治疗心力衰竭的药物 (2)

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1、Chapter 26,Drugs Used in the Treatment of Heart Failure,治疗心力衰竭的药物,2,Instructional Objectives,1. 列举治疗心衰的药物分类及代表药。 2. 简述地高辛(digoxin)的作用、用途、 不良反应及防治。 3. 简述ACEI治疗心衰的作用机制。 4. 为心源性哮喘病人制定一治疗方案,说明 用药理由。,3, 1 Introduction ( 概述 ),4,一、心衰 Heart Failure, HF,多种原因 心泵功能衰竭 动脉系统供血不足、静脉系统淤血 一系列临床症状 。,(一)定义( definition

2、 ),充血性心衰 Congestive Heart Failure, CHF,5,心肌收缩力,心输出量,心脏排空,静脉淤血,肺循环淤血,咳嗽、咯血 呼吸困难,体循环淤血,颈V怒张、肝脾肿大、腹水、下肢浮肿、胃肠淤血等,肾血流量,水钠潴留,血容量,静脉压,醛固酮,6,7,8,Prognosis (预后),1、CHF mortality 死亡率,3 year 30% 5 year50% 1 year50-70% (severe),2、death reason,50% pump failure 泵衰竭 50% arrhythmia 心律失常,9,force of myocardial contrac

3、tion (收缩力): preload (前负荷) :舒张末期压力或容积 afterload : Peripheral resistance (外阻) HR,影响心输出量的因素,Factors affecting the cardiac output,Cardiac output (每分输出量 ) = stroke volume(每搏输出量 ) HR,10,心脏代偿:,1.交感神经系统激活: force of myocardial contraction (收缩力) heart rate ( HR ) Peripheral resistance (外周阻力),blood pressure (

4、BP ) ,11,2. RAAS (+),ACE,Ang,促心肌细胞生长,心肌肥厚、心室重构,收缩血管,醛固酮,水肿,血管紧张素原,Ang,肾素,12,3. 精氨酸加压素分泌: 收缩血管 4 . 内皮素释放: 收缩血管、促生长 5 . NO :扩血管,13,Compensated HF(心衰代偿),Compensatory mechanisms preserve CO,Decompensated HF(心衰失代偿),Compensatory mechanisms fail to preserve CO,久,14,Current goals in HF management Slow the p

5、rogression of heart failure(延缓心衰进展) Improve patient quality of life (改善生活质量) Reduce patient symptoms (water retention, shortness of breath, etc.) associated with heart failure (减轻患者症状) Manage heart rhythm disturbances (治疗心律失常),15,心功能不全 (心缩力),CO ,代偿机制,交感NS活性,激活RAAS,血管收缩 水、钠潴留,心前、后负荷,耗氧,久,失代偿,循环衰竭,A 灌

6、注不足,V 淤血,正性肌力药,心脏负荷药 (利尿药、ACEI、扩血管药、等),其他, -R blockers,正性肌力药,强心苷类,非苷类:磷酸二酯酶抑制药,降低心负荷药,扩血管药,利尿药,RAAS抑制药,ACEI,AT1-R 拮抗药,抗醛固酮药, -R blockers,Classification of drugs used for CHF,17, 2 Cardiac glycosides (强心苷类),Cardiac glycosides are a group of steroid (甾类) compounds that exert a positive inotropic (正性肌力

7、) effect on the heart. They are used principally for the treatment of congestive heart failure and certain arrhythmias (心律失常).,洋地黄,内酯环,甾核,苷元,糖,【Pharamacokinetics】,【Pharmacological actions】,一、对心脏的作用( effects on the heart ),1. Positive inotropic action (正性肌力作用 ),Characteristics (特点),(1) Increase the f

8、orce of myocardial contraction directly and shorten the systolic phase. (直接加强心肌收缩力,缩短收缩期),舒张期相对延长,(2) Increase the cardiac output in patients with CHF. (增加心衰病人的CO),强心苷,force of contraction (收缩力) ,Peripheral resistance (外阻) ,CO,normal heart,CO,CO不变,Vasoconstriction 血管收缩,强心苷,CO,Sympathetic activity (交

9、感活性) ,force of contraction (收缩力) ,CO,Vasodilation 血管扩张,Peripheral resistance (外阻) ,failing heart,CO,Vasoconstriction 血管收缩,(3) Decrease the myocardial oxygen consumption (降低衰竭心脏的耗氧量),衰竭心脏,强心苷,儿茶酚胺类,心肌收缩力,HR,室壁张力,总耗氧量,拟肾上腺素药如Adr能否治疗CHF?,Question,24,mechanism of action, Na+-K+-ATPase Na+-K+exchange int

10、racellular Na+ Na+-Ca2+ exchange intracellularCa2+ the force of cardiac contraction,NKA,NCE,3Na+,2K+,digoxin,Na+ ,Ca2+ ,Ca2+,Na+,适度:therapeutic effect,重度: toxicity,细胞内失K+自律性、传导 细胞内Ca2+ 后除极,强心苷 (-)心肌细胞膜上Na+-K+-ATP酶 细胞内Na+ Na+- Ca2+交换 细胞 内Ca2+ 心肌收缩力,心律失常,(2) Increase the myocardial sensitivity to vagu

11、s nerve.(心肌对迷走N的敏感性),2. Negative chronotropic action (负性频率作用 ),(1) Reflex effect (反射作用) :,HR,心衰,心肌收缩力,CO ,交感活性,迷走功能,窦房结(+),强心苷,(-),27,3. Effects on the electrophysiological properties of the heart (对心脏电生理的影响) p.258,Automaticity conductivity ERP,SA node,atria,AV node,Purkinje,Other effects,1.CHF患者血浆肾

12、素活性 (-)RAAS Diuretic effect ( 利尿 ) (-)肾小管Na+-K+-ATP酶 Na+重吸收。 3. Vasoconstriction (收缩血管),Clinical Usage,1. CHF,伴房颤或心室率快的CHF疗效最佳 瓣膜病、高心、先心所致CHF-效好 肺源性心脏病、严重心肌损伤、 心肌炎所致CHF效差 缩窄性心包炎、二尖瓣狭窄所致CHF-无效,心肌收缩力,心输出量,心脏排空,静脉淤血,肺循环淤血,体循环淤血,肾血流量,水钠潴留,血容量,静脉压,醛固酮,强心苷,2. arrhythmias,(1) Atrial fibrillation(房颤) :,心房各部

13、位发出的极 快而细弱的纤维性颤动 (400 600次/分)。,atrial rate 400600 time/min ventricular rate 100200 time /min CO digoxin effects on the A-V node concealed conduction (隐匿性传导) ventricular rate(心室率),(2) Atrial flutter (房扑) : 心房发出的快而有规则的异位节律, 使心室率( 250 300次/分) 强心苷 缩短心房不应期房扑 转为房颤 心室率,(3) Paroxysmal supraventricular tachy

14、cardia (阵发性室上性心动过速),33,Adverse reactions treatment,1. 中毒原因 : (1) narrow margin of safety (安全范围小) (2) remarkable individual variation (个体差异大) (3)缺乏中毒早期诊断的敏感指标 (4)used in combination with diuretics (与排钾利尿药合用) :造成低血钾,诱发中毒,2. Toxic reactions (毒性反应),(1) Cardiac toxicity (心脏毒性),快速型心律失常: ventricular premat

15、ure beat (室性早搏 ) ventricular tachycardia (室性心动过速) ventricular fibrillation (室颤) 缓慢型心律失常: atrioventricular conduction block(房室传导阻滞) sinus bradycardia(窦性心动过缓),(2) GI reactions The earliest sign of toxicity.,Anorexia (厌食), nausea (恶心), vomiting (呕吐), diarrhea (腹泻),Notes: (1)区别中毒与用量不足 (2)剧烈呕吐、腹泻 失K+ 诱发、加重中毒,(3) CNS反应及视觉异常 (CNS reactions heteroptics ),CNS :fatigue (眩晕) 、headache (头痛) 、 insomnia (失眠) visual (视觉) disturbances : 黄视、绿视、复视等 -停药征之一,3. Treatment of intoxication (中毒救治),(1) 停药、补K


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