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1、American Holidays!,制作者:王操,Easter,Today is Easter The date of Easter changes each year, but usually falls around the end of March or early April. It is celebrated in two ways: For Christians, it is celebrated as the day Jesus came back to life after sacrificing his life for all of humanity. It is als

2、o a day where children get candy.,Easter,Children in the United States are told that a giant bunny comes into their homes while they are sleeping and leaves them candy! When children wake up in the morning, there is a basket filled with candy and small gifts for them. A bunny does not leave themthei

3、r parents do.,Easter,Another part of Easter is taking eggs and boiling them. After they are boiled you dip them in the colored water and die them. Later in the day, you eat them!,Easter,Other families will take those eggs and hide them around the house and around outside. The person who finds the mo

4、st eggs, wins! of course, sometimes, you forget an egg or two, and then your house smells really bad!,Easter,So some people use plastic eggs, and fill them withChocolate! Every year, the White House (where the President lives) does an Easter egg hunt and other activities.,Easter,If you are Christian

5、, you usually go to a special ceremony at Church on Easter in the late morning. In the afternoon, most people have an early dinner (around 16:00) with their familyMom, dad, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. Dinner usually features meat, since, if you are Christian, you are not su

6、pposed to eat any mean during the month before Easter as part of Lent.,4th of July,You should know this one! From history July 4th, _, the United States signed their Declaration of Independence from _? This is celebrated as the birth of the United States as a country.,4th of July,We celebrate the 4t

7、h of July by having a parade in each persons home city or town. Usually, students in the high schools who play instruments march and play in the parade. (I did this when I was in high school) At night, there are fireworks shows and they play the national anthem.,Halloween,My favorite holiday! Origin

8、ated in Europe, a long time ago. It was originally the one day of the year where the dead could come back to earth for one night. To ward off the dead, ancient people used to carve pumpkins, called Jack-o-laterns. We still carve them today!,Halloween,Halloween has since evolved into a holiday where

9、children wear costumes and go around and ask their neighbors for candy. When you are older, many people still wear costumes, but they attend parties, where they dance and drink.,Halloween,Some people decorate their homes to be very scary. They are called “haunted houses” and they are supposed to sca

10、re you. People dress up as scary monsters and jump out at you, there is also usually scary decorations and scary sounds and music.,Thanksgiving!,Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving? Why did Americans begin celebrating Thanksgiving? What do Americans do on Thanksgiving?,Why we celebrate thanksgiv

11、ing,We celebrate Thanksgiving as a day where we remember all of the good and wonderful things we have in our lives and are thankful for those things. We spend time with family and friends, and tell them how much they mean to us, and we spend time reflecting on the good things in our lives.,Why we st

12、arted,According to myth, we began celebrating Thanksgiving with Native American Indians as a way to celebrate a successful harvest, and because the first people to come to America, with the help of the Indians, were able to survive their first harsh winter in this new world.,Why we started,However,

13、this is regarded as a myth by historians, some who believe that Thanksgiving fails to recognize the thousands of Native American Indians that were eventually slaughtered by early settlers, and later, by the early American government.,What do we do?,WE EAT! Thanksgiving is mostly about eating A LOT o

14、f food. Turkey, mashed potatos, corn, bread, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and lots of PIE. We also usually watch football. But every family will add different foods and have different traditions.,American football,Macys Day Parade NYC,http:/www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11836072,Holi,Holi i

15、s NOT an American holiday, but it is one that I celebrate with many people in Oswego, where I went to school, in New York, and it is my all time favorite holiday. It is an Indian holiday, and it happens in the end of March.,It is a festival that celebrates the return of spring time To celebrate, peo

16、ple dress all in white Then they take colored powders and they throw them or spread them on their family and friends. This can be calm, or it can be more like a game.,American Idioms,Idioms,An idiom is a phrase that is sometimes hard to understand because it is a metaphor and may not mean exactly what it describes. They are particularly difficult when learning a new language. Americans use idioms a lot to describe things that are happening. Today, we a


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