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1、物流专业英语教程 电子教案 Unit 5 Information technology in logistics 信息技术在物流中,教学任务: 掌握本单元的物流专业术语 掌握本单元的核心概念 熟悉本单元的常用物流英语表达法 熟悉本单元的物流流程,第一部分 Section 1 本单元核心术语 Core terms,demand forecast 需求预测 transaction 交易 real time visibility 实时可见性,实时透明度 EDI 电子数据交换 (Electronic Data Interchange),第二部分 Section 2 本单元核心概念 Core conce

2、pts,What is ICT? 什么是ICT?,“ICT, short for information and communication technology, is the use of electronic processing media for the collection, analysis and evaluation of data, and the transfer of information from one point to another.,ICT是“信息和通信技术”的缩写,它是指把电子处理媒介用于数据的收集、分析和评估以及把信息从一地传输到另一地。,课堂教学之 S

3、tep 1 单词领读 由教师当堂领读生词 纠正学生的发音 领读完之后给学生留出5分钟的时间来温习单词。,课堂教学之 Step 2 重点内容 掌握核心术语 学习时间5分钟,课堂教学之 Step 3 难点学习 理解并背诵核心概念 学习时间5分钟,课堂教学之 Step 4 课文学习 理解课文的意思 对难句进行语法和结构讲解 学习时间30分钟,课文学习提示: 教师在讲解课文时,除对课文进行翻译之外,还要顺带讲解一下难句的语法结构。,It is known to all that effective supply chain management can provide a major source o

4、f competitive advantage. The goal of a supply chain manager is therefore link the end customers, the distribution channels, the production processes and the procurement activity in such a way that customers expectations are met and yet at a lower total cost. One of the enabling factors for the achie

5、vement of this goal is the effective use of information technology (IT). 众所周知,高效的供应链管理是可以提供竞争性优势的主要源泉。因此,供应链经理的目标就是要联接最终客户、流通渠道、生产工序以及采购活动,其方法必须满足客户的期望值,同时可以降低总成本。达到这个目标的促成因素之一就是高效地使用信息技术(IT)。,For example, in retailing, margin erosion and the need for ever improving levels of customer service have b

6、oth been instrumental in increasing the levels of IT investment to support supply chain improvements. Retailers will continue to invest in technologies such as electronic data interchange (EDI) in order both to facilitate further reductions in supply chain stock levels and to forge stronger supply c

7、hain linkages between both their customers and suppliers. 譬如,在零售业,利润侵蚀以及不断改进客户服务的需要有助于提高IT向供应链改进的投入水平。零售商将继续在技术方面投资,如电子数据交换网(EDI),以便既可以进一步促进供应链库存的降低,同时又可以在消费者和供应商之间打造更为紧密的供应链连接。,What is ICT? ICT, short for information and communication technology, is the use of electronic processing media for the co

8、llection, analysis and evaluation of data, and the transfer of information from one point to another. 什么是ICT? ICT是“信息和通信技术”的缩写,它是指把电子处理媒介用于数据的收集、分析和评估以及把信息从一地传输到另一地。,Flows of information in logistics and supply chains are as fundamental as the flows of goods and materials and people. Such informatio

9、n flows occur not only internally within companies, but also between external suppliers, contractors, and customers. 在物流和供应链中,信息流和物料流、材料流以及人流一样,都是基础性的因素,这类信息流不仅发生在公司的内部,而且也发生在外部的供应商、承包商以及客户之间。,All the flows of physical goods, people and material are triggered by ICT. The whole logistics and supply c

10、hain process is kept moving by the supply of information and communication. 所有实体物资流、人流和材料流通都是由ICT所引发的。整个物流和供应链程序是由信息和通信的提供所推动的。,Four key themes 四个关键主题 There are a variety of technological trends and innovations which have an impact on the use of information technology in logistics. However, the majo

11、r trends can be grouped into four key themes. These themes are important to the current and future use of information technology to support logistics operations across all industry sectors. The four key themes are concerned with: 有多种技术趋势及革新都会影响信息技术在物流中的运用。然而,主要趋势可以被分组为四个关键的主题。这些主题对于当前及未来使用信息技术来支持全行业

12、内的物流运营是非常重要的。这四个主题涉及到:,integration and flexibility; EDI; hardware; and communications technology. 一体化及灵活性 电子数据交换网 硬件;和 通信技术,Integration and flexibility 一体化及灵活性 The successful integration of information within an organization is a powerful enabler for: reduced costs; increased productivity; and impro

13、ved customer service. 在企业内成功地进行信息一体化可以有力地促成: 成本降低 生产效率的提高;并 客户服务的提高,Advanced transaction processing systems which address the needs of an entire organization are now commonplace. These systems enable management to monitor inventory at all locations throughout the organization, which may include mult

14、iple warehouses in multiple countries. 一些可以应对整个企业需要的先进的交易处理系统现在已经是常见的。这些系统使企业能够在全企业的所有方位来监控库存,这可能包括在多国的多个仓库。,Integrated systems are now available which provide real time visibility of demand forecast, inventory levels and production schedules. Once these systems have been linked successfully to soph

15、isticated decision support systems, then supply chain managers will have the ability to manage the traditional supply chain trade offs in a dynamic way. 一体化系统现在可以用来为需求预测、库存量以及生产计划提供实时的可见性。一旦这些系统与先进的决策支持系统成功连接,供应链经理就具备了强力管理传统供应链交易的能力。,The need for flexibility is a continuing theme whenever informatio

16、n systems are being considered. 不论何时需要考虑信息系统,对于灵活性的需要都是一个持续不断的主题。,Supply chain systems must be capable of being adapted to meet changing demands quickly and cost-effectively. Most supply chain systems have been based on modular solutions offering the ability to add and amend modules as required. 供应链系统必须能够快速并以成本高效的方法来适应不断变化中的需求。多数供应链是基于模块式解决方案,能够提供按要求对模块进行增加并修订的能力。,Usually such packages are made up of a dozen or so modules at most. This means that because of the size an



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