海南省海口十四中:unit 5 topic 1(section d)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)

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海南省海口十四中:unit 5 topic 1(section d)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)_第2页
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1、Section D.课前预习:1. 复习本话题前面三个部分并独自完成Grammar and Functions 部分。2. 从Part1阅读文章里找出下列单词和词组:形成;成立 主要地 与某人和解 和平 文化 手势,姿势 中国文化的重要的部分_.过去受老年人的欢迎_.3. 阅读part1 ,理解课文,完成Part1里的回答问题任务,大声朗读课文.4. 理解并掌握:1、be full of 装满,充满,同义词组为be filled with .eg:杯子里装满了牛奶。The glass milk.=the glass milk.in the end (同义词) , (反义词) Teaching

2、procedure:.预习展示:1. Work in groups,read the text in groups loudly and then ask several groups to read the passage in class.2. Ask some students to finish writing out the phrases: 形成;成立 主要地 与某人和解 和平 文化 手势,姿势 中国文化的重要的部分_.过去受老年人的欢迎_.合作学习展示:1. Get the students to read Part1 again and finish the task in P

3、art1 in groups and present it in class.(assessing)2. Go through “Grammar and Functions” with the students, checking the answers and explaining sth important.3. Part 2a: Work in pairs and talk about the pictures with the help of the key words.4. Writing practice.2b.Get the students to do it in groups

4、 and present their writing in class.当堂检测:根据句意及汉语提示完成下列各题: 1.Chinese _(文化) is more and more popular around the world. 2.More and more young people _(变得对.感兴趣) Beijing Opera. 3.What is his _(角色) in the play?The old king. 4.People all over the world love_(和平). 5.Li Xiang finished his task with a strong _(手势)。 6.The custom _(形成)about two hundred years ago. 7.You should _(与.和解)him and become good friends. 8.Zhao Benshan _(受.欢迎)the young and the old. 9.The room _(装满) all kinds of books.


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