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1、1,2015年湖南高考作文,Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below. 请以老师当众表扬你为话题,用下面所给的句子开头,续写一篇英语短文。 As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates.,。,2,注意: 1. 将所有句子写在答题卡上; 2. 续写词数不少于120个; 3. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名

2、称。,3,高考如何阅卷?,1)切题,即短文思想内容切合“老师当众表扬你”这个主题。 2)根据评分标准,切题有“充分切题”(一、二档)、“基本切题”(三、四档)、“略微切题”(五档)三个层次。,4,3)准确而快速定档法:先确定“切题”层次,再依“表达水平”(主要看语言谋篇布局)定档次,并给分。 4)例如:根据“思想内容”判断短文“充分切题,再依据“表达水平”,确定是“一档”还是“二档”,并给分。,5,2. 审题谋篇,高考作文三段式的结构对大家来说是再熟悉不过了。开头段抄上去就可得1分,相反,写表扬的缺点只能是四档或五档。作文可以写表扬的过程,结果或影响都行,可以是记叙文,也可写议论文。,6,中间

3、段是整篇作文的重头戏,考生在写作时要注意以下三点。第一,不管是故事描述类还是现象评论类,首先要对整个受表扬有一个大致的描述,交代经历发生的时间、地点等。,7,书写时要注意句与句的连贯性,以增强中间紧凑性。高考英语作文轻内容而重语言,所以大家不需要费尽心思去写一个结局出人意料的故事。真正需要斟酌的地方在于语言,灵活运用各种词汇和句型才是得分法宝。,8,结尾段,结尾段归纳总结老师的表扬给你的好处”。这一段不需要大篇幅的铺陈,完全可以套用常用的句型(Only bycan somebody/In a word, As far as Im concerned ),9,I can never forget

4、 that day, It was in the math class, our math teacher make a question on the blackboard, hoping us who could answer, a few minutes gone, my classmates still very quiet.,As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates.,10,At this moment,

5、 I lifted my right hand slowly and said, “ Let me try.” I announced my answer, but it was wrong. Then all the classmates laughed at me, my face got red immediately.,11,To my surprise, my math teacher praised me for my courage before my classmates. What an unforgettable day it was! Teachers praise ga

6、ve me the strength to solve other problems. As a matter of fact, we teenagers all want to obtain teacher s praise in class. As far as Im concerned, teachers should praise students in class more often.,18,12,As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher be

7、fore my classmates.,It makes me feel proud of me and gives me the motivation to study harder. Actually, research shows that being praised can give one confidence and inspiration and one will be eager to perform better.,13,So teachers should praise students more often but properly, because some other

8、 research state that being over- praised will make students satisfied with their present achievement and unwilling to go further.,14,Not only teachers should praise students, but also parents should praise children, which shows that parents pay great attention to their children and children will be

9、pleased.,15,To be concluded, either teachers or parents should praise students and children in an appropriate way and only in this way can students and children feel that they are valued and paid attention to, and then they will be more confident ones!.,24,16,I can still remember it was in an Englis

10、h Class that my favorite teacher, Andy, praised me. He told the class that I was the only one who had got a full mark in the recent examination.,As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates.,17,Hearing that, I felt badly excited beca

11、use it was the first time that I had been praised by my teacher, especially my favorite teacher. He also said that I was so hardworking that rest of,18,my classmates should learn from me. I was nothing but pleased. Upon arriving at home, I couldnt help telling my Mum the good news. She was happy, to

12、o, and encouraged me to work harder to get more praise. I really did so. Just as the saying goes, “ You reap what you sow.” If you work hard enough, your teacher will praise you.,22,19,命题趋势,今年湖南卷的写作题既“合乎常理”又“出入意料”。“合乎常理”是因为它完全遵循了考试大纲的要求,即“要求学生用英语恰当地表达自己的情感、态度和价值观”。,20,1. 文章的开放性越来越强。,2013年作文要求构思一件物品失

13、而复得的经历较为开放,2014年的作文根据match, winner, loser, result来记叙一件事情开放性更强,今年用英语给材料写出老师表扬的好处,因此考生要想在英语作文上拿高分除了从语言上需要加强之外,思维上的锻炼与加强也必不可少。,21,2.记叙事件的考察越来越频繁。,去年就是考的记叙事件,其实年份再往前推,不难发现,2010年,2009年,2007年都是记叙事件,这已经成为湖南高考命题的一个重要趋势。,22,复习建议,1.过好词汇关,词汇是写作的基础; 2.过好句型和基础语法关,要能使用正确的句型和比较复杂的结构; 3.熟悉考试大纲,尽可能地让学生扩大知识面;,23,4.遵循

14、“句段文”的写作渐进步骤,训练学生写作,做到每天一两句,每周两小段,每两周一好篇; 5.分层要求,培优扶困,逐步提高“学困生”的兴趣; 6.以教材中的好句,好段,好文为范本,鼓励朗读背诵,扩大学生的输入量。,24,来年考试预测,湖南卷的考卷多会与试题开放性相连接,很可能继续考察记叙文的书写。因此,准高三的孩子们要好好从思维上、语言上进一步提升自己,为来年高考好好做准备。,25,2015年作文评分细则,26,内容(15分),表扬的过程或(及)感想或(及)影响等 一档 完美达到交际目的 1)充分切题,内容具体而丰富,中心思想突出; 2)语法结构使用广泛、准确而灵活;用词丰富而地道;句际及段际衔接自

15、然、紧密,语意连贯; 3)极少出现小错误,如“名词的数错误”、“动词时态错误”、“拼写错误”、“连词使用错误”等。,27,二档 有效达到交际目的,1)充分切题,内容具体而完整,中心思想明确; 2)语法结构使用丰富、正确而自然;词汇使用多样而流畅;信息和观点的安排有序,分段充分、适当; 3)仅有少数小错误,如”标点错误“等。,28,三档 基本达到交际目的,1)基本切题,有一定的内容和中心思想; 2)多数语句语法结构正确;能使用一定的词汇量;信息和观点有一定组织性,但缺少整体延续性; 3)语法、拼写、衔接及标点等错误多,导致读者理解困难。,29,四档 部分达到交际目的,1)基本切题,内容欠具体,中

16、心思想零散; 2)仅有极少数语句正确;使用的词汇和表达非常有限;信息和观点缺乏组织性; 3)语法、拼写、衔接及标点等错误非常多,严重影响信息传递。,30,五档 略微达到交际目的,1)略微切题,无具体内容或中心思想; 2)除了背诵或抄写的词汇或(及)短语以外,无法写出正确而完整的句子;词汇使用极其有限,基本没有掌握构词法和拼写规则。,31,其他,1)字数不达标(明显少于12行),扣1分; 2)书写特别工整,卷面特别整洁,加1分 3)书写一般,但基本能辨认,不要降档次;,32,说明,1)对于内容切题而语言表达特别差的文章,按“内容”角度给分,最高计15分。 2)对于内容不太切题而语言表达很好的文章,按“形式”角度给分,最高计10分。,33,结语,有人说今年的英语考题容易,但通过分析发现,今年与往年相比基本保持稳定。近年我省的高考命题已经十分规范。美国的托福考试、国内的四六级考试等等都是十分规范的。规范以后,认真的考生、勤奋的考生在高水平老师的开导教育下能够得高分就不足为奇了。,34,Thanks for listening!,


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