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1、cycindy版权 下载可改,Today Its time to know more About it,Theoretical System,Yin And Yang the law of nature,Everything in the universe contains yin and yang,dynamic bright hot functional etc.,static dark cold substantial etc,Yin Yang,The Five Element Theory natural philosophy in ancient China,restriction,

2、restriction,restriction,The relationships of generation, restriction,restriction,restriction,Basic substances to constitute the universe,the nature of growing freely,the nature of flaring up,the nature of giving birth to all things,the nature of purifying and descending,the nature of moistening,live

3、r eye east,heart lingua south,spleen mouth middle,lung nose west,kidney ear north,七情指的是人的精神活动。中医把它们归为七类:喜、怒、哀、思、悲、惊、恐。在正常情况下,它们是人体对环境刺激的不同反应,属于正常的生理活动,不会致病。当突然、强烈、持久的精神刺激超出了人体的适应力和忍受力,情感刺激就会成为致病因素,引起气、血和脏腑的功能失调和阴阳失衡,从而导致疾病。这就是“内伤七情”。,中医云:“怒伤肝;喜伤心;忧伤肺;思伤脾;惊恐伤肾”。异常情绪主要影响内脏气的活动,导致气的升降失常。 具体的说“怒则气上;喜则气缓

4、;悲则气消;恐则气下;惊则气乱;思则气结”。,The Four Diagnostic Methods,Inspection,察色是观察面部的颜色和光泽的一种诊断方法。中医将面色分为青、黄、红、白、黑,也称为“五色”,面色的改变可以提示疾病的性质和部位。总的来说,色红提示热证;色白提示寒证和虚证;黄色提示虚证和湿证;青色提示痛证、寒证、血瘀和痉证;黑色提示肾虚、血瘀和水液停滞。望还包括对体质的观察。观察体质的强弱、肥瘦和动静姿势可以发现不同的疾病。望舌是中医独特的诊断步骤。通常用观察舌质和舌苔的改变来确定正气的盛衰和疾病的部位,区分病邪的性质,推断疾病的严重程度。,The observation

5、 of complexion is a diagnostic method for inspecting the colour and lustre of the face. TCM divides the facial colours into blue, yellow, red, pale and black, also known as the “five colours“, whose changes may indicates the nature and the location of a disease. Generally speaking, red complexion in

6、dicates heat syndromes; white complexion indicates cold and deficiency syndrome; yellow complexion deficiency and dampness syndromes; blue complexion suggests pain and cold syndrome,blood stasis and convulsion; and black complexion hints deficiency of the kidney, blood stasis and fluid retention. In

7、spection also includes observation of the physical build. By the observation of sturdiness, weakness, obesity or emaciation as well as the posture of the movement and stillness, different kinds of diseases may he found out. And, in particular, the observation of the tongue is a unique procedure in T

8、CM diagnosis. It is used to observe the changes of the tongue proper and the tongue coating so as to determine the abundance or decline of vital qi, tell the location of a disease, distinguish the nature of pathogenic factors and infer the degree of seriousness of a disease.,Auscultation and Olfacti

9、on,另外一种诊断方法是听和嗅。听意味着听病人的声音、言语、呼吸、咳嗽和呻吟。通过听,医生不仅可以了解发音器官的变化,还可以推断内脏器官的病理改变。嗅指的湿闻病人分泌物和排泄物的气味。扩展来说,臭气通常提示实热证;恶臭提示虚寒证;腐味和酸味暗示食滞。,Another diagnostic method is auscultation and olfaction. Auscultation means listening to the patients voice, speaking, respiration, coughing and moaning. By auscultation, the

10、 doctor can not only learn about the changes of the phonatory organ, but also infer the pathological changes of the internal organs. While olfaction means smelling the patients odor of the secretion and excretion. By and large, stench odor usually indicates heat syndromes of excess; stinking(烂醉) odo

11、r suggests cold syndromes of deficiency; and foul and sour odor implies retention of food.,Inquiry,这是一种向病人及其同伴询问和收集有关疾病信息的一种诊断方法。医生还应通过询问了解疾病的发生、过程、诊断和治疗。 以下是现病史的询问列表:A.问寒热 B.问汗 C.问饮食 D.问二便 E.问痛 F.问睡眠,This is a diagnostic method in which the patient or his companion are inquired to collect the infor

12、mation concerning a disease. Here is an outline of inquiring about the present illness: A. Asking about Chills and Fever B. Asking about Perspiration C. Asking about Diet and Appetite D. Asking about Defecation and Urination E. Questioning about Pain F. Questioning ahout Sleep,Pulse-taking and Palpa

13、tion,这是第四种诊断方法,包括切脉和按压身体的其它部位。前者是通过医生的指尖感觉患者桡侧腕部动脉以判断脉的状况的一个诊断步骤,从而了解和推断疾病的状况。后者也是医生通过触摸、感觉、推和按身体的一定部位,检查局部异常改变的一个步骤,因此,可以确定疾病的部位和性质。,It is the fourth diagnostic methnd, including pulse-taking and, on the other, palpation of different parts of the body. The former is a diagnostic procedure by which

14、the physician may feel the patients radial arteries with the finger-tips to judge pulse condition, thus learning and inferring the condition of illness. The latter is also a procedure by which the physician may touch, feel, push and press certain parts of the body to detect local abnormal changes, t

15、hereby determining the location and nature of the disease.,Medical Classic,Ming Dynasty,Ben Cao Gang Mu,581-682 AD,Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang,Han Dynasty,Western Jin Dynasty,Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing,Shang Han Lun ,2,000 years ago,Huang Di Nei jing,2000多年前出现的黄帝内经是中国现存的最早医著。该书对人和自然的关系、人体的生理及病理、疾病的预防和诊治等方面进行

16、了系统全面的说明。同时它运用阴阳和五行理论全面阐述了因时、因地、因人而异辩证论治的原则并且表达了整体观念的思想即把人体看作一个整体,把人与其周围的环境看作一个整体。这为中医理论的形成奠定了初步的基础。,More than 2,000 years ago, came out Huangdis Classic on Medicine( Huang Di Nei jing ), which is the earliest medical classic extant in China. The book gives a complete and systematic exposition to the following various subjects : the relationship between man and nature, the physiology and pathology of the human body, and the diagnosis, treatment


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