关系已在前面作了介绍,现在归纳如下:注意:相对地说,few和little表示否定概念,a few和a little表示肯定概念,主要用于肯定句和疑问句。I have a little money/a few books.Have you got a little money/a few books?三、some, any, no等限定词的用法限定词some,any,no以及它们的合成词som

9、ething(body,one,where), anything (body,one,where), nothing(body,where)的用法。后者不是限定词,但为了便于叙述,把两者放在这里一并处理。(1) some属于肯定词,主要用于肯定句。any属于非肯定词,主要用于否定句、疑问句或条件分句,或用于带有半否定词或具有否定含义的动词、形容词或介词的句子。no(not a,not one,not any)属于否定词,用于否定句。some和any既能用作限定词,也能用作不定代词,起名词的作用;但no只能用作限定词,不能单独使用。There are some letters for me.Th

10、ere arent any letters for me.Are there any letters for me?Therere no letters for me.I seldom get any sleep.I forgot to ask any change.If you have any trouble,please let me know.当说话人期待肯定答复时,some也能用于疑问句。Are there some letters for me? (Im expecting some.)常见于购物时向售货员提问或主人询问客人是否再要一些什么的场合。Could I have some

11、 of these apples?Would you like some chocolate cake?注意:some与单数可数名词连用时,相当于a(n)或a certain的含义。Some boy has broken a window.这里的some boy可用a boy或a certain boy替代。要把这一用法与some复数可数名词的用法区别开来,在后一用法中,some作“一些”解。(2) any与单数可数名词搭配表示every的含义。Any child could answer that question.这里的any可用every替代。要把any的这一用法与any复数可数名词或不

12、可数名词的用法区别开来,在后一用法中,any作“一些”解。(3)上述some,any,no的一些用法也适用于它们与thing,body,one,where等的合成词。Ive bought something for you.I havent bought anything for you.Ive bought nothing for you.I was speaking to somebody.I wasnt speaking to anybody.I was speaking to nobody.强化印证完成句子1. He bought _(一栋房子). Ive been to _(那栋房子

13、)答案:a house; the house2. Thats _(正是那个东西)Ive been looking for.答案:the very thing3. _(所有学生)in the class went out.答案:All the students 4. My hand was hurt. Could you do_(打些字) for me?答案:some typing5. They saw _(其他两个女孩) the day before yesterday.答案:both the other two girls6. I know now, of course, there is

14、_(没有如此的事情) as love.答案:no such thing考点研讨1. 2014重庆高考A smile costs _, but gives much.解题关键:根据转折词but。答案研讨:nothing/little句意:微笑不会损失什么,但是却能给予很多。根据题干中的but可推知设空处应为表示否定的代词,故答案为nothing或little。2. 2014江西高考They chose Tom to be _captain of the team because they knew he was _ smart leader.解题关键:冠词的正确使用。答案研讨:the;a句意:他们选择汤姆为这个队的队长,因为他们知道他是一个聪明的领导。第一空后的名词captain是特指,特指这个队的队长,故与the连用;第二空后的名词leader表示泛指,故与a连用。3. 2013山东高考改编Ive lived in New Yor



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