广东省新宁中学:unit 5 topic 2 how often do you have an english classl(section b)教案(仁爱版七年级下册)

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《广东省新宁中学:unit 5 topic 2 how often do you have an english classl(section b)教案(仁爱版七年级下册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省新宁中学:unit 5 topic 2 how often do you have an english classl(section b)教案(仁爱版七年级下册)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、I. Material analysis 本节课是第五单元话题二的第二课时,主要活动是1a和2a。通过在图书馆借阅图书的对话呈现进行礼貌询问的有关句型,如“Excuse me, may I borrow some English workbooks?”, “How long can I keep them?”和”You must return them on time.”等。此外,本课还将通过听录音选择正确的单词或短语的方式呈现Michael在失物招领处询问遗失物品的对话,训练学生抓住关键信息的听力技巧。通过本课的学习,学生将能够通过阅读失物招领、寻物启事及相关信息模仿写一则启事,训练他们的信

2、息转换能力。由于文化的不同,学生可能对于失物招领的英语表达缺乏实际的操练经验,因此教师应该在课堂上创设情境,让学生在情境中自然感受并操练本课的语法和功能,学会礼貌借书、礼貌寻物。II. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话中:borrow, workbook, course, of course, use, look for, shelf (shelves), keep, must, return, on time, newspaper, Lost and Found, money, wallet 能用有关

3、图书馆借阅图书的表达法进行礼貌询问以及在情景对话中表达“借书和失物招领处寻找丢失物品”等语言功能,如:(1)Excuse me, may I borrow some English workbooks?Of course.(2)How long can I keep them?Two weeks.(3)You must return them on time.Sure, I will.(4)What are you doing?Im looking for my wallet.能正确运用现在进行时的用法。2.Skill aims能听懂借阅图书的简单对话并做出恰当的反应;能听懂通过失物招领询问丢

4、失物品的对话;能根据图文就借阅图书和寻找丢失的物品等话题进行交流;能够在图片的帮助下读懂体现校园生活的图书馆借书、遗失声明、失物招领等对话,并按要求进行语言活动;能仿照例子写出简单的失物招领或寻物启事。3.Emotional aims能够根据有关图书馆借书的对话,养成遵守规章制度的意识;能通过与他人合作共同完成任务,养成同学间的合作精神。III. The key points and difficult points1.Key points 正确使用在图书馆借阅图书进行礼貌询问的有关句型。2.Difficult points 仿照例子写出简单的失物招领或寻物启事。IV. Learning st

5、rategies1.能够利用现实生活中的学习资源,如图书馆等;2.能够使用手势和面部表情帮助自己进行表达。V. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. Group work. 3. Individual work and pair work.1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2.

6、 Separate the class into three groups. One group write down the names, one write places and the third one write the actions. Then some students choose some cards from different groups and try to organize the sentences with the places, the actions and the names, using the “Present Continuous”. 3. Cha

7、nge the sentence patterns according to the teacher. Then check the answers with your partner.e.g.(1)I am reading an English book. (对画线部分提问)(2)Is she doing some cleaning in the room?(改为肯定句)(3)Wang Li and Li Mei are dancing in the gym.(对画线部分提问)(4)Wang Wei and Lin Tao are doing some cleaning in the lab

8、.(对画线部分提问).1.Get students ready for learning.2. Help the students revise the “Present Continuous”.3. Help the students revise different sentence patterns of the “Present Continuous”.Presentation (10 minutes)1. Individual work.2. Individual work and pair work. 3. Individual work and pair work.4.The w

9、hole class work, individual work and pair work.1.Do 1a. Look at the pictures and the teachers gestures and learn some new words: workbook, shelf, newspaper, borrow, use, of course, loof for, keep, must, return, on time. 2. Match the new words with the meanings individually. Then check the answers wi

10、th your partner. 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words. Then check the answers with your partner.borrow, keep, look for, return, shelf, on time, use, newspaper, workbook This is a school library. Teachers and students can _ for their work and study. For example, they can _ s

11、ome interesting storybooks and workbooks from it. Usually, a library also has some _ for the readers, too.Look! Mary is in the library now. She is _ _ an English _ on the _. She wants to borrow it and _ it for two weeks. But she must _ it _ _.4. Do 1b. Look at the pictures in 1a. Try to answer the t

12、wo questions, “Where is it?”, “What are they doing?” Look at the sentences in 1b. Predict the listening material in 1a. Then listen to the tape and mark T or F in 1b. Check the answers with your partner.1. Help the students learn some new words with the help of the pictures and gestures. Get them re

13、ady for the next step.2. Help them remember the new words again.3. Help the students learn to use the new words in the given situation. 4.Make the students learn to look at the pictures and sentences to predict before listening.Consolidation (5 minutes)1. The whole class work and group work.1. The w

14、hole class read after the tape. Then read 1a in groups. Underline the key sentences, like “Excuse me, may I borrow some English workbooks?”, “How long can I keep them?”, “You must return it on time.”, “Excuse me, do you have any English newspapers?”1. Play the tape recorder. Make the students pay attention to the sentence intonation and pronunciation.Practice(10 minutes)1. Individual work and pair work.2. Individual work and pair work.3. Pair work.1.Do 2a. Look at the picture in 2a. Answer the teachers questions and learn some new words from the picture.



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