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1、高中英语动词练习一选择题(共60小题)1Is Peter coming?No,he _ his mind after a phone call at the last minute()AchangesBchangedCwas changingDhad changed2A plane of Air Asia crashed into the sea, all the passengers on board()AkillBkillingCkilledDto kill3Robert had a comfortable childhood,_ up in a pleasant house with a

2、 view of the sea()AgrewBgrowingCgrownDto grow4Nigel sent the girl a nice little note _ her for a drink()AinvitedBinvitingCto be invitingDinvite5I was bored staying here for years,_ whether I should try someplace different()AwonderedBto wonderCwonderingDwonder6_ in the business world for three months

3、,Dora got tired of it and decided to turn to teaching()ATo workBWorkingCWorkedDHaving worked7When _ a career,you should consider all the aspects of a job()AchooseBchoosingCchoseDchosen8_ out of money,we had to pick a cheap hotel for the night()ATo almost runBHave almost runCHad almost runDHaving alm

4、ost run9_ with the size of the whole universe,even the biggest star we can observe doesnt seem big at all()AWhen comparedBCompareCWhile comparingDComparing10With the governments aid,those _ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements()AaffectBaffectingCaffectedDwere affected11He got complete

5、ly _ when he saw both Lucy and Lily,who are twin sisters()AconfusingBconfusedCconfuseDconfuses12The first textbook _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century()Ahave writtenBto be writtenCbeing writtenDwritten13This drug is less likely to cause side effects when _ late

6、in the day()AtakingBtakenCto takeDtakes14The electronic dictionary that I got _ the other day cost me much money()ArepairedBrepairingCto repairDto be repaired15Though_at such a time,his works attracted much attention()Abeing publishedBpublishingCpublishedDto be published16Hosting and eventually winn

7、ing the soccer World Cup,_ as unachievable dreams in the past,have become serious goals for China under a national plan to make the sport a truly mass game()AregardingBhaving regardedCbeing regardedDregarded17Lydia,what did our head teacher say just now?Every boy and every girl as well as the teache

8、rs who_to lead the group_asked to be at the school gate before 6:30in the morning()Ais; isBare; areCare; isDis; are18It _ deliciousI would like to eat it()AcomesBsoundsClooksDtastes19Did you finish your work?No,I wasnt able to,_ you?()AareBwereCdontDhave20All we needa small piece of land where we ca

9、n plant various kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year()AareBwasCisDwere21How are you prepared for the new project?we have done much but a lot of equipment _()Ais remained to buyBare remained to buyCremains to be boughtDremain to be bought22What a pretty dress!And the materi

10、al _ so smooth and soft!()AfeelsBfeltCis feelingDis felt23Vegetables usually go _ as soon as we are at sea()AbadlyBbadCwellDsick24The university estimates that living expenses for international students _ around $ 8,450 a year,which _ a burden for some of them()Aare;isBare;areCis;areDis;is25Roberts

11、new book about space exploration is fantasticYou simply _ read it()AmustBcanCneedDmay26Where are my new sneakers?Have you seen them?How _ I know?Im your sister,not your servant()AshallBshouldCwillDmight27I told your friend how to get to the hotel,but perhaps I _ have driven her there()AcouldBmustCmi

12、ghtDshould28George decided it was such a rare car that he _ it only for a few exhibitions()AusedBwas usingChad usedDwould use29Fresh milk _ in the fridge,or it will go bad()Amay keepBmay be keptCmust keepDmust be kept30A traffic regulation released in a foreign country states that passengers sharing

13、 a car with a drunken driver _ be punished together with the driver himself()AshallBmustCcanDwill31You _ worry about meIve decided to join a local health club()AmustntBcantCneedntDdarent32George has travelled a lotHe _ speak four languages()AmustBcanCmayDneed33Mom!Jack has broken a cup!Doesnt matterAccidents _ happen()AshouldBmustCwillDshall34Tell me your secretI _It wouldnt be a secret if I told you()AwontBneedntCmightntDcouldnt35The earth is our only homeIf we dont care about it,who else _?()AwasBdoesCwillDhas36Its reported that the future generations are going to live longer than we _ now



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