1_M2 Unit 2 Project 1105_681712437(1)

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《1_M2 Unit 2 Project 1105_681712437(1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《1_M2 Unit 2 Project 1105_681712437(1)(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Wish you were here Project,M2 Unit 2,授课人:浏阳三中 李维,Puzhehei,Shangri-la,&,1. What does the name Puzhehei mean?,A lake abundant in fish and shrimps,Venice of the east,2. What makes Puzhehei a perfect place for scientific research? A. crystal clear water B. strange-looking hills C. various Karst caves D.

2、 lotus blossoms,Reading zone,3. What do you know about Puzhehei? A. It is156 square kilometers. B. Its weather changes very quickly. C. There are many ethnic groups. D. It has a long history.,4. Where are the two passages probably taken from? A. a business magazine B. a travel leaflet C. a film revi

3、ew D. a history book,Travel leaflet,What topics should be included in a travel leaflet?,Thinking box,8. scenic spots,3. history,11. weather,1. location,7. interesting activities,10. customs,9. food,4. buildings,5. hotels,6. transportation,12. ethnic groups,2. size,Rules: 1.Work in pairs 2. Analyze a

4、nd compare the two passages 3.Find out their similarities and differences. 4.Finish the mind map,Pair work,Topics: location, size, history, buildings, hotels, transportation, interesting activities, scenic spots, food, customs, weather, ethnic groups.,Directions,No.1 Sheep, cattle and horses wander

5、on the green land, and the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals.,Shangri-la Part 4,Language Cabin,No.2 Three mountains, Meili, Baimang and Haba, which are covered with snow, tower over the land.,Shangri-la Part 4,A,B,c,No.3 The lotuslts blossoms bls()m (盛开的荷花) form a drop-dead gorg

6、eous gdspicture that will leave you at a loss for words.,Puzhehei Part 4,1.In Puzhehei, the lotus blossoms (盛开的荷花) form a drop-dead gorgeous gds picture that will leave you at a loss for words.,Taohuayuan,2.In Taohuayuan, _,Peach,the peach blossoms form a drop-dead gorgeous picture that will leave y

7、ou at a loss for words.,No.4 In this peaceful land, people live in perfect harmonyhmn with nature.,Shangri-la Part 4.,A,B,In this peaceful school, teachers and students live in perfect harmony with nature.,2. Three mountains, Meili, Baimang and Haba, which are covered with snow, tower over the land.

8、,4. In this peaceful land, people live in perfect harmony with nature.,1. Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the green land, and the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals.,3. The lotus blossoms (盛开的荷花) form a drop-dead gorgeous picture that will leave you at a loss for words.,Langua

9、ge Cabin,Work in groups of 6 (1 for presentation, 5 for design) Contents: Choice A: our hometown - Changde . Choice B: another place you like. Time: 6 mins for preparation 2 mins for report (each group),-Design a Travel Leaflet,DIY Studio,-Checklist评价表,Presentation center,Located in the northeast of

10、 Hunan Province, Liuyang is a beautiful city with a long history.,Small in size as it is, it has a population of 1.5 millon. Since the four seasons here are distinct, Liuyang enjoys a pleasant weather condition.,a trip to Liuyang will not be completed without tasting some delicious local food, especially Liuyang Steamed Dishes.,It is the fireworks that makes Liuyang known to people all around the world. Welcome to Liuyang,Liuyang,Homework,Polish your travel leaflets.,We are always on the way!,A good travel leaflet is a good advertisement of a city.,Thank you!,


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