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1、The Chinese Diet Culture 中国饮食文化,The first group,杨君婷,201505001778,浦绍嘉,201505001779,潘贵音,201505003545,吴昊芳,201505001811,Team members :,1.background,Description(描述) background knowledge,2.Watch the video,Watch “A Bite of China“,3.Detailed introduction,Detailed(adj.详细的) introduction Chinese diet culture,4

2、.Tests,(1)Fills up the topic (填空题) (2) Short-answer questions(简答题),5.conclusion,Many thanks!,The process table (流程表):,background,01,Description background knowledge,video,02,Watch “A Bite of China“,introduction,03,Detailed introduction Chinese diet culture,Cont,ents,2,Fastidious about diet,tableware

3、 and diet culture.,Drinking tea, Deep connotation,Paying seasoning, the same food and medicine.,3,4,The Chinese Diet Culture,1.Different places different food ( 地域差异,风味多样 ),Foreign food,Chinese cuisine(菜系),Chuan(川菜) Lu(鲁菜) Yue(粤菜) Su(苏菜) Zhe(浙菜) Min(闽菜) Xiang(湘菜) Hui(徽菜),Sichuan dishes,Pastry (点心),2

4、.Fastidious about diet,tableware and diet culture. ( 饮 食 讲 究 , 餐 食 文 化 ),The biggest characteristics of Chinese food: Chinese diet of five standards(国菜五品),Color(色),Flavor(香),Taste(味),Shape(形),Meaning(意),1+12:Chinese tableware culture(餐具文化),Contrast:chopsticks knife and fork,Keywords:tableware, china

5、, bamboo ware,Details: table manners,Let the elder people and the customer eat first. Dont use the chopsticks hit the bowl. Dont reach to get the food on the opposite side. Dont eat until everyone is there. Wish for the people who host the dinner.,The day for celebrating :festival eating habit,Keywo

6、rds: Spring Festival、Dragon Boat Festival、Mid Autumn Festival、Birthday,Chinese can eat the unique food in some festivals.,3.Drinking tea, Deep connotation (常品香茗,内涵深厚), The green tea(绿茶),1.the most productive,2.the famous green tea-西湖龙井,The black tea(红茶),Keywords:1.fermented tea soup,most famou

7、s black tea is 祁门红茶,Oolong tea(青茶、乌龙茶),1.Oolong tea is a tea, between black tea and green tea.,2.Oolong tea processes the most complex in the six categories of tea,Tea drinking benefits(喝茶好处),(1)Tea can enhance thinking and memory ability. (2) tea can eliminate fatigue promote metabolism(新陈代谢) and m

8、aintain the normal functions of heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal(adj.胃肠的). (3) tea contains many trace elements beneficial to human body. (4) Tea has inhibitory effect of malignant tumors(恶性肿瘤) , because tea can significantly (adv.显著地) inhibit(v.抑制) the growth of cancer cells.,Tea drinking ben

9、efits(喝茶好处),(5) Tea can inhibit cell senescence and prolong life. (6) Tea make people excit, central nervous and enhance exercise capacity. (7) Tea has a good effect of weight loss and beauty. (8) Tea can protect the hematopoiesis(n.造血作用) function.,4.Paying seasoning,the same food and medicine. (注重调

10、味,药食结合),seasoning(调味品)mainly has the following features(功能): (1)Remove the raw materials(原材料的)peculiar smell. (2)Add the flavor of food. (3)Determine the taste of the food. (4)Increase the food flavor. (5)Adjust the color of food. (6)Use of spices(调料) to sterilization(杀菌消毒).,So,There is an old sayin

11、g: Medicine and food are homologous(adj.同源), and the food with Chinese medicine is in analogy(n.类似). (医食同源,药膳同功),The link between food and drugs.,Food and medicine,They both belong to Chinese traditional medicine, with good cure effect, and we often eat nutritious (adj.有营养的)and tasty food.,orange,ho

12、ney,walnuts (核桃),hawthorn (山楂),Tests,04,(1)Fills up the topic (填空题) (2) Short-answer questions (简答题),1.what added to salad to achieve the purpose of sterilization(杀菌消毒)? B.vinegar C.water D.mayonnaise (蛋黄酱),Tests1:Fills up the topic (填空题),2. What should eat traditional food in Spring Festiva

13、l?,A.Moon cake B. Cheese C. Dumplings D. Rice dumpling,(n.醋),1. Which is the green tea?,A.,B,C.,D,Tests1:Fills up the topic (填空题),Tests2:Short-answer questions(简答题),1.In the Chinese diet culture,What are the seasonings basic function?,(1)Remove the raw materials(原材料的)peculiar smell. (2)Add the flavor of food. (3)Determine the taste of the food. (4)Increase the food flavor. (5)Adjust the color of food. (6)Use of spices(调料) to sterilization(杀菌消毒).,


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