Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 1 Reading-人教版ppt课件 必修4课件

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《Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 1 Reading-人教版ppt课件 必修4课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 1 Reading-人教版ppt课件 必修4课件(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、A taste of English humour,Unit 3,Reading,1 了解什么是幽默及表现形式 2 了解卓别林的一生及其代表作 3 掌握阅读的技巧和能力 4 通过对卓别林的认识,让学生意识到成功的获得是很艰辛的过程,只有付出巨大的努力才能成功。,本节课讲的是幽默以及介绍卓别林。在导入和热身部分,问学生什么是幽默,幽默有哪些表现形式,了解一些擅长幽默的人,并回答几个很有趣的幽默的问题,引起学生对幽默这一话题的浓厚兴趣。 在阅读部分,先问学生对于卓别林了解有多少,再对他进行一个简单的介绍。在快速阅读部分,让学生找出文章的大意及其各段的大意,从总体上把握整篇文章。然后是细读,通过填空

2、和回答问题掌握文章的细节信息。让学生讨论什么促使了卓别林的成功,并表演几个哑剧,欣赏卓别林的经典之作淘金热的片段。,What is humour?,Humour is a word that means making others laugh. If someone often makes others laugh, we say he is humorous and we call him a humorist. The question of whether or not something is humorous is a matter of personal taste.,humor,

3、Forms of humour,mime,comedy,Mime is a performance using gestures and body movements without words.,Sketch is a short humorous scene on stage, television, etc.,Cross talk, Chinese comic dialogue, is an art form, exchanging clever remarks, esp. between two people.,Clowns are comical performers, usuall

4、y characterized by their fantastic appearance: colored costumes , stylistic makeup, unusually large footwear, red-nose, etc., who entertain the audience by acting in a funny fashion.,Mr. Bean is a British comedy television series . The title character Mr. Bean is described as “a child in a grown man

5、s body”.,Rowan Sebastian Atkinson (born 1955) is an English comedian, actor and writer, most famous for his work Mr. Bean and his voiceover work in Walt Disneys The Lion King. He has been listed in The Observer as one of the 50 funniest acts in British comedy.,English Pun play on words,2.Which is fa

6、ster-hot or cold?,Hot-You can catch a cold.,3. Why the library is the tallest building?,Because it has the most stories.,4.Which is the terrible month for soldiers?,March.,5.What two words have the most letters?,Post office.,1.Which of your parents is your nearest relative?,Mother.,6. What kind of s

7、hips do students study in school?,Scholarships.,7. What part of a clock is always old?,The second hand.,8. Why is the river very rich?,Because it has two banks.,9. What can you see with your eyes shut?,A dream.,10. I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees; rivers without water. What am I?,A

8、 map.,Do you know who he is? Charlie Chaplin,He is one of the most famous humorists that can make others laugh all the time. What do you know about his films?,The Kid,A MASTER OF NONVERBAL HUMOUR,It is about the life and work of Charlie Chaplin and the kind of humour we can all laugh at nonverbal hu

9、mour.,Fast reading,What is the main idea of the passage?,Read the passage again and write down the main idea of each paragraph.,Para. 1 The world situation,Para. 2 Charlies childhood,Para. 3 His famous film character,Para. 4 An example of his work,Para. 5 His achievements,He died in _ in _.,Charlie

10、Chaplin,He was born in _.,His job is _.,He was given_ _in 1972.,His type of acting is _.,His charming character is _.,1889,an actor,mime and farce,the little tramp,1977,Switzerland,Oscar for his outstanding work,a special,Careful reading,1. How did Charlie Chaplin become famous?,He became famous for

11、 using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce.,2. Give a description of the little tramp, Chaplins famous character.,Answer the questions.,He wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat, carrying a walking stick.,Because he had the determination to overcome difficu

12、lties.,3. Why was the little tramp loved by many people around the world?,4. Which film of Chaplin is mentioned in Para.3-4?,The Gold Rush.,Time : Place : Job in the film :,in the middle of the 19th century,California, USA,panning for gold,What troubles did they meet in California?,They _ on the edg

13、e of a mountain in a _ in a small wooden house.,were caught,snowstorm,The Gold Rush,Charlie Chaplin-Gold Rush,Tell true or false. 1. Chaplin learnt acting after his mother. 2. People love the character “the little champ”, mainly for he was poor and homeless. 3. In the middle of 19th century people w

14、ent to California to look for gold. 4. Chaplin performed how to eat a boiled shoe by action and explaining.,F,T,F,F,1. Do you think Chaplins poor childhood helped him in his work? Why? 2. Do you like his acting style? Why? 3. Why do you think he was so successful?,Pair work,Act out a situation by using nonverbal humour.,in a hurry,slide on a banana skin,bump into someone else round a corner,carry a heavy box,A scene from The Gold Run,Surf the Internet to find more information about Chaplin and you are expected to present it to your classmates in the next class.,


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