《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?》导学案

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《《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?》导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?》导学案(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Do you want to watch a game show?导学案Period One Section A (1a-1c)学习目标词汇:1.news, educational, plan, hope, discussion, stand, talent show, learn from., plan/hope to do sth.2. 谈论各类电影和电视节目的名称。3句型: - What do you think of game shows?- I like them. / I love them. / I dont like them. / I cant stand them. /I

2、dont mind them.重点:1.学会询问他人对某事物的观点并会正确表达自己的看法。-What do you think of game shows?- I like them. / I love them. / I dont like them. / I cant stand them. /I dont mind them:课前探究预习33-34页单词,并理解意思。1.个人自读,记忆单词2.小组互相检查读、写情况3 .写出下列单词并展示计划_ 希望_预料_ 忍受_情景喜剧_ 新闻_肥皂剧_教育的,有教育意义的_找到,查明_预习交流(检查个人完成预习情况。)I组内成员互相抽读生词,相互纠

3、错,教师抽读。II 组内成员相互批改英译汉练习,作出评价_(ABC)。互助提升1同桌互相提问短语。2写出下列单词并展示脱口秀_ 肥皂剧_游戏节目_体育节目_才艺表演_不喜欢_不介意_不能忍受_3两人一组合作练习1c。小组合作1、完成1b听力练习,了解马克对电视节目的看法。2、两人一组合作练习1c, 要求用其他词语替换练习。A:What do you want to watch? B:What do you think ofA: B: Then lets watch班级展示两人一组全班表演1c。2人一组朗读2a单词,明确汉语。听录音,完成2a将听到的电视节目排序并相互核对答案。听录音,完成2b部

4、分的句子并相互核对答案。体验成功(1)He wants_the game show.A. watch B. see C. to watch D. to see(2)What do you_the sports show? -Its great!A. think B. likeC. think of D. look like(3)I_the sitcom. Its too long.A. like B. dont mindC. cant stand D. love(4)Can you help me_what time the train leaves?A. find out B. look f

5、orC. watch D. see(5)I like watching news. I want to know what is_around the world.A. go on B. goes onC. going on D. went on快乐心得1 我帮助了_同学说_。2 _同学帮助我学会了_.3 我在课堂上与同学对话_次。4 我对我在课堂上的_(表现)感到满意。5 本堂课我还有_不懂。拓展延伸短文填空John lives in New York, But his brother Tom lives in Paris, One day, John went to _78_ Tom,Af

6、ter getting to the airport,he_79_a taxi to Toms home. The taxi had four seats. People needed to_80_10 dollars for each of the seats. John had to pay 20 dollars_81_his big bag also took a seat. When the taxi got to Toms home, John was happy to see Tom. When he wanted to give 20 dollars to the driver,

7、Tom_82_him.he took the _83_back.you dont need to pay so much money, Tom said. Then he only gave 10 dollars to the driver. The taxi left. Tom gave the_84_10 dollars to John. How was your_85_,Johnhe ask. Itll be fine if you get back my bag in the taxi John answered.阅读理解Do you know the Chinese saying “

8、He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man”? Mr. White knows it. Next month he is going to Beijing with his wife. They are going to visit the Great Wall. They are staying in Beijing for about a week. They have a lot of Chinese friends there, so they are visiting them. Then theyre flying to

9、 West Lake in Hangzhou. They are going boating there and staying there for about three days. Mr. White knows that the Yellow Mountain is very famous in China. So theyre going to Anhui to go hiking in the great mountain. After two days in Anhui theyll have to go back to Sydney.“Im taking lots of phot

10、os in China. When I get back to Sydney, I am going to show the photos to my friends. I want my friends to know more about China.” said Mr. White1.Who is Mr. White going to China with?A. His friends. B. His parents. C. His wife. D. His children.2.Mr. White is staying in Beijing for about.A. two weeks

11、 B. three daysC. one month D. seven days 3.Mr. White isin Hangzhou.A. going boating B. going hikingC. going camping D. going swimming4.Mr. White is from.A. Australia B. AmericaC. Canada D. England5.From the passage we can learn that. A. Mr. White is going to China next weekB. Mr. White has many frie

12、nds in BeijingC. Mr. White is going to visit the Yellow RiverD. Mr. White is staying in Anhui for a weekPeriod Two Section A (2a-2c)学习目标1 词汇:会读背单词:news, educational, plan, hope, discussion, stand, talent show, learn from., plan/hope to do sth Happen,may,expect,joke,comedy2谈论各类电影和电视节目的名称。3句型: expect

13、to V hope to be教学重、难点:学会询问他人对某事物的观并会正确表达自己的看法。动词不定式用法 expect to V hope to be课前探究生词预习:朗读单词,记忆汉语; 拼写单词,记住单词形式。hope hp .希望;期望;盼望 n.希望 discussiondskn n.讨论;谈论stand stnd v.站立;忍受happen hpn vi.发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇may me aux.可以,能够;可能,也许expectkspekt v.预期;期待;盼望2、预习朗读2d对话并勾画短语。had a discussion about TV shows.I cant stan

14、d them.like to follow the storysee what happens next.I dont mind soap operas.may not be very exciting,expect tolearn a lot from them.hope to beone day.预习交流(检查个人完成预习情况。)I组内成员互相抽读生词,相互纠错,教师抽读。II 组内成员相互批改英译汉练习,作出评价_(ABC)。互助提升一、汉译英(1)我们开展了有关电视节目的大讨论。We_ the TV shows.(2)我不能忍受体育节目。I_the sports shows.(3)他希望有一天能成为一名电视台记者



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