外研版九年级下英语module 8 教案1

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1、模块备课表(模块备课计划)科目:英语 第6 册第 8 模块 日期2009 . 教学目标1) To revise and consolidate the use of infinitive.2) To use the following words and expressions correctly.Such as:dialogue,line,nurse,recite,role,row,servant,bit,front,musical,in the open air,Japanese,industry,trade3) To talk about something about performa

2、nce and games.4) To listen to the dialogue about performance and games and catch the details of the listening using predicating and inferring .5) To read the dialogue about introducing the city that we live in and some places.6) To write the entertainment life about the city that we live in.重点难点1)To

3、 grasp the key words and expressions.2)To talk about something about performance and games.3)To listen to the dialogue about performance and games and catch the details of the listening using predicating and inferring .4)To read the dialogue about about introducing the city that we live in and some

4、places.5)To write the entertainment life about the city that we live in.主要内容及分析 本模块的中心话题是“城市生活,内容涉及“观看戏剧表演” “介绍不夜成纽约”等。语言技能和语言知识都是依据中心话题展开的。第一单元从谈论罗密欧与朱丽叶的图片开始,引入本单元的话题-观看戏剧表演。下面的对话以托尼的妈妈询问演出的情况展开,谈到了剧情和演员的表演以及托尼观看戏剧的感受等。对话中突出体现了动词不定式的用法,学生们可以在学习中对话的过程中复习,巩固不定式的用法和意义。第二单元的话题是不夜城纽约,文章介绍了纽约的娱乐活动和场所。第三

5、单元的任务是帮助学生巩固动词不定式的用法,检测重要词汇,同时加强阅读并完成模块任务。方法及手段Individual, pair and group work to make every student active in class.Communicative approach;Bottom-up approach;Formal and interactive practice and task-based approach.课时划分Unit1 (1)Unit 2(2)Unit 3(1)Revision(1)Module 8课时备课(教案)课题Unit 1 I was pleased to s

6、ee it.课型Listening and speaking第 1 课时教学目标知识目标1.To understand the main contents of the conversation through listening and reading.2.To answer the questions about the conversation by inferring and analysing.能力目标1.To get some information from the listening materials and reading.2.To tell partners advice

7、 about listening to real English.情感目标To train the students healthy interest and hobbies so that they can have a better life.内容分析重 点1) To understand the main contents of the conversation through listening and reading.2)To answer the questions about the conversation by inferring and analysing.难 点To te

8、ll partners advice about listening to real English.To revise the use of infivitive.关 键 点Key structures: I was pleased to see it,but three hours is a long time to stay still. The best place to sit is in the front row. The best way is to read the play before you see it.教法学法Communicative and Interactiv

9、e approach;Top-down approach.教具学具Tape-recorder, computer, 教学程序教材处理师生活动时间一:Warming-up:Activities 1 and 2.(They can remember the words in their brains and train the students abilities of observation and analysis at the same time.)First I will show the pictures on the screen of the computer.The student

10、s will look at the picture and talk about it in pairs.A2.(Do some listening)They will read the words and the sentences and make sure they can undersatnd them.Then listen to the tape and finish them.Finally work in pairs.二Listening and reading(A3-A5):A 3 .(The students can learn toEvaluate the actors

11、 performance and other things through listening to dialogue in order to know more about”Romeo and Juliet” .)A4.(The students can be trained to grasp the details content through listneing to the conversation.)1. Listen to the conversation and try to answer two questions.(1)Which company was the play

12、acted by?(2)What is the best way beofore they see it?Work in pairs.One asks and the other answers.2. Read the conversation by themselves and try to complete Activity 4.Correct the answers together.3.Work in groups of two.(1)Try to understand the meaning of the dialogue.(2)Underline the key expressio

13、ns and pay attention to The subject and object agreement.(3)Do some reading.Work in groups of five.教学程序教材处理师生活动时间三A5.(Well do with it so that we can check the studentsunderstanding the conversation.It can train the students analysis of unerstanding the details and they can do some writing.)Read the

14、sentences and make sure they can understand them.and have the students finish them in pairs.Call back answers from the whole class.板书设计Module 8 On the townUnit 1 I was pleased to see it.The key language points:1. be pleased to do sth2. be acted by3. kill oneself教学后记Module 8课时备课表(教案)课题Unit 2 Its a wo

15、nderful town.课型Reading第 2 课时教学目标知识目标To learn more expressions and new vocabulary.能力目标To get the main idea and specific information of the reading material .To infer some information through analysing the passage .情感目标To train the students healthy interest and hobbies so that they can have a better life.内容分析重 点To learn some key words and expressions.To get the main idea and specific information of the reading material .To infer some information th



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