海南省海口十四中:unit 5 topic 3(section a)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)

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海南省海口十四中:unit 5 topic 3(section a)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)_第2页
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1、Topic 3. Many things can affect our feelings. Section A学习目标:1.掌握生词与词组:test,nervous,speech.2.掌握的句型:(1)Hello,Kangkang!This is Michael speeking. (2) I get so nervous when I give a speech.3.重点:简单句的六中基本句型,即:S+V, S+V+O, S+V+P, S+V+O+OC, S+V+IO+DO, There be.4.难点:能通过图文信息掌握有关表达情感的方法并与别人进行交流。课前预习:1.阅读1b里的问题,然

2、后带着问题阅读1a.回答1b 的问题。2.译一译:做演讲_.考试_.变得紧张_ 骑自行车:_.摔落._.3.根据1a的理解完成1c.4.熟读4a 中的6个句子,仔细观察、思考它们的句型结构并把它们填在4b 中对应的括号里。思考:英语的简单句有6种基本句型,它们分别是:主语+谓语,主语+谓语+宾语,_,_,_及There be 结构。Teaching procedure:.预习展示:1.Ask the students to read 1a loudly.(Evaluating).2.Translate: 做演讲_.考试_.变得紧张_ 骑自行车:_.感到轻松._摔落._. (1)Hello,Ka

3、ngkang!This is Michael speeking. (2) I get so nervous when I give a speech.3. Answer the questions in 1b to check if they can understand 1a.(assessing).4. Retell 1a according to the key words: speaking, wrong, test, nervous, relax, speech,get when, CD, practice, relaxed, really5.Finish checking 4a a

4、nd 4b to know about if they understand the grammar .Ask the students to make some sentences .合作学习展示:1.Finish 1c.Work in groups and then finish it by showing the answers in class.(assessing).2. Part 2.Finish this task by working in groups and discussing the following questions: (1)How do you feel whe

5、n you give a speech? (2)If your friend is worried about his/her speech,how will you help him/her?3.Part 3.Listening-skill traning.Finsh the tasks in 3 together. .巩固落实:1.Ask the students to make sentences based on 4a.2.译一译:运动过后,我感到很轻松。_. 流行音乐通常是我高兴。_.当堂检测:根据句子意思及中文提示完成下列各题。1.Dont be _(紧张的).Take it ea

6、sy.2.Jane was very happy because she got an “A” in the maths_(测试).3.The film was too _(无聊的) and it made me feel bored.4.At the meeting,Mr.Wang made a long _(演讲) yesterday afternoon.5.Mike _ _(摔落)his bike and got hurt.根据中文意思完成下列句子,每空一词.1.昨天李老师给我们做了一个关于保护动物的演讲。 Mr.Li _ _ _ _ on protecting animals yesterday.2在众人面前说话常会使我变得紧张. Speaking in public usually makes me _ _. 3.我们昨天进行了一次英语测试。 We _ _ _ _ yesterday.4.放轻松些,一切会好起来的。 _ _ _.It will be OK.5.因为一个月的努力,艳芳的数学考试终于及格了。 _ _ one-month hard work, Yanfang passed the math exam finally.


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