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1、Reading,Step One 夯实基础,步步提升,第8讲 彰显水平的强调句、倒装句和There be句型,特殊句式是英语中的高级表达,其中,强调和倒装句型是最为常见的特殊句式,它们的准确使用能够彰显考生的英语水平,提高写作档次。另外,there be句型在写作中也是一种常见的高级表达。 一、重点突出的强调句型 强调句型可强调除谓语动词和表语外的其他任何成分,如主语、宾语、状语等。强调句型的灵活运用不仅有助于增强表达效果,突出要强调的重点,更能彰显考生对英语表达的把握能力。其基本结构为:It is/was被强调部分that/who其他。,(1)It is not only your enth

2、usiasm but also your teamwork and good spirits that impress us. 不仅是你们的热情,而且是你们的团队合作和良好的精神给我们留下了深刻的印象。(2016天津) (2)It was by reading it a third time that Tom got a thorough understanding of the passage. 汤姆读了三遍才彻底理解这篇短文。,1.强调句型的写法 在写作时,可以使用强调句型来提升句子的层次,写作时可采用“四步法”。 第一步:写出一个句子 I picked up an old bag on

3、the playground last Sunday. 第二步:找出要强调的句子成分 假如要强调地点状语on the playground。 第三步:确定强调句型的时态是is还是was 原句用了一般过去时,所以此处的强调句型也用一般过去时,即it was. 第四步:套用强调句型:It is/was被强调部分that其他。 It was on the playground that I picked up an old bag last Sunday.,2.强调句型的其他形式 (1)Is/Was it被强调部分that其他? Was it on that farm that his father

4、 spent his childhood? 是在那个农场里他的父亲度过了童年吗? (2)特殊疑问词is/was itthat其他? What was it that made the girl so sad that day? 是什么使那个女孩那天那么难过? (3)It is/was not until.that. It was not until he failed the exam that he realized that he was wrong. 直到他考试不及格,他才意识到自己错了。,3.在写作中使用强调句型时需要注意的问题 (1)被强调的是人时,强调句型中的that可换为who,

5、其余情况一律用that。,(误)It was on the playground where he got his left leg broken. (正)It was on the playground that he got his left leg broken. (误)It was last weekend when he ran into the stranger in the street. (正)It was last weekend that he ran into the stranger in the street.,(2)被强调的事物无论是单数还是复数,一律用is/was

6、。,(误)It were these new books that made the children so excited. (正)It was these new books that made the children so excited.,(3)强调句型不能用于强调谓语,如果强调谓语,用do/does/did动词原形。 I do hope you can accept my application and I promise to do all I can to help them. 我的确希望你能接受我的申请,我承诺会竭尽全力帮助他们。 (2018河南洛阳三模),即时训练1 用强调

7、句型完成句子 1.我昨天晚上在音乐会上看到的是你吗? I saw at the concert last night? 2.为什么足球赛必须被推迟? the football match must be put off? 3.所有这一切发生在周一晚上。 all this happened.,查看答案,Was it you that,Why was it that,It was on Monday night that,二、平衡句子的倒装句型 在写作中, 倒装句型应用比较广泛, 涉及的句型主要包括部分倒装和全部倒装。 1.“only状语”置于句首时,句子用部分倒装。 Only in this w

8、ay can we students study happily and effectively. 只有以这种方式, 我们学生才能愉快、有效地学习。(2015湖南) 2.none,neither,nor,not,never,hardly,little,seldom等否定词,以及由no构成的否定短语如at no time,by no means等置于句首时,句子用部分倒装。 Wang Hua is very strong-minded.By no means will he give in to the difficulties. 王华意志非常坚强,他决不会向困难屈服。,3.在so/such.t

9、hat.结构中,当so/such.位于句首时,其后的句子用部分倒装,但that从句不需要倒装。 So excited was I that I couldnt wait to try my hand at riding it. 我太激动了,迫不及待地想试着骑它。 4.as/though尽管(as引导让步状语从句时,从句必须用倒装结构;though引导让步状语从句时,从句也可不倒装) Young as/though she is,she knows how to get on well with her colleagues. 她虽然年轻,但是知道怎样和同事相处好。 5.were/should/

10、had.如果(if引导虚拟语气时,可省略if,从句部分倒装) Looking back,I feel I wouldnt be able to ride a bike had I lost heart. 回顾以往, 我感觉如果我失去了信心就学不会骑自行车。,6.here,there,now,then,out,in,up,down,on the wall,in the room等表示地点、时间或方位的副词或介词短语置于句首,且主语是名词而不是代词时,句子用全部倒装。 Next came the moment when I asked them to have a try themselves.

11、下一步,我让他们自己试一试。(2018北京),即时训练2 用倒装句型完成句子 1.直到那时他才意识到自己应该更努力学习。 that he should work harder. 2.李平那么幽默且乐于助人,所以我们都喜欢他。 that we all like him very much. 3.附在这个邮件上的是我为我的团队制定的培训计划,我希望你读一下并提出建议。(2018天津) I have worked out for my team,which I hope youll read and make some suggestions.,查看答案,Only then did he reali

12、ze,So humorous and helpful is Li Ping,Attached to this email is a training plan,三、there be 句型 1.there be的基本句型 (1)there be结构表示“某处有某物”,有不同的时态形式,而且可以和各种助动词、情态动词连用。 At eight on the morning of October 1,we are to gather at the gate of the Orient Hotel,and there will be a minibus waiting for us. 在10月1日早上8

13、点我们要在东方宾馆门口集合,将有一辆小型公共汽车等着我们。(2017浙江),There is plenty of fun for teenagers in summer,including going camping,going to the beach,going swimming at public pools and traveling locally with friends. 对于青少年来说,夏天有很多趣事,包括宿营、去海滨、在公共泳池游泳、与朋友在当地游玩。(2016四川) In spite of the large-scale construction of roads and

14、highways,there is still much room for improvement. 尽管大规模建设道路和公路,但仍有很大的改进空间。(2015江苏),(2)在there be 句型中,谓语动词和后面的主语在数上要保持一致。如果有两个或者更多的主语,则与离动词最近的那个主语保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”。 There is a pen,some books and a laptop on the desk. 桌子上有一支钢笔、一些书和一台笔记本电脑。 There are some books,a pen and a laptop on the desk. 桌子上有一些书、一支钢笔

15、和一台笔记本电脑。 2.there be的拓展句型 (1)There be主语现在分词/过去分词 (2)There be主语定语从句/同位语从句 (3)There be主语for sb. to do.,(4)There seems/appears to be.好像有 (5)There happens to be.碰巧有 (6)There is likely to be.可能有 (7)There used to be.过去有 (8)There is no doubt that.毫无疑问 (9)There is no need to do.没有必要做 (10)There is no possibi

16、lity that.是不可能的 (11)There is no sense/point (in) doing.做没有意义,(12)There is no denying that.不可否认 There is no doubt that you are supposed to know about the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance. 你应该提前了解唐朝的历史,这是毫无疑问的。(2017全国) There are a lot of problems for us to settle. 有很多问题等待我们来解决。 There are a great many boys playing football on the playground. 有很多男生在操场上踢足球。,即时训练3 翻译句子 1.楼后面有一棵生长了好多年的大树。 _


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