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1、人教版高中英语总复习,主 谓 语 一 致,主谓一致由来和基本原则 1,主谓语一致,简称主谓一致英语句子的主语和谓语必须在数上一致。虽然现代英语中,对此已经有了许多突破,但作为规范,主谓一致的原则还必须遵循。 英语是欧洲语言中词形变化最少的语言,这是因为在其千年的发展历史中,逐渐摈弃了绝大部分词的性、数、格的变化,已经由综合性语言发展成了分析性的语言。以变化最多的动词为例,现代英语的动词除了be之外,变化形式最多不超过5种,少的则只有3种。而某些助动词的使用则更简化了这种变化。 主谓一致的基本原则 1. 语法一致的原则 根据主语的语法性质决定其谓语动词的单、复数形 式。这是正式、权威的原则。 2

2、. 意义一致的原则 根据主语的内涵决定其谓语动词的单、复数形式。 1) 单数主语采用复数谓语动词:The team are playing wonderfully. team作为集体名词。),主谓一致由来和基本原则 2,2) 复数主语采用单数谓语动词:The works was built in 1970. (works作factory解时为单、复数同形。) 3) 同一词做主语,分别采用单数或复数谓语动词: All possible means have been adopted. Every means has been tried. 3. 临近吸引原则 谓语动词根据其前面最临近的名/代词的

3、数的形式, 而非真正主语的数来决定其自身的单、复数: No one except his own supporters agree with him.,主谓一致关键:主语的单复数,主谓一致的关键问题是确定主语的数。 要把“主语”同“主语部分”严 格分开,即确定主语的数的时候,要首先确定主语本身, 去除定语等附加的部分。 1. 一般情况 1) 绝大多数可数名词单个作主语,以其词形决定主语的单、复数。 2) 不可数名词单个做主语为单数。 3) 表示抽象概念的短语做主语为单数: Training spacemen is not an easy task. “Senior citizens” mean

4、s people over sixty.,主谓一致-复合主语的数的确定:关键的连接词 1,1. 非同位语/同位语等立关系的确定 1)由定冠词/物主代词确定非同位语/同位语等立关系 A. 非同位语等立关系 若定冠词分别出现在在各等立成分前,则 复合谓语的各成分间是非同位语等立关系,各等立成分别指不 同对象,谓语动词为复数: The teacher and the writer are kind men. B. 同位语等立关系 若定冠词只出现在第一个成分前,则是同位 语等立关系,各等立成分指的是同一对象,谓语动词为单数: The teacher and writer is a kind man.

5、2) 由上下文确定非同位语/同位语等立关系 由两个或多个抽象名词 构成的复合谓语,由上下文确定非同位语/同位语等立关系: Your fairness and impartiality has/have been much appreciated. 在无确定的上下文的情况下,has/have都是可能的。,主谓一致-复合主语的数的确定:关键的连接词 2,2. 由and连接的复合主语。 1)非同位语等立关系主语-复数 A. 由and连接的几个不同人、事物: John and Mary are ready. (=John is ready. Mary is ready.) B. 被由and连接的并列定

6、语所修饰的一个单数名词 .: The red and the white rose are beautiful. (=The red rose is beautiful. The white rose is beautiful) C. 被由and连接的并列定语所修饰的一个不可数名词: Chinese and Japanese silk are much better than Italian. (=Chinese silk is much better than Italian. Japanese silk is much better than Italian.),主谓一致-复合主语的数的确

7、定:关键的连接词 3,2)同位语等立关系主语-单数 A. 指同一对象,表示单一概念: The teacher and writer is a kind man. B. 表示单一概念的由数词+名词的词组: Ten pounds is not much for all the trouble we had. There is two miles to go. 3. 由or/ eitheror/ neither nor连接的选择性复合主语 1)肯定的选择性复合主语 A. 所连接的成分分别为单数,谓语动词用单数: Either John or Dick is going to do this work

8、. B. 所连接的成分分别为复数,谓语动词用复数: Either the teachers or the students have misunderstood this.,主谓一致-复合主语的数的确定:关键的连接词 4,C. 所连接的成分在数上不一致,则用下列三种方法使其主谓取得 一致。 a. 根据临近吸引原则 谓语动词与其前面最临近的词的数相 一致: One or two friends are coming tonight. b. 使用无词形变化的助动词代替有词形变化的动词: The mother or the children must/will leave at once. c. 改

9、变句子结构和词序,并作必要的省略: Is the child or the parents to blame?可变成: Is the child to blame, or the parents? 2)否定的选择性复合主语 A. 与肯定的选择性复合主语原则相同: Neither Tom nor Jane has done it. The teacher nor the students are to blame for this.,主谓一致-复合主语的数的确定:关键的连接词 5,Neither Tom nor Jane has done it. 可变成: Tom hasnt done it;

10、neither has Jane. B. 但实际上,若构成复合主语的各成分均为单数,谓语动词也大多 使用复数: Neither he nor I were there. 4. 由notbut/ not only but 连接的复合主语 根据临近吸引原 则, 谓语动词与其前面最临近的主语的数相一致: Not (only)my father, but all of us are looking forward to the guest. 5. 含有肯定和否定两部分的主语 谓语动词与肯定的主语一致: You, not I, are the right man to carry out the pla

11、n.,主谓一致-复合主语的数的确定:关键的连接词 6,6. 含有“准连接词”的主语 准连接词,即with/ together with/ along with, as well as/ as much as, rather than/ no less than, but/except, unlike, including。 1) 规范用法 谓语与准连接词前面的主语保持一致: Nothing but stamps and envelops is for sale. 2) 口语用法 准连接词起作用与介词类似,将其后的成分与主语 隔开,含义与and相近,根据意义一致的原则,即使主语是单 数,也可以用

12、复数动词: My brother with his wife, both looking very sad, were/was drinking at the bar. 7. 例外情况 1) 由and连接的复合主语 均使用复数动词, 而非总是遵循临近吸引原 则 : My sister and I are/am fully aware. 2)由eitheror/ neither nor连接的复合主语用单、复数均可: Neither he nor I am/are fully aware.,主谓一致不定代词做主语数的确定 1,不定代词做主语数的确定 1. each 1)名词性 谓语动词总用单数:

13、Each has his own idea on the subject. 2)做同位语 谓语动词用复数: The students each have a new book. The boys and the girls each want to do something different. 3) each of+复数名词 A. each表示整体中每一个个体,谓语动词用单数: Each of the soldiers has been given a gun. B. 由于临近吸引原则的作用,谓语动词也可用复数: Each of the soldiers have been given a

14、gun.,主谓一致不定代词做主语数的确定 2,C. 反意问句的附加问句中,指每一个体,谓语动词用单数: Each of the students has new book, hasnt he? D. 反意问句的附加问句中,指整体,谓语动词用复数: Each of the students has new book, havent they? 1. none 1) 指总量,与不可数名词连用,谓语动词用单数: None of the food was wasted. 2) 指数目,与可数名词连用。 A. 正式用法 根据语法一致的原则,谓语动词用单数: None of the suggestions

15、 was accepted. B. 非正式/习惯用法 根据临近吸引原则和意义一致的原则,谓语动 词用复数: None of the suggestions were accepted.,主谓一致不定代词做主语数的确定 3,2. no one 1) 正式用法 谓语动词用单数: Nobody likes to be deceived. 2) 非正式/习惯用法 在临近吸引原则的影响下,谓语动词可用复数: Nobody, not even their teachers, were listening to the speech. 3) 在附加问句中 A. 指某一特定整体中的每一个对象,谓语动词用单数:

16、 Nobody likes to be deceived, doesnt he? B. 对整体否定,谓语动词用复数, 附加问句的主语相应地也用复数: Nobody has called while I have been out, havent they? 3. either/neither 1) 均指“二者之一”(包括两个复数名词构成的二者) 谓语动词用单数: Either of them has told me.,主谓一致不定代词做主语数的确定 4,2) 习惯用法 当of后接复数名/代词时,谓语动词用复数: Neither of them know the truth. 4. anyone/anybody 1) 指个体时,谓语动词用单数: Has anyone a dictionary he can lend


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