unit6 topic 2 who is your favorite character in literature 教案3(仁爱版九年级下)

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1、 主持人:时间参加人员地点办公室主备人课题Unit6 Topic2 Section B教学目标1、知识与技能:1. Learn some new words and a phrase: in ones view, fly, kiss2. Learn a proverb: One tree cant make a forest.3. Learn how to describe literary works.4. Learn about Chinese classical literature and western literature.5. Cultivate the students coo

2、perative spirit.2、过程与方法:Review, Presentation, Consolidation, Practice, Project3、 情感态度与价值观:Harry Potter and the monkey king 两个英雄人物,展示了正义之身,说明了朋友的重要性重、难点及考点分析There are difference between Attributive clauses and object clauses.课时安排One period教具使用录音机/挂图/图片教 学 环 节 安 排 备 注 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习首先让学生复述上节课1a的

3、内容,然后检查上节课布置的作业,引导学生谈论文学作品的作者,主要人物及其性格特征,引入新课。1. (找几名学生介绍顾恺之和凡高。)T:Who can tell me something about the painters of last lesson?S1: Gu Kaizhi was a Chinese painter in the Dongjin dynasty. He was quite good at painting figures. And the landscapes in his works also look attractive S2:Vincent van Gogh w

4、as a Dutch painter. He was famous for his painting, Sunflowers. His paintings are very lively with bright colors 2. (检查作业。让学生把自己阅读的文学作品的作者、主人公及其性格特征及作者的写作风格向大家汇报。)T: Lets check your homework. Who is the volunteer? Please report it to the class.(教师可先提供示范。)T: This book is called Yongzheng Dynasty. Its

5、 mainly about Emperor Yongzheng. Yongzheng was very powerful. He made a great contribution to the dynasty. Eryuehe always writes stories about Chinese emperors, especially the emperors of the Qing dynasty.S3: This book is called Its mainly about .S4: .T: Well done! In this lesson, lets talk about an

6、other two books and their characters.(出示西游记和哈利波特两本书的相关图片,引出新课。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现用上述两本小说的相关图片,引导学生谈论小说主人公的性格特点,学习1a中的重点语言项目及部分生词,并适时地对学生进行情感教育。1. (呈现小说西游记主人公的图片,让学生们描述其内容,为后面对各个角色的描述作铺垫。)T:What can you see in the picture?Ss: We can see four people.T:Who are they?Ss:They are the characters in

7、 Journey to the West.(对于这个回答,教师可以给出适当的提示,也可以用这四个人名来回答。)T: Great! Journey to the West is one of the four classic novels of Chinese literature.(板书并让学生理解literature;了解classic。)classic, literature(教师继续提问。)T: Which character do you like best?(学生们可以给出不同的回答。)S1: I like the Monkey King best.S2: I like Sandy

8、best.S3: I like Pigsy best.S4: I like Xuanzang best.(当学生们给出不同的回答后,教师提问他们喜欢这一角色的原因,引导学生们对其性格特点做出描述。)T:Why do you like the Monkey King?S1:Because he is funny and clever.T:Why do you like Sandy?S2:Because he is kind and helpful.T:Why do you like Pigsy?S3:Because he is fat and lazy. He likes eating very

9、 much. He is very funny.T:Why do you like Xuanzang?S4:Because he can say magic words to control the Monkey King.(教师总结学生们的回答,并对其进行情感态度方面的教育。)T: Xuanzang was nearly eaten by his enemies. With the help of the other three, he was saved at last.2. (呈现哈利波特的图片,让学生们描述其内容,为后面对各个角色的描述作铺垫。)T:What can you see i

10、n the picture?Ss:We can see some children.T:Who are they?Ss:They are Harry Potter and his friends.T:Which character do you like best?S5:.S6:.(允许学生们给出不同的回答,然后问喜欢的原因。)T:Why do you like ?S7:Because .(教师总结学生们的回答。)T: Harry is clever and brave. But in my view, without the help of his friends he wouldnt be

11、come a hero.板书并让学生掌握。)in ones view(总结学生们对两幅图的描述,加上一些适当的提示,对学生进行情感方面的教育,培养其乐于与他人合作的精神,使其形成注重和谐及积极向上的品质。)T: The Monkey King is clever and powerful, but he cant succeed by himself. His two friends give him a lot of help. Harry Potter is very brave and clever, but he cant beat his enemies by himself. He

12、 would not become a hero without the help of his friends. From that we know one tree cant make a forest. We must know how to work together with others. Then we can make a great success. Now lets listen to 1a and know more about the characters in the novels.(板书画线部分并让学生猜句意。)One tree cant make a forest

13、.3. (用小黑板板书问题,让学生带着任务听1a,锻炼其从材料中获取信息的能力。)T: Now please listen to 1a. Then answer the following questions:(1)In order to help Harry, what did Harrys friends do?(2)Whats Kangkangs view?(听录音后,师生共同核对答案。)Key:(1)They read many books and discovered the best way to defeat their enemies.(2)Neither the Monkey

14、 King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固巩固1a,完成1b。1. (三人一组表演1a,加深对对话的理解。)T: Lets act the dialog out. Work in groups of three.2. (小组活动,让大家一起讨论并填写表格。)T: Lets work in groups of four, and discuss the characters in 1a with your group members

15、. Then fill in the chart and check () your favorite character.3. (选两位学生作汇报,其他学生一起核对并对其进行补充,然后师生一起补全表格中人物的性格特征,完成1b。)S1: is my favorite character. Because S2: is my favorite character. Because characterThe monkey kingsandypigsyHarry potterHarrys friendsCharacteristicsfunny, clever, brave honest,wise,helpfulkind,funny,a little lazy brave, handsome,kind helpful,wise Your favoritecharacter(可用小黑板或幻灯片展示上面的表格。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习学生


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