海南省海口十四中:unit 7 topic 1(section c)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)

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海南省海口十四中:unit 7 topic 1(section c)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)_第2页
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1、Unit7 Topic1 SectionC学习目标:1.掌握本section 的生词和短语。Regret, gather ,group, member, roof, birthplace, former, purpose, in order to.2. 学生能进一步掌握宾语从句的用法。3. 学生能正确掌握邀请函的写作。重点:1. 能向别人简单介绍Craig Kielburger的事迹。2. 进一步掌握宾语从句的用法。难点:写出简单的邀请函。课前预习:1. 自学本课的生词和短语,大声朗读并熟记。2.自己阅读1a并找出短语邀请去 参加_12岁大的_开始工作_ 相反,而不是_ 与作斗争_决定做某事_

2、 盖得很糟_ 结果_改变.生活_ 做出改变_3.大声朗读1a,看自己能否流利的朗读,注意自己的语音和语调。4尝试完成1a里的判断和1b检查自己是否理解课文。语言知识 1.Thank you for inviting me to your food festival. Thank you for doing sth.“因.而感谢” E.g:感谢你帮助我。Thank you for helping me.2.He knew children should go to school instead of working in factories all day. instead of “代替;而不是

3、” E.g:我是否可以要可乐来代替果汁? Could I have cola instead of juice?3.He decided to fight against the bosses. fight against“与.作斗争/抗争”4.As a result,a bad man killed him. as a result “结果”教学过程:一、预习展示1.Check the students have read the new words and expresses , get several students to real them aloud, other students

4、 correct.2. Ask some students to read the passage aloud and help other students from other groups evaluate.3.Translate the key sentences into Chinese: Thank you for inviting me to your food festival._I regret that I cannot come. _ It changed my life._ He decided to fight against the bosses. _.I beli

5、eve one person can make a change._ 二、合作学习展示1.Read 1a and finish the T or F exercises in it, ask the students to show answers and evaluate.2.Work in groups to complete the table in 1c, get some students to show the answers , other students from different groups correct them.3.In pairs make a conversa

6、tion with the help of 1b, let some pairs of students to act it out ,other students evaluate.三、巩固落实1.Group work: discuss what you will do for Free the Children, then write down the sentences about that.Finish part2.2.Complete the invitation to one of Kangkangs friends, alone, then share it with the w

7、hole class. Ask some students to show the answers ,other students correct. Read the invitation aloud.四、当堂检测根据汉语完成下列句子。1.他在乡下度过他的童年。He spent his_ in the countryside.2.他不专心听老师讲课,结果他考试不及格。 He didnt listen to the teacher carefully in class,_ _ _, he failed the exam.3.在你们小组里面有多少个成员? How many _ are there in your _?4.我们应该走路而不是坐公车上学。We should walk _ _ taking a bus to school.5.为了按时到达学校,他每天都不得不早点起床。 He gets up early every day_ _ _ get to school on time.


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