高中英语选修八人教版:Unit 3 Inventors and inventions课件_1

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1、Section Learning about Language,Using Language, Summing Up & Learning Tip,一,二,三,一、写作词汇 预习该部分的词汇,完成下列小对话或语段。 1.Why did Bob cry? He couldnt (忍受) being made fun of like that before the whole class. 2.Its (冰冷的) in the house.Can I turn on the air conditioner? Yes,go ahead. 3.Sorry,I have to (挂断电话) now.Th

2、e meeting is about to be held right now. OK,keep in touch later. 4.Hello,David.Have you got Mrs.Whites telephone number? (别挂断电话).I will look it up.,bear,freezing,ring off,Hold on,一,二,三,5.Listen!There is some strange noise.The machine must be (发生故障). I think so.You must have it repaired. 6.Have you (

3、打通电话)? No.I had the wrong number. 7.He (迅速把手伸进) that big box and (开始) to look for the coin. 8.He tore open the package,and found a (水龙头),some (电线) and a (吸管).,out of order,got through,dived into,set out,tap,wires,straw,一,二,三,二、阅读词汇 预习该部分的词汇,写出黑体部分的汉语意思。 We have a new neighbour next door. His name is

4、 Li Wei,who is a dynamic 1. greengrocer 2. .He sells all kinds of fruit,some of which is preserved in the refrigerator 3. .There is a red lantern 4. on a triangle 5. in front of his store. Yesterday,he found his identification 6. and mobile phone lost.He was anxious because he needed a lot of fresh

5、fruit.Fortunately,he had his directory 7. with him,where he found some telephone numbers and extensions 8. .Five hours later,a large quantity of fruit was transported by helicopter 9. .,充满活力的,蔬菜水果商,冰箱,灯笼,三角形物体,身份证明,电话簿,分机号,直升机,一,二,三,三、阅读课文ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL,回答下列问题 1.The text mainly tells us some

6、information about . A.Bell and his telephone B.Bell and his telegraph C.Bell and his helicopter designs D.Bell and his inventions 2.Bell invented the by chance according to the text. A.Morse code B.telegraph C.telephone D.tetrahedron,答案:D,答案:C,一,二,三,3.Which statement is TRUE according to the text? A

7、.Bell made a contribution to the deaf education. B.Bell invented the telephone for the deaf. C.Bell thought that you should not think too much about something that you had never seen before. D.Bell invented a lot of flying machines while searching for a kite to carry a man into the air.,答案:A,一,二,三,4

8、.According to the text,Bell owed such great achievements to . A.a straw joined to a deaf mans ear B.the exploring around problems C.a moving electrical current D.his excellent assistant Watson,答案:B,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,I cannot bear the smell of burnt sausage on the barbecue.(Page 24) 我不能忍受烤肉架上烤焦的香肠的气味。 考点

9、 bear(bore,borne) vt.忍受;忍耐;负担 He could not bear that his friends should laugh at him. 他受不了朋友们竟也嘲笑他。 The pain was almost more than he could bear. 这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的词性及含义 I cant bear having cats in the house. 词性 动词 含义 忍受 Do parents have to bear the whole cost of tuition fees? 词性 动词 含义 负责

10、,承担,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,The current bore the boat toward the falls. 词性 动词 含义 推荡,传送 【高考典句】 (2016浙江高考)However,a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out. 词性 动词 含义 生产,取得(成果) She was the only thing that made life bearable. 词性 形容词 含义 可忍受的,能应付的 My aunt has borne two daughters and one son. 词性 动词

11、 含义 生育,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,温馨提示(1)bear作“容忍,忍受”讲时,常与can,could连用,多用于否定句和疑问句中。后面可接不定式或v.-ing形式。 I cant bear getting/to get my hands dirty. 我的双手弄脏了,我可受不了。 (2)bear表示“生育”时,其过去分词既可以是borne,也可以是born。但borne只用于完成时或带有by短语的被动语态中。 The woman has borne two children. 那个妇女已生了两个孩子。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,

12、Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods.(Page 25) 偶尔离开平路去寻求困境。 考点一 occasionally adv.偶然地;不时地 Friends visit them occasionally.偶尔有朋友拜访他们。 We go for walks in the forests occasionally. 我们有时去树林里散步。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的词性及含义 He spent five years in Paris,with occasional visits to Italy. 词性

13、 形容词 含义 偶尔的 I only wear a tie on special occasions. 词性 名词 含义 场合,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,考点二 dive into跳水(头朝下);迅速把手伸入;一心投入,潜心研究 I am afraid to dive into the swimming pool. 我不敢跳进游泳池里。 He dived into his pockets and took out one dollar. 他迅速把手伸进口袋,掏出了一美元。 He has been diving into the history of Chinese literature. 他

14、一直潜心研究中国文学史。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,It was this exploring around problems and his dynamic spirit that led to his most famous inventionthe telephone in 1876.(Page 25) 正是这种对问题的不断探索和充满活力的精神成就了他在1876年最著名的发明电话。 剖析这是一个强调句式,被强调的部分是this exploring around problems and his dynamic spirit。 It was Toms effo

15、rts that led to his success. 正是汤姆的努力成就了他的成功。 The patent was given in 1876,but it was not until five days later that Bell sent his first telephone message to his assistant Watson. 这项专利是1876年发布的,但是贝尔是在五天以后才跟他的助手华生通了第一次电话。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,考点 lead to 导致;通向 What has led to his change? 是什么导致了他的转变? Eating to

16、o much sugar can lead to health problems. 食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。 Which door leads to the yard? 哪扇门通向庭院? 归纳 短语lead to中的to为介词,其后要跟名词、名词短语或动词-ing形式作宾语。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,考点延伸 (1)lead sb to someplace领着某人去某地 The bellboy led us to our rooms. 旅馆行李员把我们带到了我们的房间。 (2)lead sb to do sth促成某人做某事 Alexanders mother was almost entirely deaf,so he became interested in helping deaf people communicate and in deaf education.T


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