《Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister》单元测试卷及答案

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《《Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister》单元测试卷及答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister》单元测试卷及答案(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister单元测试卷(时间:120分钟,满分:120分)听力部分(25分).听对话及问题,选择与其相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( )3.A. B. C. ( )4.A. B. C. ( )5.A. B. C. .听句子,选择正确的答语。(每小题1分,共5分)( )6.A.Yes,the do. B.Lily is. C.Lucy does. ( )7.A.They enjoy going very much.B.Yes,they do.C.The party is ve

2、ry fun.( )8.A.Thanks a lot. B.OK.I will. C.Thats true. ( )9.A.Certainly. B.Its important. C.No,Im not.( )10.A.Its good for us to practice English.B.The English center is in the park.C.Yes,I think so.听短对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)( )11.Ginas sister is _ than Gina.A.much quieter B.much taller C.more outgoing

3、 ( )12.Marys cousin has _ hair.A.long straight B.long curly C.short curly( )13.Wang Hai is the captain of the _ team.A.baseball B.volleyball C.basketball( )14.Peter _ to do the same things as Mike.A.likes B.dislikes C.wants( )15.Jack is Tonys _.A.new classmate B.twin brother C.pen pal.听短文,选择正确答案。(每小

4、题2分,共10分)( )16.Wheres Grace from?A.Shes from America. B.Shes from Canada.C.Shes from Australia.( )17.What does Grace look like?A.She has long blonde hair. B.She has short blonde hair.C.She has short black hair.( )18.How tall is Grace?A.1.4 meters tall. B.1.5 meters tall.C.1.6 meters tall.( )19.Which

5、 of the following is TRUE?A.Grace likes playing basketball.B.Grace likes playing tennis.C.Grace likes dancing.( )20.What do they usually do together?A.Enjoy their writing. B.Enjoy their drawing.C.Watch new films.笔试部分(95分).单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21.Every day his parents make him _ on the

6、farm.A.to work B.working C.work D.works ( )22.In the talent show,I performed well and Ann did even _.A.well B.better C.more D.worse( )23.Jim is funnier than _ in his class.A.any other boys B.any boyC.any other boy D.all the boys( )24.My computer is _ cheaper than_ .A.many;Jacks B.much;JackC.many;Jac

7、k D.much;Jacks( )25._ it is dark now,the workers go on working there.A.Though B.BecauseC.As D.When ( )26.You are relaxing yourself here?Yes.It feels _ to walk slowly along the river.A.fantastic B.boring C.strange D.terrible( )27.My friend is _ me.We are both kind and friendly.A.same as B.the same as

8、C.different from D.the different( )28.Hi,Tom.Is your brother as active as you?No,hes a quiet boy.He is _.A.less outgoing than me B.not so calm as IC.more active than I D.as outgoing as I ( )29.Our life is getting_ and _.A.good;good B.well;wellC.better;better D.well;good( )30. _you work hard,Ill buy

9、a new computer for you.A.as long as B.as well asC.As long as D.As well as( )31.Kay is _ than I am.A.funny and outgoing B.more funnier and outgoingC.funnier and more outgoing D.more funny and outgoing( )32.Dont worry.I think you can _ out the best _ you A.take;in B.bring;inC.take;at D.bring;at( )33.T

10、he harder we work,the _ result we will get.A.faster B.fewer C.weller D.better( )34. _should get the job,Tom or Jim?I think Tom should get the job.A.Who do you think B.Whose do you thinkC.Do you think whose D.Do you think who( )35.The two girls _ like children.They are good _ children. A.some;for B.a

11、ny;atC.both;with D.all;for.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Friends are very important in peoples lives. Some friends have 36 views and interests, but 37 like the same things. Should friends be different 38 the same? In my opinion, I dont care. I have two best friends, Wang Lei and Lin Ying. W

12、ang Lei 39 like me. I am 40 than most of the students in my class, and Wang Lei is also quiet. And we both enjoy 41 .On weekends, we often go to the library to do some reading. But the other friend of mine, Lin Ying, is 42 different from me. She is much more outgoing, and she likes 43 and often makes me laugh. She also likes 44 ,so she is more athletic. I dont think differences are important in a 45 .Whats your opinion?( )36.A.same B.opposite C.active D.free( )37.A.some B.another C.other D.the other( )38.A.and B.b


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