高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty Section Ⅳ课后演练提能 北师大版选修61

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1、Unit 18 Beauty Section 夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. He chose words carefully to _(表达) his meanings.答案:convey2. It is strongly _ (推荐)that you take some warm clothes with you.答案:recommended3. The police are trying to collect _(证据) to prove Tom guilty.答案:evidence4. We were all _ (迷住) by the grand view of Mount Tai.答

2、案:struck5. All the performers _(鞠躬) before they left the stage.答案:bowed6. The room was f_ and we just couldnt go to sleep because of the cold.答案:freezing7. He claimed that he was badly t_ by the shop assistant yesterday. 答案:treated8. B_ on a novel by Dickens,the film enjoyed a great success. 答案:Base

3、d9. He put up a t_ at the corner hoping to get rid of the mice in his house.答案:trap10. A customer is asking to see the manager in c_.答案:charge. 介词填空1. She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped _ a year later.答案:out2. I decided to treat his remark _ a joke.答案:as3. They were trapped _ the fire.答案

4、:in/by4. The enemy ordered him to choose the manner_ which he would die.答案:in5. Why did the shipbuilders go out _ strike?答案:on6. It is evident _ me what this means.答案:to7. I bought it_ your recommendation.答案:on8. Hang _ a second! The headteacher has something to say.答案:on9. We were busy going over l

5、essons _ preparation for the coming exam.答案:in10. Ill treat you _ a film if you help me this time.答案:to. 完成句子1. _, please. Ill get Tom to come to the phone.请等一下(别挂断)。我去叫汤姆接电话。答案:Hang (Hold) on a moment/second2. _honesty, you need to have confidence.除了诚实,你还需要自信。答案:In addition to3. A good marriage_ tr

6、ust.美满的婚姻是建立在信任的基础上的。答案:is based on 4. Many flowers are planted _of the road.路的两旁种了许多鲜花。答案:on both sides5. _the father_the son is interested in the film.父子俩对这部电影都不感兴趣。答案:Neither; nor. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. It is_(bad, manner) to come into the teachers office without teachers permission.答案:bad manners句意:

7、未经老师允许就进入办公室是不礼貌的。作“礼貌”讲时应用manners,bad manners指没有礼貌。2. _(trap) in the burning hotel, the girl couldnt help crying.答案:Trappedtrap与the girl之间存在被动关系,用过去分词来表示状态。 3. Unfortunately,his fathers ship _(strike) a rock and sank into the cold sea.答案:struck句意:不幸的是,他父亲的船触礁了,沉没在冰冷的海水里。strike“撞;打击”应用其过去式。4. _(base

8、) entirely on facts, the news report was a big hit.答案:Based考查短语be based on.“以为基础”。句意:这篇新闻报道完全根据事实而写,引起了很大的轰动。5. She treated the orphan _ her own child.答案:as 句意:她对待这个孤儿像对待自己亲生孩子一样。treat.as相当于look on.as,意为“把当作(看待)”。6. Did you visit the National Stadium yesterday? I had planned to,but an unexpected vis

9、itor dropped_ .答案:in考查动词短语。语境表示本来打算去参观国家体育场,但有客人来访。用drop in表示“顺便拜访”。7. 2013浙江高考Eye doctors recommend that a childs first eye exam _(be) at the age of six months old.答案:(should) be动词recommend作“建议,劝告”讲,后接宾语从句时,从句应使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“(should)动词原形”。8. I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave i

10、t to a railway official.How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone_have stolen it.答案:might考查情态动词。从对话情景可知在谈论过去的可能性:手提包当时有可能会被偷去,因此用might have stolen。9. Hong Kong has a lot of advantages,including free flow of_ information,a fair competitive environment and_ efficient local government.答案:/; anin

11、formation为不可数名词,故其前不用冠词;government为可数名词,此处泛指一个当地政府,故用不定冠词。10. The reporter has written _(series) articles about air pollution hoping to call the attention of all people to the problem. 答案:a series of a series of“一系列的”,符合题意。提升实战能力. 完形填空A student named Wang Ling couldnt help correcting her friends whe

12、n she saw them open the water tap almost fully. But she _1_ an unexpected response. “It is not our _2_. The fees will fall on the school,” said one.Wangs friend is not _3_. Many teenagers in the country havent _4_ an awareness of saving. But after Wang explained the _5_ of water around the country,

13、her friend accepted the advice. “I felt quite _6_ about her change and also about myself,” said Wang, a 17yearold girl.To help our people understand more about recycling and _7_ energy, an exhibition on saving resources was held last week.Among the _8_ displayed was a waste water recycling device cr

14、eated by a 14yearold boy. “Several kinds of waste water, like shower water, could be _9_ to other uses, at least for washing toilets. _10_ this is not taken notice of by many,” said the boy.According to the _11_ rule that water flows from higher to lower places, the boys invention _12_ wash water from neighbors living _13_. His



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