2018-2019学年高二英语译林版选修七课下能力提升九 unit 3 section ⅱ word版含答案

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《2018-2019学年高二英语译林版选修七课下能力提升九 unit 3 section ⅱ word版含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019学年高二英语译林版选修七课下能力提升九 unit 3 section ⅱ word版含答案(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课下能力提升(九).单词拼写1According to official statistics (统计数字), the Japanese work longer hours than workers in most other industrialized countries.2It is hard to evaluate (评价) the effectiveness of the medicine now. We will have to wait for further reports.3In order to explore the source (源头) of the river, t

2、hey had to walk in the mountains for weeks.4The geography teacher spun the globe (地球仪) and told us where the Arctic Ocean was.5Telephone booths (亭) are all over our city, which brings us much convenience.完成句子1大部分的学生赞成减负,只有少数反对。The majority of the students are_in_favour_of reducing burden, and only a

3、 few are against it.2不动头脑记生词是浪费时间。It is a_waste_of_time_learning new words by heart without using your mind.3过去农民收成的好坏只能听命于天气。Whether peasants could have a good harvest or not used to be_at_the_command_of the weather.4要么你申请办个公司,要么我们都换个工作。Either_you apply to run a company, or_we change our jobs.5孩子们往

4、往会对电脑游戏有瘾。Children tend_to_get_addicted_to computer games.完形填空At my daughters presentation ceremony, the principal reminded the kids of that nowfamiliar truth: they could have multiple careers in their lifetimes. As I lay in bed that evening, another truth _1_ me that it is not just different career

5、s that _2_ each child.I _3_ my own life and how much it has _4_. Five years ago, I was in an unhappy marriage, living in a house that I felt wasnt mine. I felt _5_ most of the time and not _6_ my own future. Now, I live in my own beautiful apartment. My family life is peaceful, filled with _7_. My l

6、ife is barely _8_. I created a whole new reality.I have always _9_ that great change is possible. I am the greatgrandchild of immigrants who left their countries with few _10_. From the shtetls (犹太人小村庄) of Russia and Poland, they created their own communities.My parents moved to a _11_ city with two

7、 small children and started a life different from that in their hometown. And my late grandmother lived two completely different lives. _12_ she was a widow at 43 after my grandfather died suddenly, she _13_ her daughters alone, cared for her elderly mother and _14_ traveled out of her hometown. At

8、68, after being single for 26 years, she _15_ us all by falling in love and remarrying. She and her husband, Harry, socialized _16_, and traveled around the country.Life is full of _17_. We assume that our lives are linear (直线的), leading us from birth to death into a straight _18_. But they can chan

9、ge and have sharp _19_. They can double back and leap forward and begin another _20_ altogether.语篇解读:本文为一篇夹叙夹议文。作者在文中借助自己及自己亲人的生活经历表明了人生充满许多可能的观点。1A.hitBpromisedCattacked Dsuggested解析:选A根据上下文可知,作者突然意识到了另一条真理。hit“使突然意识到”,符合语境。promise“承诺”;attack“袭击,攻击”;suggest“建议,表明”。2A.hold back Bappeal toCwait for D

10、call on解析:选C根据上文的“the principal reminded the kids of that nowfamiliar truth: they could have multiple careers in their lifetimes”可知,作者突然意识到并不仅仅是不同的事业在等待着每个孩子。wait for“等待”,符合语境。hold back“阻挡;抑制”;appeal to“有吸引力;呼吁”;call on“邀请;要求”。3A.sought for Btried outCtook over Dreflected on解析:选D根据下文的内容可知,作者反思了自己的生活

11、。reflect on“反思”,符合语境。seek for“寻求”;try out“试验,试用”;take over“接管,接手”。4A.transformed BimprovedCabused Dsucceeded解析:选A根据下文作者所说明的自己的生活前后所发生的巨大变化可知,作者反思的是自己的生活发生了多大的改观。transform“使改观”,符合语境。improve“改善”;abuse“滥用”;succeed“成功”。5A.terrified BanxiousCcurious Dashamed解析:选B根据上文的“Five years ago, I was in an unhappy

12、marriage, living in a house that I felt wasnt mine.”可知,五年前,作者婚姻不幸且住在一个觉得不属于自己的房子中,故作者大多数时候感到焦虑,并觉得无法掌控自己的未来。anxious“忧虑的,焦虑的”,符合语境。terrified“非常害怕的,极度恐惧的”;curious“好奇的”;ashamed“羞愧的”。6A.in control of Bin defence ofCin honor of Din place of解析:选A参见上题解析。in control of“掌控,控制”,符合语境。in defence of“保卫”;in honor

13、of sb./sth.“为了表示对的崇敬”;in place of“代替,取代”。7A.noise BdevotionCadmiration Dlaughter解析:选D根据上文的“Now, I live in my own beautiful apartment. My family life is peaceful”可知,作者现在住在自己漂亮的公寓中,家庭生活平静安宁,充满了欢笑。laughter“笑,笑声”,符合语境。devotion“奉献,忠诚”;admiration“钦佩,赞赏”。8A.bearable BrecognizableCsuitable Dacceptable解析:选B根

14、据上文提及的作者前后生活的对比以及设空后的“I created a whole new reality.”可知,作者创造了一个全新的现实生活,故可推知作者现在的生活(和以前的相比)很难被认出来。recognizable“容易认出的;易于识别的”,符合语境。bearable“可忍受的;能应付的”;suitable“合适的”;acceptable“可接受的,令人满意的”。9A.imagined BdoubtedCbelieved Dremembered解析:选C根据语境可知,作者一直都相信巨大的变化是可能发生的。believe“相信”,符合语境。imagine“想象”;doubt“怀疑”;reme

15、mber“想起,记起”。10A.contacts BbelongingsCexpectations Ddevices解析:选B根据上文的“who left their countries with few”并结合选项可知,此处指携带很少的财物离开他们自己的国家。belonging用作复数时,表示“财物;财产”,符合语境。contact“熟人;社会关系”;expectation“期望”;device“装置”。11A.poor BremoteCstrange Dwealthy解析:选C根据下文的“started a life different from that in their hometown”可知,作者的父母搬去了一个陌生的城市。strange“陌生的”,符合语境。remote“遥远的,偏僻的”。12A.Since BUntilCWhen DAlthough解析:选A根据下文的“_ she was a widow at 43 after my grandfather died suddenly, she _ her daughters alone”可知,


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