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1、南方医科大学病理学系,甲状腺病理学,李祖国 E-mail:,The butterfly-shaped thyroid,This is the normal appearance of the thyroid gland on the anterior trachea of the neck. The thyroid gland has a right lobe and a left lobe connected by a narrow isthmus. The normal weight of the thyroid is 10 to 30 grams. It cannot easily be

2、 palpated on physical examination.,一、甲状腺,1、一般结构:被膜(结缔组织) 包膜深入分隔甲状腺形成小叶 。 2、实质:两种上皮细胞+均质嗜酸性胶状物 。,单层滤泡上皮细胞 滤泡旁细胞,滤泡上皮细胞,LM:立方细胞、核圆居中 EM:游离面有微绒毛,粗面内质网丰富,高尔基复合体发达,线粒体、溶酶体较多,含分泌颗粒和胶质小泡。,功能:合成分泌甲状腺激素(促进机体新 陈代谢、生长、发育及神经兴奋性) 过少:呆小症(幼儿) 分泌甲状腺激素 粘液性水肿(成人) 过多:甲亢,滤泡上皮细胞,滤泡旁细胞,分布:滤泡间或滤泡上皮细胞间。 形态:数量少、体积大,HE中胞质淡染、

3、 胞质中有嗜银颗粒、顶部不和滤 泡腔接触。 功能:分泌降钙素,促进骨盐沉着,降低 血钙。,甲状腺模式图,甲状腺光镜像,甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞电镜像,甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞电镜像,F,甲状腺激素的合成与碘的代谢,甲状腺上皮细胞可通过泡膜上的“碘泵”主动摄取血浆中的I-。I-在甲状腺浓集,在过氧化物酶催化下,氧化成活性碘。,活性碘使甲状腺上皮细胞核糖体上的甲状腺球蛋白中的酪氨酸残基碘化,生成一碘酪氨酸(MIT)或二碘酪氨酸(DIT)残基。,在过氧化酶催化下,一分子DIT与一分子MIT缩合成一分子T3,两分子DIT缩合成一分子T4。,含T3、T4的甲状腺球蛋白在滤泡腔贮存。,甲状腺的激素形成模式图,P,P,

4、甲状腺光镜像(P:滤泡旁细胞 ),甲状腺光镜像(镀银染色,示滤泡旁细胞),缺碘导致的甲状腺肿,二、甲状旁腺,二.甲状旁腺 有被膜,两种腺细胞排成索团状 主细胞(chief cell):数量多,多边形,色浅,为含氮激素分泌细胞,分泌甲状旁腺激素(parathyroid hormone),作用于骨细胞和破骨细胞,促进溶解骨盐;促进肠和肾小管吸收钙,升高血钙。 嗜酸性细胞:青春期前后出现,含大量嗜酸性颗粒,即线粒体;功能不明。,二、甲状旁腺,图9 甲状旁腺模式图,二.甲状旁腺 有被膜,两种腺细胞排成索团状 主细胞(chief cell):数量多,多边形,色浅,为含氮激素分泌细胞,分泌甲状旁腺激素(p

5、arathyroid hormone),作用于骨细胞和破骨细胞,促进溶解骨盐;促进肠和肾小管吸收钙,升高血钙 嗜酸性细胞:青春期前后出现,含大量嗜酸性颗粒,即线粒体;功能不明。,甲状腺疾病 Thyroid disease,甲状腺肿 Goiter,甲状腺肿瘤 Thyroid neoplasm,甲状腺腺瘤,甲状腺癌,弥漫性非毒性,弥漫性毒性,甲状腺疾病,甲状腺炎 Thyroiditis,亚急性,慢性淋巴细胞性,甲状旁腺增生,甲状旁腺癌,梁索型 滤泡型 假菊形团型 梭形细胞型,主细胞增生,水样透明细胞增生,甲状旁腺疾病,甲状旁腺 腺瘤,主细胞腺瘤,嗜酸细胞腺瘤,甲状腺滤泡上皮发生的一种常见的良性肿瘤

6、 中青年女性多见 生长缓慢, 随吞咽活动而移动,甲状腺腺瘤 Thyroid adenoma,多为单发,球形,有完整包膜,35cm,病理变化,肉眼,切面多为实性,色暗红或棕黄,可并发出血、囊性变、钙化和纤维化,Here is a surgical excision of a small mass from the thyroid gland that has been cut in half. A rim of slightly darker thyroid parenchyma is seen at the left. The mass is well-circumscribed. Gross

7、ly it felt firm.,单纯型腺瘤 胶样型腺瘤 胎儿型腺瘤 胚胎型腺瘤 嗜酸性细胞腺瘤 非典型腺瘤,组织学分型,单纯型腺瘤 (Simple-),B. 胎儿型腺瘤 (Fetal-) microfollicular,包膜完整,大小较一致、拥挤、内含胶质的滤泡,小而一致,仅含少量胶质或无胶质的小滤泡,间质水肿粘液样,normofollicular,C. 胶样型腺瘤(Colloid-) macrofollicular,D. 胚胎型腺瘤(Embryonal-),大滤泡或大小不一、内含胶质的滤泡,间质少,瘤细胞小而一致,呈片状或条索状,无胶质,间质水肿,trabecular and solid,

8、E. 嗜酸性细胞腺瘤(Acidophilic cell-) 少见,瘤细胞大而多角,核小,胞浆内含嗜酸性颗粒,排列成索网或巢状,Hurthle,D 非典型腺瘤,D 非典型腺瘤,结节性甲状腺肿和甲状腺瘤的诊断及鉴别要点:,甲状腺癌 thyroid Carcinoma,较为常见,约占所有恶性肿瘤的1.3,占癌症死亡病例的0.4 生长规律差异大(生长缓慢、病灶小转移早) 多数甲状腺癌患者甲状腺功能正常,仅少数引起内分泌紊乱,主要特点:,组织学分型,乳头状癌 Papillary carcinoma 滤泡癌 Follicular carcinoma 髓样癌 Medullary carcinoma 未分化癌

9、 Undifferentiated carcinoma,最常见类型(60%) 青少年、女性多见 肿瘤生长慢,恶性程度较低,预后较好 局部淋巴结转移较早,1乳头状癌 papillary carcinoma,圆形,直径约2-3cm,无包膜,质较硬 切面灰白,常伴有囊性变,出血、 坏死、纤维化和钙化,肉眼,The papillary carcinoma neoplasm can be multifocal because of the propensity to invade lymphatics within thyroid, and lymph node metastases are commo

10、n. The larger mass is cystic and contains papillary excresences.,乳头分枝多,中心有纤维血管间质 间质内常见砂粒体(Psammona bodies) 呈同心圆状的钙化小体 乳头上皮可单层或多层 细胞核的改变:毛玻璃状核 核内假包涵体 核沟,镜下,甲状腺微小癌:癌直径1cm,隐匿性癌,This is the microscopic appearance of a papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. The fronds of tissue have thin fibrovascular cores

11、. The fronds have an overal papillary pattern.,Thyroid follicles are being replaced by a papillary neoplasm (epithelium covers fibrous stalk that branches). Note the fibrosis (pink) and the calcification (dark blue or black).,This is another papillary carcinoma of thyroid. Note the small psammoma bo

12、dy in the center. The cells of the neoplasm have clear nuclei.,Psammoma bodies (spherical, concentrically laminated calcified mass).,Notice the papillary formations within the cystic structure,免疫组化标记,CK19阳性; 甲状腺球蛋白 Tg阳性; 甲状腺转化因子TTF-1阳性; Galectin-3 阳性; CyclinD1阳性; HBME-1阳性; Ki67阳性指数高。,多发于40岁女性 比乳头状癌恶

13、性程度高、预后差 早期血道转移 癌组织侵犯周围组织器官时,有相应的症状,2滤泡癌 follicular carcinoma,结节状,包膜不完整,界不清 切面:灰白、质软,肉眼,分化好:类似于腺瘤,但有包膜和血管侵犯; 分化差:呈实性巢片状 瘤细胞异型性明显 滤泡少而不完整 嗜酸性细胞癌 (Acidophilic cell carcinoma) 少见,由嗜酸性癌细胞构成,镜下,可见不同分化程度的滤泡,Tumor cells infiltrate the amicula,Poorly differentiated follicular carcinoma with oxyphilic featur

14、es,嗜酸性细胞癌,METATSTASIS TO BONE 7 YEARS LATER,由滤泡旁细胞(即C细胞)发生的恶性肿瘤,占5%-10%,40-60岁高发: 部分为家族性常染色体显性遗传 90%的肿瘤分泌降钙素,产生严重腹泻和低血钙症,3髓样癌 medullary carcinoma,瘤细胞圆形或多角,核仁不明显 实体片巢状、乳头状、滤泡状排列 间质内常有淀粉样物质沉着 IHC: 降钙素(calcitonin)+,甲状腺球蛋白(thyroglobulin)-,单发或多发,假包膜 切面:灰白、黄褐色,质实而软,肉眼,镜下,At the center and to the right is

15、a medullary carcinoma of thyroid. At the far right is pink hyaline material with the appearance of amyloid. These neoplasms are derived from the thyroid “C“ cells and, therefore, have neuroendocrine features such as secretion of calcitonin.,Medullary (C-cell) carcinoma of the thyroid with amyloid st

16、roma,免疫组化标记,降钙素阳性 CGA阳性 Syn阳性,Here the amyloid stroma of the medullary thyroid carcinoma has been stained with Congo red.,Immunohistochemical anti-calcitonin antibody stain of a medullary carcinoma showing strong red positivity.,少见,50岁女性多见 生长快,早期浸润和转移 恶性程度高,预后差,4未分化癌 undifferentiated carcinoma,未分化癌:肿块较大,灰白,不规则,无包膜,广泛浸润、破坏,常有出血、坏死,未分化癌:癌细胞大小、形态、染色深浅不一,核分裂象多,甲状旁腺增生,甲状旁腺癌,梁索型 滤泡型 假菊形团型 梭形细


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