Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Module 1 Unit 9 Motivation

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《Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Module 1 Unit 9 Motivation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) Module 1 Unit 9 Motivation(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT),Module 1 Unit 9 Motivation,Unit 9 Motivation,Module. 1,Unit 9 Motivation,3,Module. 1,What is motivation? Motivation is the thoughts and feelings which make us want to and continue to want to do something and which turn our wishes into action. Motivation inuences: why pe

2、ople decide to do something how long they keep wanting to do it how they work to achieve it. Motivation is very important in language learning. It is one of the key factors that helps make language learning successful.,Unit 9 Motivation,Module. 1,Key concepts There are several different factors (thi

3、ngs that influence) which can influence motivation. They include: The usefulness to us of knowing the language well. Many people want to learn a language because it can help them achieve practical things such as finding a (better) job, getting onto a course of study, getting good marks from the teac

4、her, or booking hotel rooms.,Unit 9 Motivation,Module. 1,Key concepts Our interest in the target language culture (the culture of the language we are learning). We might want to get really good at Russian, for example, so that we can read books by famous Russian authors, or understand the world whic

5、h produced their great artists and composers. This is learning a language because of interest in culture with a capital C, i.e. high culture. Many people are also interested in culture with a small c. They want to learn Japanese, for example, so they can understand Manga comics better, or learn Engl

6、ish to read about their favourite celebrities. We may also be interested in the target culture because we actually want to become part of that culture, perhaps because we are moving to the country. In this case we might be interested in aspects of the countrys customs and lifestyle, and see the targ

7、et language as a key to understanding and becoming part of that culture.,Unit 9 Motivation,Module. 1,Key concepts Feeling good about learning the language. If we are successful at something, that success makes us want to continue doing it and achieve greater things. Managing to communicate in a fore

8、ign language can make us want to communicate more and better. Confidence (feeling that we can do things successfully), learner autonomy/independence (feeling responsible for and in control of our own learning) and a sense of achievement (being successful at something we have worked at) are all part

9、of feeling good about learning a language. If we think we are good at something, we want to do it.,Unit 9 Motivation,Module. 1,Key concepts Encouragement and support from others. We may live in a country or family or go to a school where learning a foreign language is highly valued and much encourag

10、ed. This helps us to realise the importance of the foreign language and gives us emotional support as we learn. People who live in a country where people cant see the point of learning a foreign language may have little motivation to learn a foreign language. Wishing to communicate fully with people

11、 who matter to you. People may have friends, boy or girlfriends, business partners, etc. who speak another language. They want to develop their relationship with them. This is a strong motivation to learn a language.,Unit 9 Motivation,Module. 1,Key concepts Our interest in the learning process. Some

12、times we want to learn a foreign language simply because we enjoy our language class; we like the teacher, how he/she teaches, the classroom activities, the coursebook or maybe the topics the class deals with. All these are factors related to learning itself, which come from the classroom.,Unit 9 Mo

13、tivation,Module. 1,The usefulness to us of knowing the language well. Our interest in the target language culture Feeling good about learning the language. Encouragement and support from others. Wishing to communicate fully with people who matter to you. Our interest in the learning process.,Unit 9

14、Motivation,Module. 1,Key concepts We can see that there are different kinds of motivation. Some come from inside the learner and some come from the learners environment. Learners may differ in their motivations; some may have strong motivation of one kind but little of another, other learners motiva

15、tion may be a mixture of kinds. There are also learners, of course, who are unmotivated, i.e. who have no motivation or are demotivated, i.e. they have lost their motivation. And motivation can change, too. A learner may, for example, be quite uninterested in learning a particular language, then mee

16、t a teacher who helps them love learning the language. Motivation can change with age, too, with some factors becoming more or less important as learners get older.,Unit 9 Motivation,Module. 1,Key concepts and the language teaching classroom Two researchers in motivation, Z. Drnyei and K. Csizr, have suggested there are ten key areas in which the teacher can infl uence learners motivation, and have provided a list of strategies for motivating learners in these areas. Re


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