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1、 第四讲 否定、转折、比较类短对话 否定、转折、比较三种类型的听力试题都是四级听力测试中极常见的题型,它们有一个共同之处,即都有比较固定的专用词语和句法结构。熟练掌握和细心捕捉这类词语和结构是攻克这类试题的要领。 一、否定类对话要求考生对内容的肯定或否定加以判断。常见的否定类型有以下几种: 包含有否定词。常见的否定词有:no,no one,none,nobody,nothing,never,neither,nor, hardly,rarely,little,seldom,few。还有许多有否定词缀构成的词,如useless,impolite 等。 常见的否定词缀有:im-, un-,dis-,

2、non-,less。包含有含否定意义的词和词组,如:without, instead of,avoid,hate,deny,fail,refuse,ignore,dislike,overlook,miss,far from,short of, tooto,anything but,rather than 等。常用的否定结构有否定副词never,little,rarely 等开头的倒装句,以及双重否定结构如:not uncommon,No one can deny 等。一般否定句只是在肯定句中加否定词,意思明了,容易识别。而通过否定式句法结构产生的否定句型,意味复杂,容易出错。 二、 转折类对话

3、考查对说话人的侧重点进行辨别的能力。表示转折的词很多,如:but , or,otherwise,however,anyhow 等。在听力测试中连词but 最为常见,出现率很高。在这样的句子中,but 后面传递出来的信息往往受到强调,因此也往往成为解答问题的关键所在,考生对此应十分敏感,but 前面传递出的信息一般总是充当辅助信息。与but 相反,连词or 只是对前面的分句进行补充,说话人的重点仍在前一个分句上。另外but,or 是连词而otherwise,however 等是副词。 三、 比较类对话要求考生在两种或两种以上的事物的比较中得出结论。考生必须熟练掌握包括同级比较、比较级、最高级等多

4、种比较形式,理解各种比较结构所表达的含义。在做比较类型题时,一要抓住信息中心的比较对象,二要捕捉比较词,如same,like,asas,alike, different,different from,not the same 等,三要掌握同义词、反义词的替换,如preferto等于likemore than,I cant agree more 就等于I completely agree 等等。 常见的典型句式有: (not) as+adj./adv.+as; more/lessthan; the more,the more; twice (half) asas. 1 A. He would l

5、ike to go other country on vacation. B. He would save every penny he earns in order to go abroad. C. He is not able to go abroad because hell buy a car. D. Hed like to drive his car to go abroad. 2 A. She has worked there longer than I have. B. She hasnt worked anywhere for a long time. C. She doesn

6、t work there anymore. D. She finds a job before long with that company. 3 A. She was disappointed. B. She felt very bad. C. She was very confident. D. She was unprepared. 4 A. The exam was easy. B. The exam was hard. C. The exam time was too long. D. The last question was especially hard. 5 A. He di

7、d very well in science courses this semester. B. He hasnt taken enough courses in math. C. He likes math enough to continue with other science courses. D. He doesnt want to have any more science course. 6 A. Wait for his cousin. B. Go to the airport. C. Prepare dinner. D. Do homework. 7 A. Go to a g

8、ame. B. Eat her supper. C. Miss her class. D. Meet her friends any time. 8 A. It is going to be held as planned. B. It is postponed till next week. C. It is supposed to be held at seven oclock. D. It is replaced by a mask ball tonight. 9 A. She must be very careful. B. She will be affected. C. Both

9、A and B. D. She is not doing her job well. 10 A. The man will take the apartment. B. The man will not sleep well. C. The apartment is not good. D. The man will find an apartment elsewhere. 11 A. He should make an interesting decision between them. B. He should take neither of them since they are bot

10、h difficult. C. He should decide by his interest that which language he would learn. D. He should not make decision before he know more about them. 12 A. This summer is terribly hot. B. Last summer was even hotter. C. Today is the hottest day in this summer. D. The sun was brighter this morning than

11、 it is now. 13 A. It is not disgusting at all. B. It is more disgusting than expected. C. It is usually called disgusting. D. It is the most disgusting she has ever seen. 14 A. They should ask for the assignment after next week. B. They should remember the significant date. C. She should keep the mi

12、nute of her clock correct. D. She should finish her homework early. 15 A. It was in a quiet surrounding. B. It was very comfortable. C. It was not too far. D. It was inconvenient. 16 A. His injury kept him at home. B. He was too weak to see the doctor. C. He didnt think it necessary. D. He failed to

13、 make an appointment. 17 A. She is not interested in the papers. B. She has given the man much trouble. C. She would like to have a copy of the papers. D. She doesnt want to take the trouble. 18 A. Neither of them is successful. B. One of them is not very successful. C. Both plays are successful. D.

14、 They are a great failure. 19 A. The tape was missing. B. The tape had been returned to Paul. C. Jack lent his tape to Paul. D. Jack brought the tape to the party. 20 A. It has been reprinted four times. B. It is no longer available. C. It is temporarily out of stock in the store. D. This is a book out of date. 21 A. She saw on TV


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